Brig needs help

Just look at the hard data that we have. Something’s been wrong for a long time. People are either too salty/hateful to admit she needs help, or too scared, or too indifferent.

She’s between dead last and 3rd lowest place AKA below average, for nearly every category in every rank for the past half year. The only anomaly is a spike up to slightly above average winrate in the lowest ranks, Bronze, and Silver.

That’s probably due to the much lower gamesense/reaction time in those ranks. But when we get past those, and into average games all the way up to the best of the best, she’s still the bottom of the barrel or slightly above bottom.


Pickrate: 7th place
Winrate: 3rd place

Pickrate: 7th place
Winrate: 3rd place

Pickrate: 7th place
Winrate: 5th place

Pickrate: 7th place
Winrate: 5th place

Pickrate: 6th place
Winrate: 7th place

Pickrate: 6th place
Winrate: 7th place

Pickrate: 5th place
Winrate: 6th place

Pickrate: 7th place
Winrate: 5th place

And now for your burning responses to why she doesn’t need help:

“Overbuff doesn’t matter because I say so.”

“Overbuff stats are meaningless; they only show registered people. If we only have partial data on something, it’s useless. We can ONLY use data if 100% of players on earth are represented. Slices of data, the largest slices we possibly can have, are meaningless bro.”

“Overbuff is inaccurate because Sym is still in support category. Ha, owned you. Schooled you.”

Sym's presence on Overbuff does not matter.

She's dead last in pickrate for every rank, AKA 8th place. That means Brig is 7th place when Sym is on Overbuff stats, and Brig is still 7th place if Sym didn't exist.

For Winrate, Sym was skipped over, as she’s always 1st with a few exceptions where she’s 2nd. I still put Brig as “7th place” even though on the chart she is in 8th. I’m not dumb, I know how to adjust places to account for this :stuck_out_tongue:

“Streamer blablabooeygirl9000 got to top 10 with her, she’s fine”

“I personally one tricked Brig to (insert rank), she doesn’t need buffs. My subjective experience makes everything from the rest of playerbase invalid.”

“Guyz remember launch Brig from 3.5 years ago? She was so OP right?? (derailed thread)”

“Guyz remember GOATS? Lucio doesn’t exist, Brig solely caused GOATS, she made all my friends and favorite streamer quit OW, she ruined my credit score and made my Dog run away and crashed the economy of Croatia.”

“Brig has a 5 damage single target short range 0.75s stun that doesn’t go thru barriers and is being removed in OW2, she doesn’t need more buffs.”

"No other support has a shield that shatters in 0.1 sec of focus fire, she is fine. (ignores how nearly all other supports have some combination of self healing over time outside of combat, big mobility, or good ranged damage output)

“She has the best ult in the game (doubt)”

“She invalidates Tracer just by existing (hyper doubt)”

“She deserves to be last or close to last in everything bc she is braindead skill-less kit”

“You’re still trying to play her like launch Brig!”

“All these tens of thousands of people are playing her wrong bruh, I am a crystal ball seer and can see this with my spirit magic eyesight, that’s why she’s dead last or close to it in every rank in every stat for year(s) now. It can’t possibly be that she needs kit rework/buffs.”

“Here’s 92 youtube guides on Brig tips, you, Cake, are personally playing her wrong, (covers eyes and ears to the data and pretend like it doesn’t exist)”

Why did I make this topic when she’s getting reworked in OW2? Idk,

I guess I’m just afraid they’re doing the “remove stun, give 45 more damage and xtra range on bash, lower healing in-combat” and call her rework done

Or that they won’t touch her for the next year or two until OW2 comes out

I’m mainly tired of people ridiculing me for suggesting that she needs help or changes to her current kit. The data keeps piling up, more and more. It keeps showing across all ranks she sits at bottom or right above bottom.

It’s been like this for a long time, except a period last year where she was doing decent in GM, AKA the top 1% of players, therefore the 99% of others’ opinions on Brig don’t matter as Blizz only balances for the elite 1% and OWL. I’m just tired of it…

Some people’s minds are so invariably and permanently warped, they do so much mental gymnastics to attack anything and everything pro-brig written around here, that it’s baffling and hilarious. To them, because she was a monster almost 4 years ago, she deserves to be poopy until the end of time. That’s petty, childish, unhealthy way of looking at balance

Notice how I didn’t mention a single time my own subjective experiences or results playing Brig myself. I only brought forth data, the largest hard-data we have, that isn’t touched or altered by subjective experiences or opinions

That is, unless Blizz releases internal stats for Hero’s performances for the entire playerbase, but that’s never gonna happen


Is a TLDR too much to ask? I am way to uninterested to read that wall of text…

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Brig needs kit changes/buffs because she’s got garbage winrate/pickrate for all ranks at dead last place/slightly above for years now

I use overbuff data to show this, then list every single common response people give, as to why she does not need buffs/changes


You literally answered why all these stats are completely pointless and inaccurate. I agree brig needs changes but dont use overbuff lol.

Overbuff has always, and will always be very inaccurate and never paint the full picture.


brig is played a lot in gm rn and is still broken.


Brig is fine.

In fact, I’d argue Brig is still overtuned, the community is just playing her wrong.


I’ve always been curious why they don’t release the stats for hero performance like other companies do? Like seige does this and it gives a good analyse of how each hero is doing, also helps to assuage all the petty naysayers. Also the seige devs are fairly vocal about why they make certain changes while overwatch team doesn’t really give much detail.


Devs indicated Brig is getting reworked for OW2 so I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Probably won’t be any big balance changes before then.


Inb4 “she’s strong in GM so no”


Statistics alone aren’t meaningful data. There’s no context behind the data.

Brig is the best main support (imo) with unrivalled peel potential when ran with/into the right comps.


You were too late friend; Forums lightning fast with their Brig Bias :laughing:

Brig needs help - #5 by Stooks69-1273

To OP, I agree totally! Even though overbuff is using registered stats, thats still stats. Would love to see what others offer as “True evidence” that Brig is fine.

But honestly, here before the Vain God King of the Forums decides he needs to crusade for how Brig is if anything, “Under utilised by the community, as I do great as her”.


Why did you pick last 6 months? She’s become meta recently again.
Last 3 months: 5.04% PR GM
3.29% PR masters.
That seems pretty decent (and yes I am a brig main, I think she’s actually really good)


The Brig rework in Overwatch 2 is honestly horrible. 45 more damage and a shorter CD shield bash means nothing when you heal less and have less health. The stun was also good because it helped against heroes like Traces, Doom, Ball but now she gets stomped by those heroes.

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Because more recent gm stats don’t fit their narrative. Just like her dominance in pro play also wouldn’t.


Brigitte is a healer, so they would never buff her. Not even worth asking for.

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I need help.


One of the reasons why I disregard much of the community and won’t be playing OW2 if Brig is unchanged from her proposed changes.

Despite showing the actual stats and numbers staring people in face, they will still rag on Brig.

She’s the least picked support in the game, does less damage than Lucio, does the least amount of healing other than Zen, and has a high deaths per 10.

And their rebuttal is that the overwhelming majority of Brigitte mains are playing her wrong.


Hint: If most players are playing her wrong, then that’s a design problem, not a player problem.

No, I don’t judge by just what GMs are doing to see how well a hero is performing. I prefer to look at the whole playerbase. But these forums only care about how well the top 5% of the playerbase use her.

I won’t even mention that Brig isn’t fun to play in this thread, mostly because these forums don’t even care if the hero is actually fun to play for their mains.

Instead, I’ll just agree with OP as an actual Brigitte main.


There is a reason why Brig got her 25 hp buff instantly reverted, any buff she get will completely break her.


How would you change Brig?

Full rework or some other changes?

Brig is currently just a couple percentage points away from being the #1 most picked support in GM if that matters, and is typically the #1 support in OWL

I have arrived

P.S. I love Brig

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