Brig needs help

not any buff would. a slight reduction to her shield deployment would just make her feel better. 225 hp made her able to frontline again but still with some limitations, it’s just like with Cassidy. 25 extra health broke Cassidy, even after his 2 nerfs. and it broke brig even more because she has double the things Cassidy has.

extra hp isn’t the solution, buffing somewhere else like her shield deployment or her bash damage.

For the record, I agree with you OP, and any reasonable person would do the same.

But this forum is filled with unreasonable people. She’s “OK” in GM and good in OWL, so they just don’t care how bad her stats are for the remaining 99% of the community.


I picked the largest possible dataset, I would’ve picked “last 12 months” or “last 3 years” if they let you

I wasn’t focusing on any recent/new performance lately, I am trying to show a very long pattern of bad performance over time, ever since they made her shield and personal HP crap and upped her healing

Again, I’m not trying to analyze recent/current performance for the past week or something, I’m looking at the longest time period overbuff will let me

I’ve already made the point that what the top 0.001% can do with her does not apply to the 99.99% and Blizz should not balance for OWL

Sombra is a perfect example. She’s basically permanent meta for OWL, even in OW2 to the point they agreed for nobody to use her because she was too good,

yet we look at the large majority of ranks and Sombra is performing even worse than Brig,
Her last 6 months across all ranks/all heroes/all roles:
Worst winrate in game at 47.5%
2nd worst pickrate in game at 0.63%

It’s often an unpopular opinion but I’ve always said they should reduce her healing potential (for how easy it is), and up her shield/personal HP so she can have some more independence.

I’d also be really happy if Blizz kept her mace and armor and started over from scratch on her kit


Well considering there are multiple balance patches that change heroes viability looking at a longer term can sort of muddy the waters. Looking at the 6 month tab would lead you to believe Brig is on the weaker side, while looking at the past 3 months would show she’s one of the best supports in GM in the most recent patches

I wouldn’t consider myself in the top 0.001%, and I think she’s pretty good

Yea she’s getting reworked to be better in solo/ranked play, she needs it. Brig is getting some major changes too

Brig isn’t a Raid Boss anymore, unless she has rally. Brig is a niche pick into Dive comps, whether that is D.Va+Ball or D.Va+Winston or Winston+Zarya, she has a ton of success in those. But you can’t frontline in brawl matchups, and you can’t just AFK with her in Double Shield anymore.

She has solely become a “Dive Denial” specialist. I think the primary issue in the metal ranks with her, is that the Ana/Zen/Bap players aren’t good enough for you to play her how GM players play her. Which is just sitting on top of their Ana (occasionally Bap), and essentially bodyguarding them. It’s a stark contrast to the 2019 Raid Boss, but is wildly effective. But if your Ana can’t hit a shot, AND you tanks won’t stop taking damage, she isn’t as effective.

As an OW player, it is paramount to understand you cannot force your main into every comp. I think alot of Brig players in the metal ranks don’t understand this anymore, because old Brig was good enough to force into every comp. Now she’s a niche specialist.

You aren’t going to succeed with her in every comp anymore. You can’t carry games apart from your other support anymore. Brig is absolutely fine where she is.


Simple Fix: Barrier deployment time shortened. Ez.

Oh and uh, 225 hp please

I think it’s fair say that Brigitte is within the acceptable range for how a support should be balanced on ladder.

It’s also fair to say that her performance in GM isn’t as good as people believe it is, and below GM it’s mediocre. If NA ladder is what’s important to you, I wouldn’t blame you for asking for buffs. I don’t think it’s the best move though.

faster deployment speed would be much more balanced then 225 hp lol


Yeah true. I just want her to be more tanky

it’s fun playing her tanky, though you need to compensate her support to be more tanky imo

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Her kit is broken .

She has insane poke and antidive potential in the same time as well as being main support. The problem is her team need to be not full of pepegas that isn’t the case till GM.

Also right now Bap & Ana are being more broken so reasons to pick Brig dissapear.

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Agree someone has to tell her this is a shooter game and you do not bring a Mace to a gunfight. Poor girl lost all this years in the line of fire.

ok, lets put it this way. the majority of games in lower elos are filled with mercy’s and ana’s on supports. in order for it to work the mercy player would have to switch to counter heroes such as doom, ball or tracer. however this happening is low for reasons such as being a 1 trick, ana’s players aim is bad or overtuning the hero itself.

based on this alone, how would blizzard buff her when the issue mainly relys on the player itself? buffing would just bring her back to 1 of her earlier states of being broken and people exploiting the hero for an easy boost.

Ok, buddy. I’m an actual Brigitte main, I don’t need you to tell me how to play the hero. In fact, most Brigitte mains know how to play her. We know her role and that she’s been nerfed to be a “niche” pick (though many of us play her anyway because we actually enjoy playing her and don’t care about the meta).

Firstly, no one (I mean no one) is advocating for a “raid boss” Brig. That’s a strawman.

Secondly, Brig is boring rn. Most want her changed to be an actual melee ranged hero to survive in melee range.

Thirdly, and like I said last time, "Brig is fine" is the most braindead comment that gets regurgitated on these forums. Especially when other people (OP and me included) bring you facts and numbers and present them to your face and people still refuse to acknowledge anything is wrong (Insert “This is fine”, dog in house on fire meme).

Lastly, anyone that thinks any buff to Brig would instantly make her OP (and/or turn her into OG Brig) both lacks any form of imaginative abilities and also doesn’t know much about the hero.

But thanks for the tutorial on how to play Brig. Us Brig mains had no idea. :expressionless:


You’re relying on a fallacy here, because based on the numbers, the “low ranks” apparently includes everything through Masters. Her numbers don’t even get to “OK” levels until GM.

That’s kind of the point of the OP’s post. She’s not really even that good ATM, but harsh pushback is given for even minor buff requests because a portion of the community has decided there is NOTHING that can be done for her without making her OP. It’s insane. They didn’t even give the 25 hp buff a month to see how it panned out because of how freaking NUTS some folks went over Brig buffs, and she’s wallowed at the bottom of usage and winrate among supports since.

Meanwhile, we have multiple DPS characters allowed to have more hp than her despite having better range and higher usage. How biased can we get with this?


To me brig is just a hyper focused off tank but wih none of the benefits being a tank like 400hp and a larger model. A melee variation of zarya if you will but again way more focused on the peeling aspect rather than damage.

It’s been over 2 years and the same responses are still being used.

She’s good GM and only in gm or the owl with its hyper sterile unrealistic setup.

No one except a tiny minority of players actually no how to player her correctly and everyone else is just doing it wrong depsite having years to learn

You just want raid boss back but we can’t imagine what else you could possibly want otherwise nor willingly discuss possibilities.

She’s a support she shouldn’t be tanky, if she was dpsy like zen that would be fine but never tanky

I dont know what you want me to say, don’t you think Mercy the most picked support wont have a high pick rate in masters or won’t have at leas thave some trickel effect? Also bla bla bla numbers, I don’t care about them when you are literally keep leaving out other numbers. For example, like what is the pickrate for pharah, ash, 76, mecree and eco. All these heroes generally have or need a pocket mercy.
In addition Brig is not good on all maps so that doesnt help. FInally there is an issue of what is the current meta?? Does she currentnly fit in with the tanks that have been used during the match.

Wrong, is that not the other way round?? it is a minority that wants her buffed and not a mjaority!! I don’t see an outcry of her positiion right now, i would argue a lot more people would be happy if she completly got deleted from the game. She is directly affecting those hoeres who are seen as fun and a lot more people prefer those heroes than brig.

That is the most flawed statement for Brig and should never be used and if you do there is no point in having this conversation. Brig’s only role is to be an anti-dive hero in the game, how does long range heroes have anything to do with her? The only dps heroes that can be used in this convseration are Doomfist, genji, and tracer. Does she counter them?? Yes!! Then what is the issue?? Brig is not designed for anything else.

I think the issue is determining what you mean by this.

You say you don’t want Raid Boss Brig, but I’ve only ever seen you say that you want her reverted to before her rework, which was Raid Boss Brig. Her supporting sucked and she was practically a tank

An extra 25hp wouldn’t make her raid boss Brig, but she would have to lose some healing in the process. Then we might be back to square one where her healing sucks in exchange for her being self sufficient which isn’t the point of support. The point of support is to enable your team, not enable yourself, it’s why she was reworked. Her design prior to her rework was extremely selfish

Just remove shield bash and shell be fine.

Brig is busted :joy::joy::joy::skull::skull: