Brig is still OP BTW

A few guys I know who had never played support did unranked to GM Brig only, with their brains turned off. One of them reached Top 50 Support. It was ridiculous.

It’s funny there still are delusional people complaining Brig is OP when in reality she’s quite bad and at the same time Genji exists, a hero whose generous kit is being abused to get to high elo, can reach places many people cant without any cooldown, has a stupidly broken ult and is a team effort to take him out.

Why did they need to buff Genji to such levels though? :thinking:

Requires aim (especially important for a cooldown instead of primary fire like Widowmaker or Ashe)
Requires possibly leading target
Requires familiarity of distance of target and reach of the shot itself
Requires confidence that you yourself aren’t being focused so you can drop that shield for that hot second and not instantly die (so many Brigs perish to this particular hubris)

Which is often lost value. TTK in this game is radically low; allies taking damage often die before that pack reaches them. Cooldown’s wasted. Yes if it reaches it’s tremendous value, but it’s not guaranteed value like many think.

Even if the pack reaches them…it’s only Mercy-level healing. Not for nothing, but anything not Moira or Winston kills through Mercy heals fairly quickly. It’s heal over time and damage is high in this game - if you’ve retreated and you’re in cover, the healing is great. If you’re in combat, the healing isn’t the lifesaver you take it for. It’ll give you an edge, but by that same token, so does my Zen’s Harmony orb, which comes paired with a Discord orb on the enemy target, so you’re in a much worse position with an enemy Zen than with an enemy Brig.

Absolutely good point. Brig has great utility in protecting her team from divers. Still a reactive rather than proactive utility, but last I heard, most healers are allowed utility. You know, having things to do other than heal keeps the character’s gameplay interesting and keeps the vaunted “healing creep” at bay. Supports don’t want to be healbots any more than everyone else wants targets that won’t die.

And supports are allowed to have game-changing ultimates. Some are better than others, but this isn’t something unique to Brig.

Yet…they don’t.

Everything is simple on paper. It’s execution that’s difficult. I typically feed on Brigs, unless they are ulting. She’s free ult charge. You can do everything you want to over-simplify the character, but the simple fact of the matter is that she’s harder than she’s given credit for. Because she lacks ranged options to deal meaningful damage (one-time whipshot on cooldown is not meaningful. It’s nice, but not meaningful), and real mobility (if people say 'Cree has no real mobility despite his roll, Brig has no mobility despite her bash).

And because her gameplay requires her, more than any other healer, to put herself in harm’s way to get her healing going, her positioning and gamesense have to be higher than her peers in order for her to get value. The heal numbers she gets aren’t from one healpack every six seconds; hate to burst your fantasy there. Brig has to work hard for what she does, that’s why she gets rewarded for it.

Listen, if your point is that the character doesn’t play herself, go ahead and make that point, but know that it’s a waste of time and no one is arguing against it. This is the last thing I’m going to post because trying to change people’s minds online is an exercise in futility.

This (h ttps:// is from my low diamond practice account this season. I’ve been working on my Bap and when he’s not available, I go Brig. I’m a nearly 300 hour Mercy main. My mechanics are trash. I only have a total of about 16 hours on Brig between accounts. Despite this, I have an 89% winrate in an hour of playing her this season in diamond. I’m not just naturally talented at Brig, the reality is that the character is incredibly easy to get value out of even if you rarely play her, even if you have Mercy OTP-tier mechanics, even if your stats on the character are below average for your rank. Not having a Brig means playing at a disadvantage, plain and simple.

Okay, so my point that you need good gamesense to get value out of her was spot-on? So, she can’t be braindead if you’re Diamond. You’ve already got the positioning and gamesense from your playtime, and that transfers to every other single character in the game. You can’t pretend that you haven’t developed those skills just because you want Brig to seem powerful. Now, if you have a sudden bout of amnesia and still play her that well, that’s another story. But amnesia only works like that on TV; in reality it’s a TBI that deprives you of a lot more than long-term memories for a little while.

Wow that small sample size.

I once was kinda forced into playing 'Cree for one competitive game six months ago, and we won! The fact that it was my first time playing 'Cree doesn’t really mean anything in the grand scheme now does it?

Your value came from your gamesense, which Brig absolutely needs. She feeds otherwise. You’re not some newbie strolling in from Fortnight that suddenly picked up Brig and went to Diamond without knowing that Baptiste’s healing has a small AOE (strangely specific example because I unfortunately saw that one). You know how the game plays, you know what to expect, you know what other heroes do, and that skill is required for every single hero in the game.

Given her stats include dying more than Zenyatta and she is mediocre at best in any rank not GM, it’s very difficult to make any argument that she’s OP. She works well in the hands of seasoned masters. Yes…and? Someone has to. And that only 0.3% of the playerbase thinks she’s OP means she isn’t a problem. She’s an outlier to a small group of people, which we ignore. Because we ignore every small group of people in favor of balancing for a worldwide playerbase of millions. That 500-1000 people dislike her is not a cause for concern. When she or any hero is out of alignment or out of the standard deviation for a large group of the playerbase, that’s what warrants a change.

ana’s had a higher pickrate for longer.

She was always a sleeper OP pick after the 2-2-2 rework. I mean, Violet went to great lengths showing that people were dismissing Brig too quickly because of the rework. Also, being a real F-tier hero doesn’t mean you can’t be meta all of a sudden. If the heroes that counter you disappear and heroes that enable you become meta, an F-tier hero could become meta too, such as Mei earlier this year

They could nerf Brig into the worst support in game and y’all could still find a way to complain about her.

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Year is 2025, Brig has had 6,969 nerfs. She’s now just the literal ball bulb part of her mace sitting somewhere in a level.

Run into her (she has physics so you can kick like a soccer ball)

If you touch her, you lose 1 HP 10 games from now

If she falls off a level, the Brig player’s level and rank reduced to 1 and their C drive on computer is wiped

Random poster like OP:

“Ay yo Brig’s got a 0.00000001% pickrate, still OP BTW, y’all remember launch Brig? She needs more nerfs, she’s kinda badly designed hero and a must pick for a while”


As a GM Widow Main 4K3, here is my pro-tip to kill really anyone under 300 HP:

click heads

Jokes on you I play support

Um, no I’m not.

What you see on overbuff is outdated information from before Role queue. I have not played on pc since Role Queue was in beta because I unfortunately got a Trojan.

Please look up my xbox account, Lord Darrington, because that is where I play the majority of my games at this time. I have not been competing on pc since at least season 16, my dude.

Or, you could at least click my icon and actually view my Public career profile to see where my hours are at before blindly looking me up on overbuff. You’ll look less foolish if you actually take the time to research me.

As far as I’m concerned, I’m currently unranked on pc because it’s been so long.

If you really believe this… bless your heart. If your brain was turned off, you would literally be dead. Or a vegetable

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Okay, my apologies, you’re diamond, its not GM, so there’s no difference in the meaning behind my statement anyways.

You know what I mean. They didn’t care about positioning, or much of what makes a player climb through the ranks. I think Scars only started trying when he got to 4400? Maybe 4450? Oh, and no mics, of course.

I think Brigitte stopped being an off healer when they gave her three repair packs and buffed her healing, and put the nail in that coffin when they stripped her of her armor. She is constantly matching heroes like Ana, Moira, and Baptiste in terms of healing.

And this is without considering any kind of synergy that Brigitte has with Ana, with Genji, with the tanks, or with the other DPS. Without considering that Brigitte ignores Barriers. Without considering that the other support options are awful because their utility has either been nerfed to hell or just isn’t useful.

It’s been a long time since we’ve had a main healer/off healer combination in the meta, but even then it’s always been about synergy.

Ana has a 32.26% pickrate in GM right now, brig has 32.64%
Brig’s winrate is 3.1% higher

I guess, but I find Brig’s hps/burst healing isn’t nearly high enough to be a main healer. People say Mercy’s healing feels awful (granted hers is single target), but the 21 AoE hps doesn’t feel like it can slow down a fight, more like it can sustain it.

Brig’s main reason for getting picked is her armor packs, CC and AoE heals, more utility based options compared to the raw healing Ana is chosen for (She’s also picked for utility, but anti nade is broken, so we’ll ignore that) imo.

Even for Brig Zen comps, the healing isn’t enough to take a slow fight, so the fight has to be super fast.

Which is more because of how easy it is to deal with Zen, rather than the healing involved. A Lucio Brig comp works because of the AOE healing they can put out together as a situation calls for it, while simultaneously having 2 heroes with high synergy.

Mercy’s healing feels awful on heroes like tanks, where you’re just waiting for like 7 seconds for that bar to heal up. Brigitte healing a tank with inspire and a repair pack is 160 in 2 seconds and 320 in 4; Mercy healing a tank is only gonna hit 220 in 4 seconds, and while Brigitte’s healing is a little more limited due to the cooldown, it’s just as manageable.

Isn’t Ana literally only chosen for Anti Nade and Nanoboost? Because when Double Shield was first a thing, she got canned for Moira who could heal through barriers where Ana was blocked off. We can’t just ignore that.
Brigitte doesn’t supply armor outside of her ultimate anymore, and her CC is just so easy to deal with. Brigitte’s pick now is simply from her synergy with and against Genji, and because of how hard it is to get impact from Brigitte without her armor now she’s outshined by most of the supports below Masters.

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If that isn’t the most backhanded “apology” I’ve ever seen…


Just because I exist in the top 25% bubble (top 15% in support) and not the top 1% bubble doesn’t mean my opinion or perspective is worthless.

You also failed to acknowledge that my support is masters, so do whatever you need to do in order to convince yourself that anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant or has no idea what they’re talking about…

I actually don’t know what you mean, because I don’t generally understand what some elitists consider as “using your brain.”

For example, some players seem to consider any non-Hitscan ability/hero to be brain dead.

Others seem to be staunchly opposed to any hero or ability which causes them to die or lose games.

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Genji is in every game now, what do you expect us to do? When that character gets dumpstered, Brig will go back to being average.


At this point I am convinced Brig will always be OP no matter what state she is in.