Brig is still OP BTW

More nerfs soon or rework time? Brig is an abomination to this game and has been a must pick again for months now. Fun fun fun!


Just shoot her, it’s not that hard


Very insightful, you must be 5k SR?


Don’t pretend she’s in all your games. Unless you’re GM, Brigitte isn’t particularly popular on ladder.

There is a Support thats universally popular on the ladder and banned in OWL that you’re conveniently forgetting tho


How’d ya know? I make the big brain plays to get that far


You may be slightly biased about her power state.


:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

:white_check_mark: Calling for more nerfs exactly 1 to 2 months after a usual double/triple nerf to Brig

:white_check_mark: Calling Brig something like “braindead/boosted/abomination/mistake”

:white_check_mark: “She’s been a must pick/highest pickrate ever”

When in reality she’s 6th most picked out of 7 supports in Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Plat, barely beating Zen for worst pickrate in entire role

and still doesn’t beat Ana in the high tiers and is simply in a lot of high rank games atm because Genji and double shield are basically mandatory

Can you guys get more creative with your usual 60 day recurring topics like this? It gets boring reading the same thing for years on end


I like your solid argument… :roll_eyes:

Can you come back with valid points to your opinions?


Please do. That would be awesome!

Brig gets a lot of value while having minimum effort. You can get value out of ana but you have to use your brain. You can legit go from bronze to gm if you play brig. They need to make her either reduce her impact or make her skillful

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Hell no she’s not.

You’re just bad.

It also requires minimal effort to shoot her from a distance. Tracer can kite Brigitte with ease and just whittle her down with marginal effort because tracer has double the range of Brigitte.

If you fight brig in melee range, you’re an idiot.


Can you stop supporting trash 0 to gm or bronze to gm videos? It’s clearly showing on you. :-1: getting to gm on any character is not easy.

Brig is fine and your bias hate is unwelcome. Come back and talk when you can bring valid points.


Ok so when your in the middle of a fight and briggite hits you your a idiot

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She can pocket dps with repair pack. Has two cc and can duel almost everyone in the game, good aoe heal and a shield

I used to hate Brig in the beginning, I said she would constantly get nerfed and she did…

But now this is getting ridiculous, some of you people won’t be happy till she’s literally removed from the game.

She’s really not that bad now.


Uh no that’s not what I’m saying at all.

That’s like saying, “if you’re in a fight and get sniped by widow, you’re an idiot (because you weren’t behind cover)”

Any hero can jump in on a fight at any time, and that’s the reality of the game we play


You said if your in her range your a idiot so im not sure what u mean

If i were a betting man-

Id absolutely bet on Brigitte being nerfed again.

IMO brigitte need a mild mechanical rework that addresses a few things. Until they do- I fear theyll just keep nerfing her “numbers” until shes an unenjoyable, anemic to play hero- Who is still somehow still “powerful” in the grand scheme of the games meta.

We saw this when she was launched, where they nerfed and nerfed her.

Then they gave her a “rework” which didnt really change much-

And again theyre nerfing and nerfing her. Its a shame on multiple levels, especially for those who enjoy the character.


Thats a rlly good point ill be honest brig is fun for me its just that i feel like she keeps geting less enjoyable

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She can pocket just as much a zen with repair pack and in the same way but with zen it’s instant and pack is HoT. It’s not a lot of healing buddy. Mercy is a better pocket.

She has a shield and cc to save herself when people get close to her. The shield bash is great to peel for your team. If she didn’t have these forms of cc, she would be garbage. She needs these to protect herself, her team, and yet somehow keep inspire up. I use whipshot more for inspire than using it for cc honestly.

Please try a longer range hero, focus her shield and watch her melt. Or better try her yourself. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. If you know how she plays you can outsmart her more easy. Try to bait out her abilities.

The only nerf I support is her rally. I’d like it to build a bit longer and the armor effect doesn’t last as long after rally. I’d feel that is fair.

130 hours on this shield maiden. I promise you, you have some bias hate you need to work through.