[Brig,GOATs] Learned from Mercy stream

Brig armor should probably go above shield health, not below it.

And since Zarya and sometimes Zen are part of the GOATs meta, it would reduce the power of GOATs if this wasn’t an option.

that would be a large nerf to her armor, which i don’t think her healing/armor is the problem people have with her.

Can you explain why it’s a large nerf to her armor?

It would only affect Zenyatta, Zarya, and Symmetra, would it not? (unless I’m totally not thinking of another hero that has shields).

I’ve always been irked by the fact that armor goes below shields, which regenerate.

right okay cool idea but who will this affect the most since sym lost her sheild gen the only characters with sheilds is zen, zarya, sym and I think one other but i cant think for the life of me who else has natural shield health as standard.

is her armour really that big of problem to need this change or are we just grasping at blurred straws and going after everything but the main point people dont like about brig much like they did with mercy.

it mostly depends if overshield count, but in that case it effects anyone hit by lucio’s ult, and doomfist in general.

I don’t think armor goes below that, IIRC. I think it goes on top of it. I might be wrong.

Since those are a different kind of shield and they’re quite temporary, I think it’d be fine to make those an exception.

Her healing is what makes GOATS so strong, so yes, that is a problem.

She just got a really tough nerf though, and to her combat capability no less.
No you want her healing nerfed even more? At that point she’s just a worse Lucio

I said armor should go above shields over a year ago and people said it was because it made more sense (health = your body, armor = your “armor”, shields = coating atop your armor) the other way around. Soz

Yes, I do want her healing nerfed more. Because I’m sick of GOATS every game.

Bring back her stun, I don’t care, and I’m a flanker main. As long as she can’t heal more than Lucio with longer range by existing.

But that also nerf for sym survivability.

She’s not the only reason GOATs is a thing.

You can also thank D.Va and Zarya for that as well. And Lucio and Ana. :3

Then buff Sym more, instead of having her rely on one hero to sometimes use an Ult on her.

She’s not, but she’s definitely a big contributing factor to it. :man_shrugging:

Lucio & Zarya are balanced on their own (take that with a grain of salt as I’m biased for both of them), Ana is subbed out frequently of GOATS. D.Va could use some changing though.

I think D.va is mostly fine except for the Tournament scene.

And tournaments should have hero bans to prevent team comps from getting repetitive.

Since as someone mentioned, eSports teams are fundamentally “entertainers”.

Hero bans are just a bandaid fix that ignore the game’s fundamental balancing problems. If you add those then chances are they will ignore unbalanced heroes because “just ban them 4head”.

No they really aren’t. Regardless of how good you balance.

They will figure whatever the strongest compositions are, and almost exclusively use those.

The only way to make them not do that is with bans.

Whether it be GOATs or Dive. Watching a tournament of only 6 heroes on repeat, with a few surprise picks, or map dependant picks, is kinda boring.

One strategy always being the best doesn’t mean you can’t balance the game so other strategies are also viable enough to compete with it.

It kinda does. Also it would be kinda insane to balance the game around the top 0.0001% of the playerbase.

It would turn the game into a commercial failure.

You should specify how much of an impact this can have, in the OP