[Brig,GOATs] Learned from Mercy stream

I mean, I’m not really certain, because I’ve never really played in a GOATs comp that felt more than a “Let’s pick these heroes, slap on speed boost, then all play solo when we get there”.

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Goats is the result of tanks having some of the best ults in the game, having decent damage, and the support of three healers.
Brig getting her healing aspect nerfed would make as much sense as rein getting his damage nerfed because “it’s a part of goats”.
Goats is a problem, but nerfing Brig’s healing is not the way to go. Ironically, much like how brig was introduced to counter dive and ended up being a problem for tanks, nerfing everything about her(if her healing is nerfed, then her damage, shield bash, armor, and now healing would all have been nerfed with no compensation) would make her a terrible hero.

Then how would you nerf GOATS if not nerfing the hero in it that nearly everyone agrees is unbalanced, both in and outside of that specific comp?

Why should overpowered heroes be given compensation for nerfs?

Nerf Brig some more. Starting with armor going above shield health. Or maybe make Rally armor disappear after the Ult. Maybe axe the overheal, but still have it give temporary armor.

Not a big fan of the stun either. Current idea I got for that one is possibly to disable primary fire for 1.5sec, or force a reload. Instead of a stun.