Brig defenders in a nutshell

Go behind her? Like seriously.


So I’m supposed to just get behind them with those slow heroes? Is this bronze?

Fun fact ; Pharah hover in sky, sky above many hero, Pharah can fly above hero, Pharah can get above and behind other hero easily with sky jet! Pharah shoot from above, with justice! enemy die! wooo


I agree with that. I’m saying that the counters to brig also counted some of the counters. It is really common to see widows/Hanzo so they can counter the rat/pharah if there is one in the other team

You’re acting like you play in bronze ffs. She can be countered. Stop being daft. “Slow chars” Who is “slow”? Pharah isn’t slow, Hanzo isn’t slow, Widow isn’t slow… the hell are you smoking?


Support tank hybrid?!?

She’s a dps dumb dumbs

If tanks do as much dmg as dps… Supports heal consistently… And the DPS class is meant to counter pick.

Bc that’s where dps power comes from is counterpicking…

Brigette is a dps bc she does little healing and counters tons of heros

This post was literally made for you

That was the whole point, brig defenders in a nutshell just claim stuff that doesn’t actually work in a match

Brigitte does 35 damage per swing and can only do a burst of 155 damage every 7 seconds, if you’re letting a Brigitte dps your team maybe you should start gasp countering her :slight_smile:

Who doesn’t want to play their favourite hero?

What a weird thing to mock.

Pharah: “It’s over Brigitte. I have the high ground.”
Brigitte: “You underestimate my power!”
Pharah: “Don’t try it.”
Brigitte does a small jump and a whipshot and still can’t reach Pharah
Pharah: “Seriously?”
Brigitte: “Worth a shot…”
Brigitte gets blown up and sits back at spawn thinking where she messed up


Still burst though. So it’s not entirely 100% correct if we’re being honest.

Just my $0.02… the problem I see with many Brig players is she is so strong they feel like they can and should run at the front… this is not her role unless it’s an immediate push… she was intended to protect the backlines from divers… I have been in many games with a Bng running around acting like Rein while as say Zen I am attacked repeatedly by Genji, Lucio, Tracer and even Soldier… even bringing it up in chat with no response… cause ya know, Brig’s gotta hunt…


People who refuse to swap and counter Brigitte, but continue to complain about her anyway and call her OP when that’s not the case.


I don’t even play Brig, but okay.

You’re daft af. You don’t belong in your rank if you can’t figure out how to counter a char that has just as many counters as chars she counters. Seriously, brain damaged.

1 Like missiles are consistent burst and therefore not a consistent counter
I’m literally someone with as my most played

and I can beat Brigitte in 1v1’s all the time because I don’t go after her when she has her shield bash
so i mean

It doesn’t matter what anyone says or does. It’s clear from her win rates that she’s overtuned. Her stats are miles out of whack.

I don’t see the point in even arguing about that.

Yeah but your front line shouldn’t be 8 years away from your back line unless your back line is an ana from high ground, in which case Brigitte can’t exactly be back there to protect you because she needs to be up the front dealing damage alongside her tanks to heal them as well as help with the occasional stun
I understand what you’re saying though :smile:

I literally counter her as reinhart

People don’t know how to play shield tank so no one knows just how much damage Rein can actually do xD

3 swings and she’s dead but yknow, she’s sooo overpowered :roll_eyes:

Symmetra’s stats were out of wack in her 2.0 state but I had people constantly complaining about her being a throw pick. The stats are not a reliable source for information. Just because Symmetra had the highest winrate of all the heroes prior to her rework, didn’t make her OP.

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