Brig defenders in a nutshell

Her shield breaks

brig calls out that hanzo doesn’t have storm, rein holds up the shield, she waits some seconds behind him or a wall

It’s already back up, unless hanzo is able to hit a headshot he doesn’t have enough time to actually kill her because at my rank teams are competent enough to peel within seconds

Pharah does counter most of the cast though. Her counters are not that bad to use on PC, so she’s not that great. But that isn’t true on PS4, where she absolutely dominates.

In all reality if her stun is on CD he can two shot her in close range. That video was made when she was still on PTR iirc tho. Hence the other video.

If you’re a bad player, you’re just gonna get trolled by her. I can kill her on a Moira (which is my main this season on both this account 300+ ms OCE games, and my smurf 20ms EU plat/diamond)

I rarely play DPS characters and play tanks even less.

That’s called “team work” i don’t know if you’ve heard of it before

If you can’t secure kills maybe you shouldn’t play dps :smiley:

4 Likes and that says something if I find it easier to fight her counter than Brigitte lol

That’s because Brigitte can stun your missiles and take away your burst damage :woman_shrugging: that’s not Brigitte’s problem

Reaper is a hard counter if he’s landing the headshots and baits out the shield bash but because his spread is unreliable it’s kind of hard

Be Reaper, try to flank, enemy has a brigitte that will sit around any other squishy target that you can quickly kill. She’ll stun you when you get close.

B-b-b-b-but u can bait her shield bash stun with your wraith form. Okay, go back, do that, then either die due to being focus fired by her and her teammates, either have to retreat.

Problem solved. Reaper is hard-countered by Brig and not the other way around.

It’s like the hunter being killed by it’s prey.

But you said burst damage counters her. That’s a bit contradicting lol

Doomfist is the counter ppl

DOOM F ing fist.

Brig is a hero that needs lots of fisting to beat

I’m serious

The counter is not… Reaper, pharah, ect. The counter is not a hero that does well against her the DPS can counter pick…

It’s a hero that blasts her ragdoll body into a wall or… Maybe


Burst damage DOES counter her

Not burst abilities’s ONLY burst damage comes from her missiles and is an ability that is on a cool down
whereas damage like Pharah’s rockets, Reinhardt’s hammer, Junkrats bombs, they’re primary fire and cannot be stunned into a cool down

Like every other char has to do?

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Another Brig, Junkrat, Pharah, Bastion, Sombra. You can’t just brush these off and pretend like they don’t exist. It’s just as much if not more counters than anyone else has

It’s telling that people would try to defend a character with a 57% win rate, while say Mercy drops to 48+% and some Mercy mains think the entire game for Mercy is now horribly broken… either a 57% win rate is okay (clearly it isn’t), or a 48% win rate for Mercy is acceptable. Any deviation from 50% is acceptable to a point such as 48%, but clearly 57% is out of bounds… she’s just too durable and needs further tuning to reign her in a bit.

I feel like her win rate is mainly due to combined effects of her off-tanking, off-dps ability and at the same time healing impact on games that often have two devoted healers already, it’s almost like adding half another character to a team giving a 6.5 character advantage over a 6 character enemy team.

No it’s the fact that brig have a shield which is the problem

Snipers needs to get past that, get close and she will bash

It’s a defense that works againts all heroes ranges aside from splash damage. To kill brig you need 2 or more to attack her which explains why so many says she is overtuned

Brigitte should be in the front lines with her tanks or just behind them so idk what games you’re in lmao
If you’re gonna dive the back lines maybe don’t do it alone when they have a literal anti-dive anti-flanker support on their team? :slight_smile:

Doomfist is in the game

Why do u guys think he’s getting so much play rime


get that through your skull.

And Brigitte’s shield does not cover her from a wide area like Reinhardt’s, meaning the SECOND she’s not looking exactly at a sniper she can be shot in the face, AND if she uses her whip shot ability. Stop trying to argue honey you’ve already lost x


…Pharah can choose to kill who she wants…You can and should aim her rockets.


Snipers have the best form of defence… range. Storm arrow breaks shields, and Hanzo is probably one of the cheapest chars to play.

If brig is the front line how is pharah or junk or hanzo supposed to kill her?

Not only is anti dive but she is basically anti everything

Even turrets are bad againts her