Brig defenders in a nutshell

So… u mad bc ur mid master and don’t know how to play pharah junkrat or hanzo? is that it?

Fun fact is the similarity between Sym 2.0 and Brigitte is

they’re both

flanker counters

and magically being called “op” lmao

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Ikr? Just bait ram her,
Brigitte players will instantly bash you even if it serves no prupose

Now that she wasted her stun,w + m1 into her and maybe fire strike


Ikr, Brigitte Defense League is amazingly toxic and mostly provides arguments insulting the player rather than focusing on the specified hero.

But hey, if I call someone ignorant I get banned, if they spam about how you’re bad and you don’t deserve your rank and how you’re dumb cause you just can’t counter, it’s ok for the mods apparently.


I know how to play all of them

None counters her, hanzo is neutral

Again no need to be toxic

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Reading through the posts here by some ardent Brig defenders, it reminds me of the arguments held my more than a few Moira fans who were probably glad Brig took the heat off, as it is clear that character is too effective at lower tiers particularly, and think they are really something special getting 4 and 5 medals, often golds as Moira including elims and damage on top of healing… that clearly shows a design issue. Now with Brig we again have an over-tuned design… and people of course want to delude themselves they are more skilled than they are… so of course they defend it. But it isn’t real… Brig needs adjustments then Moira needs some fixing as well to bring her into line.

“nO onE CoUnTErS BrIgItTe”
says the master
who is yet to discover the sky character that is literally never in Brigitte’s range :confused:

Symm was a niche pick that was played defence only on like two maps. She was good at that, and so she had a high win rate. She also had a pick rate of less than 1%.

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Bastion deletes her

A good rein can destroy her with his hammer

Dive heroes can abuse high ground and poke her to death


and that too. 99% of the time in a game she’s in the front being aggressive like a dps/tank hybrid. At this point mind as well take her out of the support role because supporting is something she hardly ever does.

We’re not playing the same game here.

I literally wrote up a whole comparison of damage and healing output between Moira and Brigitte

but Brigitte has a stun >:(((( therefore she is OP >:(((( even tho she has literally ONE escape mechanism, it only moves her 6 metres and most Brig’s use it offensively lmao

Now you’re just toxic, flagged you

As someone who could effectively play Symmetra 2.0 on any map, I beg to differ.

Hey, not my fault if you play with people who make terrible decisions. The majority of people didn’t one trick Symmetra.

Let’s apply Bri’s logic to things okay guys ?

See enemy brig
Pick Pharah
Enemy picks Soldier
Pharah can’t kill Brig anymore

any questions ?

So if we are looking at how consistent aim is below diamond then it’s fair to assume most pharas are not accurate enough to track a brig as well?

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Sombra and Doomfist being very Meta CRUSH her.

Personally when I play her I get obliterated just trying to proc inspire. Which leaves me feeling her lack of range ends up playing like rien op in control weak in everything else.

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I like the character lore, her overall design intent and style of play, she’s just too strong overall. She doesn’t guarantee a win, but in a team of competent players her kit becomes OP tilting the game significantly further than she should.

She either needs less self-sustain in her current state, or she needs to lose Inspire, maybe keep the armor kit, and become a true off-tank…