Brig defenders in a nutshell

Hanzo and Widow are also counters to her though, especially Hanzo.


By that logic pharah counters everyone

How come she isn’t a must pick? Yeah because she is dealt with and her aggression is always limited

I find it easier to actually deal with bastion and mei more than brigitte if im going to be honest.


mm actually Pharah does not counter everyone. Most heroes have a sense of RANGE ATTACKS that can damage Pharah, sweetie.

Brigitte’s max range is 6 metres.

If you’re playing Pharah and you die to Brigitte you’re a moron.

Ergo ; Pharah is Brigitte’s biggest counter :slight_smile:


Depends on who you’re playing.

When full guides have to be released to kill a hero… Lol

I used to buy guides for games like zelda

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You don’t pick pharah to counter road or rein because she cannot realistically kill them with their team

It’s no different with Brigitte

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There’s guides on EVERY hero.


Hanzo destroys Brigs pretty quick… A widow I play with is always giddy when she sees a Brigs, free kill she says.


Specifically a guide on “how to beat the brawl” aka kill brig

Actually you don’t pick Pharah to counter Roadhog because he can hook you out of the sky and has a self heal.
You don’t pick Pharah to counter Reinhardt because his shield covers his entire body from the front, and cannot be damaged from splash from the sides.

:slight_smile: please feel free to go play some Pharah vs Brigitte before you continue to try and act like she’s not a hard counter.


First video, guy says Reaper is a hard counter for brig. WUT ?

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Um… no, she doesn’t, because Pharah has direct counters. Widow, McCree, Soldier… even D.Va and Winston.

You’re in high plat/low diamond. Figure this stuff out already.


Yaaa free kill because the second Brigitte uses that whipshot she’s DEAD :drooling_face:

Reaper is a hard counter if he’s landing the headshots and baits out the shield bash :smile: but because his spread is unreliable it’s kind of hard :frowning:

Did you forget her 600 shield

also needs to get past the tanks and the healers healing

Yeah and he also needs to deal with other dps heroes

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Honey you do know that Scatter was replaced with a shield-eater called Storm Arrow right?

Ya the F ing counter is doomfist.

Why do u think people are complaining about him and he’s getting so much play time

Brig haters in a nutshell

“But I wanna play my favorite hero and I dont wanna learn how to adapt to Brig :(”


“But but… but I don’t WANNA switch off of tracer and genji >:C”