There are a few abilities that completely negate damage. It’s perfectly fine to have an ability that blocks healing entirely.
Leave Ana alone.
There are a few abilities that completely negate damage. It’s perfectly fine to have an ability that blocks healing entirely.
Leave Ana alone.
Wym, barriers have been nerfed already, Ana’s turn to nerf nade and buff her healing
those two are not comparable in any sense , nerf her.
ana Is the ONLY hero with anti heal and it’s 100% with only one counter in the entire game and that’s zaryas bubbles. having a 50-75 anti heal is still amazingly powerful for a cooldown. Ana’s nade nullifies the main purpose of two slots on your team for 4 seconds which is more than enough time for anyone with half a brain to realize that they can take advantage of that and get a pick. and unlike abilities that block damage none of them are 100%. eats are weak to beams and certain attacks go through shields. even still they have counterplay post ability use and can be stopped/canceled. even still you can apply pressure to people with abilities that “completely negate damage” by being in their face and applying pressure or exploiting the weaknesses. Ana’s grenade Is easy to use , on a short cooldown , always gets decent value if your smart , hits multiple targets at once , and can only be cleansed or stopped by 1 ability in the game after you’ve landed it WHICH ISNT DIFFICULT ITS A GRENADE
Ah yes more biased Ana mains fuming about game balance so funny
Just to clarify there are a few abilities that block damage but none of them are infinite. The closest ofc is defense matrix but that has a tiny hitbox that has to be maintained.
Provide reasoning. What is OP about her and how would you solve this such that she doesnt become a throw pick again
Reduce antiheal from 100% to 80%
hero fixed, not a throw pick
Those few abilities that block 100% damage are all destructible or single target I’m pretty sure or extremely limited in use .
Last I checked nade wasn’t any of those .
In truth if much rather see more cleanse in the game but until then 100%heal deny is oppressive
Nade is not infinite, changing percentages means antis are not high reward meaning theres no point to risk going for them. Might as well remove anti entirely by that logic
Ana’s problem is not just anti
I consider it the biggest problem though
She has the best burst heal in the game, the most potent primary healing in the game, an impactful and idiot-proof ultimate (due to the instant heal), and the best crowd control abilities in the game.
Sis may have no mobility but no other supports have any room to compete. It’s not like Ana is dying like crazy with her infinite range either.
The two aren’t exactly comperable, but I don’t think bionade needs to be nerfed. There just needs to be some counterplay to it after it lands than a Zarya bubble. And yeah that’s going to make it feel bad to play Ana if you throw the bionade and it gets cleansed, but that’s on the Ana player for not tracking cooldowns.
It literally blocks all healing for 6 seconds on a click of a button
To use your metaphor, defense matrix blocks SOME projectiles for 3 seconds (puny hitbox) and D.Va can do anything else while doing matrix.
Your math is frustratingly off but nice point lol
She has the most potential and thats with 100% accuracy. Good ana players will average 65%+ unscoped and 75% scoped
Then there’s literally 0 reason to attempt an offensive grenade. You just wasted your only self sustain, and are now forcing your second support to cover for you, which is taking away team resources.
It’s literally why Ana isn’t meta in OWL. Her strongest utility tool when used offensively, takes more team value to cover for using, than it offers winning power.
It’s not like some insurmountable skill is required to play her, hence her being meta for almost 2 years straight silver-GM
You ana players are really extreme you know.
How much of a risk is throwing an anti even? you can do it from the safety of your team, theres absolutely no risk invovled in that what sowever,
and sure, you are giving up your self heal for a few seconds, i guess. but if your team is like competent in any way shape or form they will obliterate whathever is in your way, you also have a 2nd healer to heal you.
and its not like once you press E it disables your keyboard, you still have sleep dart, and your gun.
You would think but let me tell you the amount of times I got a surprise nano from Ana as Rein which lead to many deaths while grandma gives me a look of shame…
Anti-heal lasts 4 seconds…
6s is flat out wrong, thank you for displaying your ignorance. It is 4s
There is no risk
I can throw it at our rein
Hit or miss our rein, there is a very high chance I can hit some enemies simultaneously