To be honest, I’d gladly take some nerfs to the duration and burst heal on Nade, and burst on Nano, for more damage on her gun. I have the most fun on Ana when I can play really aggressive, and get kinda bored when I’m just spamming shots/nade into my Rein the whole game.
Well more often than not, the ultimate is pretty forgiving
Not insurmountable, mechanical skill is required however to be remotely effective
Maybe in lower ranks you can get away with it more
But once you get into where people actually communicate, tossing an Anti-nade NEEDS to get value
I suggest you actually watch higher level players just to see the actual risk when you throw your grenade aggressively
I mean, most abilities that negate dmg also negate forms of healing.
Shields block Ana, Bap, Moira, Brig inspire, Lucio
Absorbs block Ana, Bap, Moira orbs
Mechanical skill alone can not justify being better than every other support by far, especially since half her kit requires little to none lol
Yeah, i suspected youd say something like this…but here is my counterpoint:
in the higher ranks, where people actually communicate, anas team will actually peel for her.
and plus, id assume that High rank ana players got enough skill to also make use out of sleep dart, and land a few shots on their oponents
80% block is still huge
This is opinion, all of her kit requires skill to get the most value out of. Not only that I would argue she requires great game sense as well
Also, as you mention, there are multiple Abilities that block damage, but Ana has the monopoly of Antiheal.
If there are more characters with antiheal, then less people would complain about Ana having it.
i do think the game needs more antiheal in general, just not 100%
I agree. I would like it if the game has more 25-75% antiheals and more cleanse abilities.
Giving more options for and against antiheal.
Currently self cleanses like Zarya bubble, Iceblock, Wraith and Fade are the only cleanses, along with Zarya who can cleanse one teammate too.
The peel isn’t worth the team value lost, unless you get 100% value from the aggressive nade
It’s literally why Moira and Mercy are used more than Ana in OWL, and why Ana’s pickrate has been dropping
When her strongest tool isn’t able to bring enough value, the team value lost trying to defend the Ana isn’t worth it
And my opinion is that the skill alone can not justify how much better her kit is than every other support.
It’s not fair lol.
It’s not like playing Ana requires insane skill, so why is her kit so overstuffed?
Don’t answer that question unless you’re admitting to your bias lol
The game should be paladins then
I mean don’t get me wrong paladins is fun but it’s not overwatch lol
nerf bio nade , I feel like we’ve made this abundantly clear by now
What are you talking about?
Giving more options for certain situations is never a bad thing.
Maybe, but this is all assuming that the enemy is running some form of dive, isnt it? which is meant to be anas counter anyways
its not like rein is gonna charge at you the second you press E, since you should probably be atleast a bit further away from the action. not super far but not super close either.
and OWL, is not only dive, but zarya, meaning ana gets cleansed, thats why Ana isnt top pick in OWL rn
I am biased because I play ana everyday, as well as other supports as this is not my only account. She is not broken, she is difficult to play and requires excellent mechanical skill and in game wisdom. My opinion is that you are malding over nothing and anti requires no nerfs as ana is not broken. Make the other supports more impactful instead of nerfing Anas high risk high reward impact
Anti-nade isn’t even her strongest tool though imo.
No, between Sleep Dart basically securing a kill 80% of the time and Nano allowing for 1v5 ePiC mOnTaGe MoMeNtS. Her entire kit is “her strongest tool”.
No one on this thread called Ana broken but you
Also, you play Ana, you should know there’s no risk in her kit unless the enemy is committing 100% to diving you and you lack the skill to consistently land sleeps.
In that case, the risk is you hindering your team because you won’t swap.