Blizzard, you're in a bit of a pickle here

I say this because I’m absolutely disgusted about their actions towards Overwatch. When you create a game, you have to listen to everyone in the community, not just the streamers, or pros… EVERYONE!
It’s terrible to see what the game has come to because of these actions. I can now understand why people are deleting this game to the point where I feel like deleting. They don’t care anymore, they just want money.

When you create a game, you need to think about the future of it. How many people are gonna invest it, what will happen in terms of gameplay, that sort of stuff. But Blizzard hasn’t really done any thinking at the moment. This is the problem is that they aren’t thinking anymore. They just listen to streamers/pros who got killed by a character and now they need a big nerf, or that the next hero has to counter the hero added before because they are too powerful.
If you look at Sombra, she is rarely played and is a terrible hero now because so many strong heroes keep getting added. Echo, Doomfist, for example, are ruining the whole game because blizzard doesn’t think how they are gonna change the game. They just need to fill in the spot of counter and “new”.

I think that the whole game needs a rework, but since OW2 is coming out, that might be the only way they fair this game. My opinion is that OWL is ruining the game. Sure you can have pro’s in the game, but most of your playbase is either silver or gold, Isn’t the whole Competitive side suppost to acknowledge the pros.

Blizzard, stop worrying about the money. If you fix this game to be more enjoyable, then the bank will come. Feel free to add more down below. :hugs:


Exactly what they’re doing. Though of course, they take the forums with a grain of salt, and with topics like this, it’s easy to see why.


Person A: Nerf x hero!
Person B: No! Buff x hero!

Who do they listen to?


The ones which can back up their arguments logically, with sound game design principles.

Usually that is only one side of the argument.


So we don’t listen to the people who don’t do that, i.e. don’t listen to “everybody”.

And what if both sides have perfectly logical reasoning? Who do they listen to then?

Yeah but they still have to balance around the best players. You see below Masters, the room for error is so large that you can get away with anything and probably win as long as you’re punishing the enemies mistakes and limiting yours as little as possible. Because of this environment, balance changes don’t really have an effect there because you can still get away with any comp. This is why meta never exists below GM.

However past that in GM, the margin for error is so short that you pretty much need to run specific heroes because others you will get punished on simply by playing them, unless you get exceptionally creative with them (Like Spirit on Reaper throughout dive meta). This enforces a rough sense of meta in high ranks because you are limited to certain heroes because they are the only ones who get enough value to shut down the enemies impact.

This is why balance changes are essential for high ranks, because without changes high ranks become stale very quickly from strats that become uncounterable unless mirrored.


Yep. Some people don’t understand game design at all. You can assess how well you are doing at making the game feel fair from them though, which is useful.

Then they can assess the arguments, but that doesn’t happen often at all.

Especially here.


pls explain how we still have infinite tp despite the blatant objection from various people from low ranks, to high ranks and even someone in the private discord with the devs…

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Because they don’t listen all the time? Or maybe they are listening to different people.

pretty big F-up given that there have been multiple posts about how blatantly detrimental infinite tp is. like even at a shallow take, you don’t simply butcher a shorter ranged squishy hero’s mobility. that should be common sense here.

I really just feel like they should stop buffing/nerfing based on what the pros do. They’re the top 1%, of course they’re gonna play and do sh* that casuals and whatnot can’t.

It doesn’t feel good to be expected to play at that level and yet they continue to balance around what the pros do. They should be balancing around platinum (or mid-diamond) at maximum.

The pros will do what pros do best, know how to use the kit to the best of its abilities. But, as for everyone else? Why are we held to the same expectations? Ah, well. Not all companies can have big brain.

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I’m not going to even try to argue on that one. I thought it was a terrible balance choice, but then again, I thought the whole set of changes to her during double shield was awful.

Yeah, she was strong, in that she was the counter to stacking the field with shields. You had a meta to do EXACTLY that, like, she should be picked then.

If she isn’t meant to be picked then, the question needs to be asked “When the hell IS she meant to be picked?”

I’m not going to even try to defend that since I don’t think you can. I sure as hell can’t.

I think that it is kinda ironic that Blizzards motto is “every voice matters”. But, dev’s jobs are hard, who knows what kind of other pressures they were facing.

So I guess you just ignored the part where he said “feedback is appreciated,” implying they’re listening? Listening doesn’t mean doing exactly what you want when you want it.

The original Double barrier meta lasted for 6 months and the community’s most common solution to this (aside from the usual forum support “fix-all” solution of nerfing DPS around the board, which would have made the problem even worse) was to sledgehammer barriers. It was my solution too, because they were just too powerful in the context of Sigma and Orisa. They eventually did it, but it’s easy to see why they took so long when you look at what it did to Orisa and Sigma, who now struggle to thrive individually as barrier tanks.

The situation with Symmetra’s TP isn’t nearly as complicated as that, but they may still think it’s better the way it is. Not everyone hates the infinite TP.

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it’s funny why they listen to streamer and pros while they play this game for money and we play this game to enjoy ourselves after work or school

and they want pros and streamer enjoy the game while they didn’t want us to enjoy the game

legit the people that like infinite tp either are:

  • sym haters
  • people clinging on way too hard onto old sym<=2.0 which is directly contradicting the whole point of the sym3.0 rework
  • and/or people that think somehow is supposed to play like old sym<=2.0 which again, completely is contradictory to why the sym3.0 rework happened

there have been numerous threads about how detrimental it is, not just on forums, but on reddit as well. when you put through a nerf this blatantly bad, you don’t wait months to go “hmm is this actually bad? let’s wait and listen for feedback…”

If tracer, tanks, or just a more popular hero got the same kind of change, they would not wait so many months of “listening to feedback” to validate before going back to fix it, esp when infinite tp isn’t addressing a large immediate problem in the first place. like they wouldn’t, nor would it make sense to, wait months to revert a change that:

  • puts tracer blinks (all of them) and rewind cd together and only starting when both have been used
  • puts barrier tank’s cd at 12s only starting when barrier has been deactivated or destroyed
  • puts genji’s deflect and dash cd on a tied 12s cd starting only when both have been used


it shouldn’t need months of “listening to feedback” to figure that out.

As a Genji main, I personally hate the infinite TP more than the temporary one. If she uses it in a fight, she becomes a much greater nuisance to me and I have to worry about destroying it.

In any case, Sym haters hate her turrets more than anything else. We don’t care about her stupid teleporter. As for the other two points, I’m sure the people that like it could give better, less biased reasons for liking it than what you presented.

Not only is she a less popular hero, but the infinite TP isn’t making Symmetra significantly worse than she was. Doing any of that with Genji, Tracer, or Reinhardt would actually destroy them because they’re so reliant on those abilities to function. Symmetra is not nearly as reliant on her TP.

It isn’t “butchered.” And why not just ask for a shorter cooldown on the infinite TP? Why go back to something that didn’t make her good in the first place?

it defs was butchered as can be seen in the equations below

she is very dependent on tp. if she doesn’t use tp to flank or get to where she wants to go, we get current live sym which is very much like old sym, spam orbs from afar missing a lot of them (because they’re slow → easily dodged), waiting for a w+m1 opportunity.

whether for duelling:

baiting or dodging ults:

tp is sym’s way in and out of engagements and to switch gears between flanking and frontlining.

That’s such a small portion of the player base (only 13 % from diamond and above) And often a hero is buffed and it’s fine in top tier because they have the teamwork and necessary skills to keep that hero in check but down below characters like moira, bastion and Phara shred enemy teams and no one appears to have any idea what to do about it.

When the bulk of the player base is experiencing rubbish games just because the can’t execute a difficult teamwork reliant comp to counter those people are going to start leaving and get replaced with brand new players who have even a worse time because they have even less of an idea what’s going on.

People love to harp on that they don’t listen to the pro’s for balancing, well the goats meta simply didn’t exist below diamond (maybe at a stretch high pat)

This hero ban rubbish is once again not to solve a problem in low ranks where most heros are played, that once again to cater for the 13 %.

It’s high time we stopped listening to the inflated ego’s so that the masses can enjoy the game again.

I really dont think Blizzard needs advice on how to run their massively successful company from a forum user with no experience.

No, you dont. This is a competitive game. You balance around the people playing competitively and playing the game at the higher ranks. Most of the people who play Overwatch is their first experience in a competitive game, and they need to learn this. Literally no other competitive game balances for lower ranks.

You wont enjoy the game again. You could remove Moria, Bastion and Pharah. Your skill level will not improve at all. You’ll just find another thing to cry about that you cant beat. Until you learn you make mistakes and that it’s your own fault. You will never improve no matter the amount of changes that the game makes.

I wasn’t talking about my gameplay (not that I don’t have things I can work on) but when your teammates are not on coms and trickling in constantly with no regard for cover their is only so much you can do.