Blizzard, you're in a bit of a pickle here

blizzard is not a person you can address directly.
blizzard is a company, and companies are defined by the fact that they are operating in a financial sense.
some people here on the forums should be aware of this.
everything a company does is based on marketing and financial analysis in order to benefit from it.
and there is a good reason why companies do not like it at all when those responsible are addressed personally in the forum.

For this line of logic to work we have to have developers that understand what this game needs and let’s face it they don’t understand at all. They think every hero needs CC now which greatly messes up everything.

Rein/Cree/rat/ana/mei/hog/ sym kind of with her slow from turrets/lucio/ Phara had plenty of displacement and CC for the game. It was good because they either have to be close to someone or sacrifice and ability they can use for themselves a to make it work. Now CC does not have a punishment to it at all. Brig has a stun and displacement, doomfist is a cc monster, sigma has a rock with a pretty easy to land hit box, and both these hero’s have proven to be large problems with balancing them so they are good but not dominant and honestly is it worth it anymore? They have added too much CC to the game that you can have a hero in each role with a form of CC which is irritating for most all ranks.

Wow, didn’t have to hit me hard then… Im only giving my opinion remember. I may not have any experience, but I’m coming from the community.

Well they listened when everyone wanted nerfs to dive and they released brig. Im not sure if it’s a good idea

Well the players got what they asked for, both barrels.

I find it WIERD that the same people who hate Brig would want to bring around the same conditions which forced her creation a second time.

But, hey, I guess they never learn.

If you listen to Gold/Plats, then you’d have to rebalance the entire game every month.
In the most incompetent ranks, something will always be a problem. And the majority of players in these ranks probably blame the game more than they ever try to improve themselves.

When people say it’s difficult to listen to the forums because people don’t know what they want. How did Blizzard manage just that back before ActivisionBlizzard was a thing?

The difference is the corporate culture. Blizzard of old managed to win the heart of gamers because the developers were at the core, nerds. In WoW they had no clue what the heck to do, and yet tried to listen to the feedback. I still remember fondly the crossroad chats with the developers, they could stay there for a long time and just listening to what people said.

Now, Blizzard doesn’t say anything or speak out, unless it’s rehearsed and gone through by the PR department. You never see them online in their games any more. Which is felt in the inconsistency of their updates. Take WoW per example, in such a dismal state that it’s sad to see how far it has fallen. Legion was on the path of something, until the creation of Chilton was spent and Hazzikostas took helm again, a man with no integrity what so ever.

In the end, Blizzard has gone from a bunch of nerds to a major corporation with only one thing in mind; profit. At any cost as well.

I don’t understand this sentence, mostly because you used the word “anymore”

While I agree that balance should be done at top tiers, it is not like those players are flawless or don’t have self motivated interests either.
Blizzard should take input but then translate that and make decisions. Never just directly do what players say.

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Problem: X

Community solutions: A, B, C, D, E, F, etc etc…

Devs listen and pick 1 solution

Everyone whose suggestion wasnt chosen: “YOU DONT LISTEN!!!”

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they listened to the community from 2018-2019, and it led us here, which is a REALLY bad state of the game. Now they’re listening to higher tier input to bail them out.

Tanks and Supports. Screw the dps.

The game was fine until Brig 1.0 broke it by enabling GOATS. They fixed brig, they gave us 2-2-2, but all the GOATS buffs on dps remained. Then they nerfed Tanks and Supports. We want to return to the golden age of Overwatch? Then try bringing the power scales back to that level. It isn’t a hard concept.

Tanks and Supports are cheeks across the board, and like half the dps are bad. Blizzard for some reason only seems to like 6 or so dps. Everyone else sucks.

they definitely did not fix brig, nor did they power scale the tanks and supports back from the power levels they were at that created the high sustain GOATs meta in the first place, which makes the other half of the DPS roster useless

also yeah, some characters should remain worse than others due to how they feel to play against such as bastion, mei, orisa, even sym

They probably don’t even listen to streamers or pros.

They make it seem like they do so they pros/streamers can take a good chunk of the blame.

But they are just balancing around OWL views thats why Brig being close to Ana but only Brig is getting nerfed.

It would be more acceptable to the community if Ana and Brig were nerfed unless all the stats we have access are wrong and Ana isnt the top support.

Yup. Because I’ve never heard people in the forums saying, “Genji needs buffs”, “Moira needs nerfs”, “Brig is still a problem”.

I also remember how we only got things like LFG, avoids, replays, and such only happened because the top 1% was extremely adamant and demanding that those things should be in the game.

Here’s an /s for anyone that can’t figure it out.

bwahaha !!!
For every suggestion there is an equal and opposite resuggestion.
For every Buff request for hero/ability there is a nerf request for that same hero/ability.

So now you can kinda relate to dps players when Brig came out :smiley:

No. They don’t. Let’s remember Sombra on PTR in july 2018 . New Sombra was boring , weak and just AWFUL . But they don’t care about this and put earliar interestin characker with dynamic stealth process to boring trash. She start have 0.45% pickrate and i think it is matter something, it is not ?

it’s so funny that you think everyone has the exact same opinion as you do, for all that’s worth you might be in the minority group therefore your opinion might not be considered because it goes against the majority which blizz would then need to actually go with

not to mention that trying to school blizz in business and economy is simply preposterous, these people have been in the gaming industry far longer than any of you had a semblance of what business is so please, save your armchair advice