Blizzard team is "abandonning" the community on forums

It’s almost like it’s on them to

  1. moderate the forum.
  2. cultivate their image.
  3. prevent toxicity in game.
  4. balance their game around the players and not owl.
  5. keep their promises.
  6. leave women and minorities alone in the workplace to do their jobs unharassed.

But you want to blame….
The community….

For being unhappy……



and english my is 3rd language so sorry

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I feel like a lot of people are talking about devs in this post but the main focus is on community managers. Devs do code and talk internally. If they want to participate on forums, it’s great but this can’t be an expectation. That’s not their job. It’s a bonus.

On the other hand, it is an expectation for CMs otherwise why have « community managers » in the first place? If they are just here to post news, their title should be “news sharer” or “broadcaster” or “redactor”, “author” or even “news junkie”.

When you have the words “community” and “manager” in your job name, don’t tell me communication is a privilege. It’s in your job description.

You are outright wrong
They have been quite active back in the days till death threats an co popped up

The forum dug their own grave

You’re making my point. They were active back in the days and then they stopped.

Which is no surprise, but also: Blizzard is keeping a tight lip
Frequency of dev updates and the language they used is more than enough proof that Blizzard tries to keep the hate they will stir under control

If that is true then what positives are there. Because there is a consensus that ow sucks and blizz as a whole sucks. Yall are acting like forums are a special case. Its jot. Blizz and ow are surrounded by negativity everywhere

Tell me something: when have community managers been managing the forums lately?

It’s literally in the name. What kind of hate or post management are they doing, besides ignoring it and letting it grow without control?

Paying attention to the words you use in your communication is one thing but managing your community is quite different.

Never said forums are a special case at all, ever.
Never said negativity doesn’t happen anywhere, ever.

I stated facts, simply as that.

From my 1st post:


I honestly don’t know what the community manager actually doing
In the past they did a bit of interaction with the community, but that seems dead

I don’t expect anything of Blizzard atm. They burned their bridges, not just once, but far too often and this mistrust is reflected in the community

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Yet, I’ve never encountered as many forums users in my games ever since the game went F2P…

That so-called “minority” is the one keeping their game afloat but can’t expect them to be grateful for that…

The other “minorities” from any big gaming sites and forums (Reddit, Youtube etc…) are as positive about F2P Overwatch as we are (bad - average reviews everywhere).

The real question is where those players that are happy with the game are at…

Very likely that it’s just in their imagination as a coping mechanism.

Who would given what the game has become since it went 5v5 and F2P (and the departures of all the great members from the OW team) ?

a community manager most likely has no control over most of these.

Blizzard fanboys still being delusional

Who wouldn’t abandon this place? It’s full of trolls and crybabies.

If this place was actually used as intended by people who wanted to have constructive conversation then they’d have no problem coming here. But one look at these forums and what people say makes clear that 90% of forum users aren’t worth talking to.

Their rep has gotten so bad that they are resorting to banning streamers that dont lick their boots but our negativity is a minority opinion. /s


343 got rid of their forums altogether, it’s possible Blizz is planning on moving their community to discord.

I want to cry. So true. The legend will be on our memories. They are soulless company. I wished people would understand that.

Same goes for Epic Game with fortnite. I don’t think forums are a necessity now. Discord & Reddit have taken over. This is why i hope Steam purge the forum. Majority of their forum should be sent to furnace.

nonono, they do check the forums, but they have a filter on to only show them posts complimenting devs and posts that will make the devs feel bad, normally they don’t usually reply in complimenting posts but nah for harrasing posts it gets immediately deleted and mute the user

Every game dev has moved away from having their own forums, or atleast, stopped treating them seriously because it’s population and their tedencies are skewed compared to a more accessible and popular medium like reddit.
In fact im pretty sure Blizzard only keeps it’s forums because of it’s legacy and there are still a few old guards in the company, if Blizzard was a new company they would have gotten rid of it like Riot.