Blizzard team is "abandonning" the community on forums

I don’t know if you’ve noticed it but the Blizzard team (community managers and devs) don’t ever communicate with the community anymore on the forums.

Check the Blizz tracker, the only thing they do now is to relay news and posts from the official website but they won’t ever answer to any player’s post anymore like they used to.

I feel it shows the new route they’re taking, that actually contradicts every time they mention they want to increase communication. They give news more frequently than before, true, but they’re taking some distance from us at the same time.


They have straight called us overly negative and a minority.

I don’t really expect better.


Why would they?

People here have been outright hostile whenever they have tried.


Is it our fault if they can’t take criticism? Are you honestly telling me that community managers can’t handle negativity? Dude, it’s in the job description.

What I see here is that criticism went stronger after all the recent decisions top management has made (I’ll round up with the last 2 years), and they can’t assume being that bad anymore. But it’s no reason to give up like this anyway.


These are also the same forums that outright call the devs all sorts of insults and harsh things, calling the game absolute trash and even going as far as demanding parts of the dev team quit out of shame.
It’s also the same forum where if you try to call out toxicity and say it’s a problem, it’s met with immediate toxicity ultimately proving that to be true


Exactly, its a lose-lose scenario.
If they communicate, they start getting flamed for no reason, using other things people want to know about and accusing them for being silent about X, Y or Z.
If they don’t communicate, they start getting flamed for not contacting anymore and abandoning the community etc.

And they are not wrong my dude.

Nice euphemism. Let me remind you they spammed false reports to suspend the MVP for just relaying info about balance of a hero.
… Just because they didn’t like said balance.


Devs have never been a lot on the forums. They used to answer on a few bug topics or so. I’m more concerned about the community managers who should be a lot more present.

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People are negative while they aren’t here. They are overwhelmingly positive when they are. The about face is hilarious, but the idea that the forums aren’t nice when they do show up just isn’t true.

Remember when they gave a lecture on how we should behave so they could interact more(which was insultingly disingenuous even at the time), and then everyone followed that, and they never responded again? I remember.

The forums are a lot of things, but a good deal of the negativity is created by the people running it, not us.


You guys are overly negative and do represent a minority opinion on the game. It still has over 300k players on the daily (spikes to probably over 1mil+ per season launch).


It was great when Jeff Kaplan, Geoff, Michael & few others who used to come here regularly and interact with us.

I never seen Aaron or his team doing that.

When did they try?.


When there is so much “criticism” it’s hard to want to connect. There’s so much complaining about the devs, would you talk to the forums if you were one?


I used to be relatively positive and telling your official forum they are negative and too small to matter is dismissive and counterproductive.


They haven’t abandoned the community; They have abandoned this community because it’s pretty ugly much of the time.


I do agree that you do see positive comments still. Less than before it’s true, when you would get an army of people defending Blizzard for every negative topic, but still. It’s not 100% negative here.

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6 out of the 10 top threads right now are people complaining…


Dude, anyone with over 10k post in the forums are more than likely the negative minority they don’t care about.

Go play some “Deep Trash Galactic” like the rest who enjoy their garbage copium already.

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Contrary to them, this is not the job for which I am paid for. That’s a huge difference.

I’m going to assume you have a poor understanding of the word “criticism”.


yeah but imagine getting insulted if you were to speak at all. happens quite a bit


I am going to assume you have a poor understanding of the english language then. :kissing_heart:

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