Blizzard save your game! go 1/3/2

If they really have to go through with this why not have a variant of 132 with a flex spot for tanks & DPS only. It would open up the game some & give more flexibility to your comp

I love duo tanking with my friend so this would ruin the game for us just to please the very people who spoiled the game in the first place

that is just a dumb incentive for more people to wanna play DPS because then they could flex again!

it would only increase the problem because the incentive structure would make that role even more popular!

A solution that does not produce more tank players is not practical long term!

the game needs more tanks which means more tank heros and incentives to play tankā€¦

Off Tanks should have their own category that is a member of the DPS queue. This would allow a DPS to switch to an off tank if the anchor tank is struggling. I dont see a need to change off tanks, just potentially limit how many you can pick as part of the DPS queue, to avoid goats.

1/3/2 only helps DPS enjoy the game better. Supports and especially Tanks would have an even worse time playing the game if 1/3/2 was implemented

No one cares, if tanks/supports are fun to play, only how fun it is to play against them.

What if Role Queue was taken away but each role had a maximum number of players such as 2-3-2, which would enable more play styles but still prevent 3-3 from being a thing?

Then we would have fights over DPS slots.

Either you go 1-3-2 and rebalance all the Tanks so no Off-Tanks exist anymore and theyā€™re all Main Tanks, or you go 2-3-2 and rebalance the maps for a 7th player on each team.

2-3-2 opens up more strategy possibilityā€¦ 1-3-2 limits it.

Think about all the Off-Tanks who currently play this game who are going to be pushed away from playing with 1-3-2 if they donā€™t want to be Main Tanks. Not sure how telling Off-Tank players they no longer have a place in this game is supposed to grow the game.

If you chose a comp like Double Barrier (keep in mind this applies to all modes of this gamemode) then you would be put against a enemy team who is also playing double barrier.

I am a tank main, but I wouldnā€™t play tank any more.


I agree with you 100%. Blizz just needs to make a better job with balancing.

If I had the choice -and knowing it might not be feasible- Iā€™d go for 2-3-2.

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A tiny bit more armor is nothing compared to how much the barriers were axed. Not to mention that that only increases the Tankā€™s individual survivability. We can no longer protect our teams. Now the dps whine when we canā€™t keep them alive. Well, what did you think would happen?

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Huge differences. For one, they are expected to take way more damage, and secondly they are all range bound. Soldier vs Zarya at a range 1v1, the soldier wins every time. Same with Hog and Sig. Only one Iā€™d not be sure with is DVA tbh.

I literally could not care what the top 5% of players feels about the game. Balancing from the top down is a horrible idea.

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Overwatch 2 would be the perfect opportunity to re-design the game to allow 2-3-2. Itā€™s disappointing to hear that the ā€œhigh costā€ is preventing 2-3-2 which I think is the only good composition. You get tanks and healers who can lean on their partners without the pressure of solo tanking or healing. And then you get the DPS role, which is represented twice as much as tanks or healers in the hero roster, be represented 50% more in a composition. That is the sweet spot IMO. It never felt right to me that DPS are equal in numbers to tanks or healers.

What exactly are the technical difficulties? Game was released in 2016. Why canā€™t these limitations be hurdled over in the year 2020? Players with old rigs need to suck it up and buy a new system. Stop using your 2009 rig in 2020, please get with the times.

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Most likely engine/programming difficulties.

Because itā€™s not only client side - server side is also affected. And if game server crashes, it means no game for anyone.

There were few really bizarre glitches in the past - for example, once picking would cause immediate server crash.

in tripple dps mode, tanks would have to be hyperbuffed.

Or you end up like in some mmoā€™s where NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE. plays tanks as they would rather rip their own Woohoo off.

Please, donā€™t remove 2-2-2. Itā€™s fine.

Itā€™s do nothing with DPS waiting time. Long waiting time is normal for DPS role.

Do you remember the MMORPG games and DPS waiting time on dungeons?

Overwatchā€™s DPS waiting time is faster than other games.

I just hope overwatch 2 comes out in less then ten years lolšŸ˜‚

And Diablo 4

Sigma and Orisa have long pretty long range damage that is pretty reliable.
Winston and DVa on the other hand need to get close in on the other team and do less damage, which Sigma and Orisa have an easy time to punish.
Iā€™m pretty sure that those Tanks still need help or the stronger ones need more toning down but i will be patient and watch the first weeks of OWL. :wink:

What iā€™ve been taking away since reading most posts here is that almost nobody likes this 1-3-2 idea, the major amount of people want more fun to play tanks and they want to have less reasons to play Orisa and Sigma all the time.

If Winston and Dva could be a more reliable answer against Sigma and Orisa and some DPS would not shred Winston (mostly hanzo) all day long or Winston could jump out a bit sooner maybe that would help.

By the way, any chance we can get a new Developer Update soon? Itā€™s been almost 6 Months since the last one, and even the die-hard community runs out of the will to play with so little content being added these last months. :heartpulse: