Blizzard save your game! go 1/3/2

The Game wasn’t designed to be handled with 7v7

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Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad to hear that interesting things are being play tested.

I consider myself a flex player but I’ve spent more time on tank recently than anything else because I also like to queue for all three roles. I’m one of those who would enjoy the solo tanking experience. Reinhardt is right about the honor and glory part of things. It’s a thrill. I also enjoy solo healing as Mercy, though, so maybe I’m crazy. I think 1-3-2 would solve more problems than it would create. I know you said you don’t want to just remove a bunch of tank players from the queue by only having one tank but I really don’t think the increase in tank queue times would deter anyone who really wants to tank.

The main thing I think would have to change to pull off a solo tank mode would be the addition of more tank heroes. I want there to be more than one “right answer” to whatever comp we might run into. Hope to hear more about it!

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yeah but pre role que you could run mei as an off tank with 2 dps 2 heals and 1 shield that was a nightmare for the opposite team usually

The Game isn’t desinged Serverwise for 7 players each

Wait so you’ve stopped playing, admitted to lying about trying things I supported and dont care about being competitive, yet you’re here making arguments for changing the competitive nature of the game?

Why are you constantly posting on the OW forums if you don’t even play???

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well, i think i have a solution…
in the end of the idea i want the matchmaking to be 2-2-2 or 3-2-1
3(dps)-2(tanks)-1(healer) and i’ll explain

something i thought about long time ago did u
guys ever played paladins?, well i did, and to be fair i think nowdays the game is sux cause they have pay to win system but long story short…, there is only one thing i think overwatch should learn from paladins paladins like alot of moba and fps games, you can see yourself when you pick dps you are completly free, cause if you got dmg, you can move aside, wait 7 secounds,and then your health will go back upp, as long you are not shooting or taking dmg, that way you can have more flanky gamplay easily without searching health points, well this way you can play like hit and run or play around your healers if you want to deal dmg without watching your health, to me it’s seems more natrual that healers will heal the heros while combat, not while waiting…
so i wanna add something like that but maybe differently, each hero will have +1 ability that would have 20 sec cooldown, when you press it, your ability is active as long you are not shooting or taking dmg, if you got hit or shoot you have 20 sec cooldown, if the health if full ability ends, then 20 sec cooldown, the heal will be around 45 heal per secound now, there is 1 little catch, each role will have this active with a small bonus.
dps- will have 25% chance to get 0.30 more speed for 10 secounds
tanks- will have always 70 heal per sec since they have more health
healers- will get healed instantly one small thing is mercy, since she already have self heal on auto, so the developers will find new things to make her useful again with 2 new abilities :slight_smile: maybe they will add something like when revive teamates because this ability now are so dangerous the revive will have small area effect like in the old days but smaller, and if some allies died really close to each other the they will both or max 3 will be revived another ability will be each time she heals someone, half of the healing he get she will too, that way she can heal without worry too much and still be useful :slight_smile:
another heros with self heal abilities will have changes i can offer if anyone would like to hear, but the idea is what i’ve already mentioned above :star_struck:

If you’re testing 1/3/2, you need to start testing 0/4/2 as well. Tank players already get enough reports for not playing what the other 4 want. Eventually, everyone who can still stand to play tank in 1/3/2 (a lot fewer than we have now) will be banned through your amazing automated system of punishment. Queue times will get worse and worse and we’ll end up where we started, then you’ll need to eliminate the tank role altogether.

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2-2-2. It’s the game system, passing on a 3_2_1 would oblige the players to play differently as well in tema play as their personal skill.
Several possibilities:

1-Increase the number of hero tanks that would be played as dps but with less dmg and more life.
Very important, adding hero tanks with a dps skill to reduce the number of dps players because just creating tanks that will please the tank players will not reduce the waiting time for dps.

And why not consider changing mei or brigitte into an off tank?

-2 Put the ranked without 2-2-2 fixed but without removing the current ranked Q role. There will therefore be 2 ranked modes.
Each player will be free to play the mode they prefer.

-3 Always put the old ranked one, but with the role selection blocked, so if a player selects a tank shield the other hero shields cannot be selected and always 2-2-2 in each category.
In this mode, double shields or 3 tank, 3dps or 3 sustained compositions will not be possible.

When you have time, please take a look at my post.

Judging by how these developers handled a great opportunity…Overwatch 2 will be a hit for 1 week, maybe 2, then will continue going down hill.

They should just make it an mmo.

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Its cute that you think 1/3/2 will fix this game. Getting rid of role que? That will fix this game. Asking tank players to que for tank despite knowing that the 80% of the team isn’t going to play around regardless of what they pick and limited their tank choices to Rein/Sigma/Orisa… oh yeah that will definitely work out.


3-2-1 would be the second-most thing I want after a Sym rework/revert! Please try it out!

There is a new Arcade mode that I think would be interesting. Meta’s of the past. It would have four options after you select the mode. Four different tabs for the four full six hero meta comp, Triple Tank, Dive, GOATS, and Double Barrier. You select the team comp you want and your put in with other players who want to play the same comp. Your then put against players who also wanted to play that team comp. Then you pick your heroes, you can only pick the heroes that are from the standard version of the the comp or one of its variants. For example if you wanted to play Double Barrier then you can pick between Sigma and Orisa for tanks but for DPS you can pick from Doomfist, Symmetra, Reaper, Bastion, and Mei. But keep in mind that for Double Barrier 2-2-2 will be enforced but not before you find a game. The rest don’t have this restriction. The heroes available depends on what heroes were in the comp when it was strongest. Triple Tank would be when Ana was first released. Dive would be around season 4/5 or when D.Va was most broken. GOATS would be when Brigitte was first released, and Double Barrier would be when Sigma was first released. This would be put on a permanent spot in the arcade, will not affect competitive at all. Finally here is a list of all the heroes used for each comp.
Triple Tank:
. Reinhardt
. D.Va
. Zarya
. Roadhog
. Solider 76
. McCree
. Ana
. Lucio
. Winston
. D.Va
. Zarya
. Genji
. Tracer
. Pharah
. Zenyatta
. Lucio
. Mercy
. Reinhardt
. Zarya
. D.Va
. Winston
. Mei
. Sombra
. Brigitte
. Lucio
. Ana
. Moira
. Zenyatta
Double Barrier
. Orisa
. Sigma
. Doomfist
. Symmetra
. Reaper
. Mei
. Bastion
. Moira
. Baptiste
. Lucio
. Ana
Do this instead of 3-2-1, it would be 10x more fun

Go 1 3 2 and all the support players will leave along with the tank players because we already had that hell. Dps players dont need 1 3 2 they need to play other roles.

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the hell we had was 3/2/1 vs meta comps like 2/2/2, 3/3 or 3 tanks/1dps/1support.

when it mirrored it was fine.

Most likely you experienced this “we need another tank”… because the enemy team had 2+ tanks.

This was not an issue when both teams played 3/2/1.

Funny thing is, I didn’t lie - you just didn’t suggest anything new.

Your resonation is normal but to transform a fps / moba into a mmo would be to completely burst the community.
If you look closely there are more dps players than tank or support and that in all countries, this shows that the greatest number of players like to play the game dps by to play the moba way.

I am of your opinion, but you forget that the developers will not only change two or three heroes but a global overhaul in order to make the game balanced and playable.
Without forgetting that the addition of new tanks was not mentioned but also not disapproved.

Interesting but I can’t imagine the frustration when you have chosen double shield and not being able to change your hero or composition when it doesn’t work.
For example double shield compo blocked vs team not blocked or dive, goath, or even 4 dps.


You have to ask yourself the question why there are so many dps players.

  1. since the beginning of the game there has always been more dps.

  2. The dps are more pleasant to play.

  3. The dps have more impact in solo skill than a tank or sustain.

  4. the game is classified in fps, so naturally who says fps game says take frag.

5.The tanks do not do dmg from a distance and are slow, very annoying to play when you are otp dps.

6.The tank players are often on the front line and do not receive care or have dps that do not dmg / frag.

Adding other tanks could be a solution.
In a style of play that could please dps players.
Example a larger reaper, more hit points but lower dmg.

Adjust the movement speed of the tanks.
Add more variety in the tank category.


It was a problem when the choice was free.
If the 3-2-1 component arrives, we will no longer be able to find 2-2-2 vs 3-2-1 or even 3-3.
In addition the heroes will be path / nerve so that the game is playable and tactically interesting in 3-2-1.emphasized text

Tanks player including me has stated if they Go for solo tank role q we will stop playing tank, it is not and threat but a fact, solo tanking is no fun at all and makes every match a chore, i dont care how you buff or rework tanks, solo is not fun at all so if they put in 132 you will be losing a larhe numbet of tanks

in what ever reality onion network news works out of blizzard would have the perfect solution for this…

they would just make a gaming pereiferal that helps authenticate your account for you and also randomly euthanizes you when you queue up for DPS…
that would quickly solve the problem :stuck_out_tongue:

the problem is to much bloody DPS! 2-2-2 should be the gold standard… but arcade 1-2-3 could work in arcade…

the only real solution is more tank heros! there are way way way to few of them making that role less fun to play…

and dps mains need to learn to play something else for once!

the only other options involve time traveling back and getting earlier blizzard to abandon this defence/offence crap before they ruined the game.

Also that insanity about turning roadhog into a DPS is just dumb!
turn mei into a tank instead! that makes more sense!

every DPS character reworked into a tank is 1 less DPS and 1 more tank so its twice the value of adding a new Tank hero