Blizzard response to Seagull?

XQC has joined, we need to add more pro players, in-fact add all the pro players

Oh God!

Aside from the ultimate pressure that I do not feel that much since people in my rank just throw them like candies. Aside from that I 100% agree, to the point it could have been me talking.

Hard counters! Never understand that begin in the forum for hard counter
Brig passively countering Tracer
How the feeling that Vanilla was just so much more optimized
Dive more varied than Goat…

Oh God I agree so heartily.

Seagull marry me!

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Hmm… “I’m upset…” That’s a strange way to spell “Ad Hominem” :blush:

I mean, if you want to hold that belief, you are free to. I’m afraid I’m going to have to disagree. It’s been made quite obvious though that he was talking about “Offensive Ults being too strong,” and that now it is essentially “Whoever presses Q the most wins.” These are literal quotes from the video. I’m sorry, what are you quoting again? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Seagull is being swarmed by Canadians

where in that statement does he say offensive ults? it looks to me like he’s just saying ults


He went into it in more depth on the live stream going on now where he discussed it with a few other popular players. They are going to post it later if you missed it.

He clearly explains that what he was talking about is that only professional players who practice as a team together for many hours on every map and have specific strategies on when and where to use their ultimates can effectively counter how strong they are.

He feels, for the majority of us who don’t play in a dedicated team (solo queue), that ultimates are simply too game deciding and the game would be more enjoyable and less frustrating if they weren’t as powerful and didn’t create such a feeling of, “well I lose no matter what I do because they have the right Q’s”.

The point he explained has nothing to do with offensive ultimates versus defensive ones at all. It was more about power creep of these ultimates and how they are so powerful that who has what ultimates matters more than anything else you do. You cherry picked a line and used it to try to turn this into another “bring back mess rez” discussion. :man_facepalming:


“For me personally, I think we need support ults to be so powerful that they practically make your team invulnerable in a lot of cases. Look at Zen and Lucio for example. Just to stop how powerful these Offensive Ults are.

He then talks about how if you don’t have more ults than the enemy team you’re screwed. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


now you’re just playing dumb, that’s not the quote you used that I referenced, you’re taking his statements out of context and bending them to support your own views


welp this thread was intellectual and nice while it lasted.


I think what seagull was trying to say was not that we need more support ults.But that ults should be used strategically,and have depth to them as to when to use them.
I remember ults being able to simply switching tides in a battle.Now it’s the only thing that drives the game forward.If you don’t have enough ults you won’t be able to progress at all.
So the way things are now is"Oh you got more ults,so you win."


Oh more Ad hominem I see. Oh well, I guess giving actual sources doesn’t count and we’re left throwing assumptions on what you “think” I’m doing. I believe I rest my case. :blush:

Mmm… Just sourced the video where he explains how powerful ults have become, and how support ults need to make your team practically invincible just to stop the offensive ones.

I once again, believe I have proven my point. But thanks for trying to come up with an explanation nonetheless. :slight_smile:

Also further, I’m sorry… But where have I said in this discussion that I want to “bring back mass res?” Do you have a quote for those claims? Or are we making assumptions on what you think I said, and not based on fact? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


exactly, I don’t get how someone can take the argument “ults have too big an impact on the game” and use it to justify adding another big impact ult


I find all the jealous “why should they respond to him?” comments to be a bit funny.

Blizzard doesn’t NEED to respond to him, but the fact that this is the FIRST full video critique from the most well-known Overwatch streamer who also played pro, I think it deserves some attention.

Seagull’s opinion > your opinion; that’s why others want to see how Blizzard responds. Stop being jealous that his opinion has more value than yours.

That said, it’s the same for me. I’ve been on Blizzard forums suggesting things/leaving feedback since 2005, and am completely comfortable with this reality…my opinion isn’t as experienced as his, and I’m fine with that.

Again, go be jealous elsewhere.

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read the name of the user
they have only one purpose in all the posts they make

ultimates as a whole in this game charge up too fast


i find it funny about the ult situation…thats exactly what i think

The game turned into…“Ok guys lets all press Q at the same time and win”

and the only way we could stop that, is…What…Mass rez? another powerful Q but in this case its a “PSYCHE LOL” button


seems to me that this is you trying to make an argument for bringing back mass rez, not to mention your username which does nothing to help your case. And if you carry on this line of argument I’m just going to go the route of “don’t feed the trolls”


I have to be honest, i thought the same thing as RevertMercy

Like…Come on…not only mass rez but, we had other options that were like that, Like Syms teleporter, but got deleted as well


however that doesn’t fix how influential ults are, it just adds more influential ults

I mean…but theres no other real way?

what, do a generalized ult nerf?

maybe, why not? it feels better than a “everything you just did doesn’t matter anymore”. I’m not saying that I know what the fix would be, but adding big ults just makes the problem of having big ults worse

I Have watched the whole video and have some thoughts over it. He had some nice points tbh. Here are the points that he made on it (more or less) and my opinion.

  1. “Fun”
    He opened the video telling us that he feels like fun comes to a coinflip to him. I believe this is the natural feeling that you get in any game you play for too long. The only time you have fun when loosing is only when you first play the game. You always learn something new, so the journey is interesting. You enjoy winning more, and dont pay too much attention when losing. When the “new game” feeling wears out, then you just want to win. This happens in EVERY SINGLE GAME, blizz or no blizz. The only thing to do is take breaks. Works for me at least.

  2. Hardcounters (or brigitte rant)
    Oh boy we can feel the frustration of a flanker in this part. He said that Overwatch started as a game with no hard counters. Let me lol as a (part) junkrat main. Genji/tracer were the only few heroes that had no real counters AND were viable in the same time, and that happened for almost forever. Then brigitte came out. And suddenly genji/tracer mains realised that OW has hard counters. “You feel powerless when a hardcounter is out for you”. Well hey, welcome to the junkrat vs pharah scenario. And you know what could be done about this? Simply swap and let someone else play DPS for once. Dreadful isn’t it? If genji/tracer players thought that they could one-trick them until the end of eternity because they were viable in any scenario, then I have zero sympathy for them. Funny thing is genji is still viable (the poster girl isn’t though).

  3. Ults
    Dont know what to say about that. Ults for me feel the same since the release of the game. Now, In high level of play, they might removing some individual skill impact, but add on others (ult economy/tracking). He was divided too on the matter too though, so this is complicated.

  4. Goats Meta
    Here he made one perfectly right comment and one completely wrong:
    The right one: Dive meta was only dominating pro play.
    The wrong one: Goats are dominant everywhere.
    Both comps are(were) frequently used only in pro level. In normal ladder games, they are(were) somewhat good but require good coordination because they can break easily. Neither goats or dive were dominating in the ladder and there are stats that back it up. They just became a forum thing because people need to find something to vent on, and choose whatever is played more in tournament level.
    Brigitte is overrated. And if she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have a meh picrate of 3.83% (source- overbuff).

  5. More stats
    Cant agree more with that. We need more stats as possible. Many want a scoreboard (so am I) but the thing I want the most is a match history tab (just like starcraft, seriously it’s great). I don’t care if the scoreboard pops at the last part of the final screen (can be even after the SR count screen for all i care), more stats can only be good for the game and for the players.

Conclusion “fix it blizz” and “lets do something gud people”
He made some fine points on his video (other right, other wrong, other a little biased) but he was thorough and I respect that.

However, he finished with something that I personally dislike in critisism. He offered no solutions or ideas, just a vague “lets do something good”.
Good like what? A new game mode for competitive? New class other that tank/DPS/support? Full Ult rework? If you spot a problem that sticks out more than the others, you offer a solution. I can appreciate an Idea, even if its wrong.

Anyways, that was a long post, and I found that video good. It’s best use though is the thing we are currently doing. Forum discussions. Blizzard doesn’t have to respond to his video more than anyone.