Seagull just released a video talking about the current state of Overwatch and I was wondering how long we’ll have to wait until we can hear a response to it. after Effect’s open letter earlier in the year I think it’s much more important for blizzard to respond to their content creators promptly than it was before.
I’m going to elaborate as to why I want Blizzard to respond; I believe that it is far easier for Blizzard to decide on what changes to make to a game when people can actually agree on what the problem is, and while I’m sure not 100% of you agree with Seagull I believe that the majority still do, and if Blizzard has any hope of maintaining community engagement the best way to handle balancing is through democracy (majority rules). It is very difficult for them to decide on what changes to make when every single person has their own idea of which way the game should be taken, so when a prominent voice makes such a concise summary of the issues they’ve observed it is easy to get Blizzard to move by showing support for the observations or beliefs presented. I do not think Blizzard has to respond, I’d just like them to regardless
Blizzard doesn’t respond to people. In any case, they are trying to fix the game, but the problem seagull states will always remain
here those looking for the video
i dont see why blizzard has to respond to any single individual, streamer/pro player or not.
There was a reason I referred to Effect’s open letter earlier this year, as Blizzard did in fact respond to that
Jayne is going to talk with seagull on his stream pretty soon as I understand.
Thumbnail looks like a Prager graph.
that’s cool and all, but Jayne isn’t a Blizzard rep, I want to hear what Blizzard has to say, especially seeing as Seagull was a large influence into the early growth of the game
If Blizz responded to every single complaint from every single person then they would never get anything done.
Besides, it’s the pros’ jobs to play the game, not to tell the developers how to design it.
here you go
Why Blizzard should respond only to him?
I guess that was an open letter to jeff Kaplan. Seagulls was just an opinion about the current meta. He was stating stuff, not really asking anyone to do anything specific
I never said Blizzard should only respond to him, however as I previously mentioned the last time a major streamer for the game made a complaint of similar format blizzard did respond and so I’m curious about how they will respond to seagull, not the least reson why being how, like I said before he drew in a large crowd as the game was just taking off
not much I can do about that, I didn’t link it
do you want me to delete it? cause the problems are still there he’s just brought it to light
I think blizzard listen this guys too much. By the way that hateness toward mercy and brig came from ppl like seagull.
I don’t understand why blizz should respond every top player/streamer.
they dont have to, but he does bring alot of valid points
so hearing blizz state that they work towards fixing these issues would be really nice
honestly it wasn’t just the streamers complaining about mercy’s rez, it’s a very difficult ability to balance and Blizzard needed community feedback for it
every single point seagull brings up is valid, and exactly what ive been saying since brigette"s launch
His points are so close to exactly what I was trying to say here. I agree with everything in this video.