Blizzard response to Seagull?

i dont agree with him about ults…

that still falls into the same purview of needing a really strong support ult to counter an offensive ult. your argument literally holds zero weight.


That’s not what he said at all, when ult economy is managed well you have that snowball effect based on who won the 1st teamfight, leading to frustration. In lower tiers where ults are mismanaged, this is not as big a problem.

Also your fears of scoreboard toxicity, are making you blind to the fact that immediate information on the current game can help a team adjust roles as necessary. You fear this will bring toxicity, but the truth is it will clear things up more. The toxicity is already there and being based of long term stale stats hence private profiles.

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Not a seagull fan in the slightest, but he really hits some really good points.


Ults having a timer doesn’t really sound bad, but I feel that it will introduce even more problems than it solves.

Just because a celebrity gives his tuppence worth on one of Blizz’s games doesn’t mean they are inherently deserving of a response.


Why would they directly respond?

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true, but I still want to hear a response all the same. just because they don’t HAVE to doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t be better off for it

with how the community has responded recently when they respond, Im guessing they have already decided they are better off not responding most of the time

“Overwatch is amazing to play when you’re having fun, and terrible when you’re not.”

That’s the perfect way to describe how I’ve felt about the game recently. Too often when we’re losing I feel completely helpless to do anything about it, and it didn’t used to be that way.

Seagull is no longer a pro. So if anything he’s being more about the overall game being more enjoyable at all levels and less toxic or mirror. While wanting every hero to be be played without forcing toxicity.

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Still not accurate to what he said (and is talking about on live stream right now). He did say at the professional level that teams have a plan and ultimate economy is managed. His actual point was, however, that in solo queue because people don’t have well coordinated strategies to counter the ultimates, they are just too much impact on who wins and loses. He thinks the overall power of ultimates should be toned down so they have more general counter play and are less “I win” buttons.

That’s your opinion, but I still think you are dead wrong. There’s no “truth” that it will clear things up more. There’s plenty of evidence out there to support that people will focus on getting solo kills and damage rather than the objective. Or a Winston who has a bad KDA, but has deleted key targets like healers that won team fights getting yelled at for “feeding”.

Post game stats sure, but providing too much real-time information to your average player is only going to make them draw the conclusions they want.

aside from the fact that Jeff Kaplan is friends with Seagull?

They won’t reply. It would only be a mistake for them to do so. Every time they say something it only causes more issues.


but if they don’t respond that is a different monster with more heads

Thanks for your opinion, but I disagree. I believe my argument holds quite a lot of weight actually. :blush:

The purview Seagull was making, is that Offensive Ults are too strong, and if one team has more than the other, the end result is that the one with the least amount of ults loses.

The side effect of that, is that supports have to be strong just to keep up.

Mass res prevented this phenomenon of “Whoever has the most ults wins,” and the lack of ults on one team was negated with the fact that Mercy directly checked bad ult usage and excessive ult combos.

It’s all the more reason why there is a problem now with ults than back then, and it is all the more reason why Seagull being against Mass res initially due to the “unfun to play against” opinion, and now frustrated with the lack of counterplay against ult spam with it gone, is what I find most amusing. :heart:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Sometimes its actually better for Blizz to keep quiet. They have made a game for a widely diverse audience, and somethings that frustrate Seagull don’t bother others. In regards to somethings seagull says, I think he’s being moaning minnie. Blizz might agree they may not. But Blizz shouldn’t take sides or make these celebrities feel justified by giving them personal responses. Overwatch is a game for everyone, not just streamers. Me personally, I think the game is near perfect and I never get fustrated.

Agree on some things, disagree on others.

Hard counters
So here I agree, there are too many overly hard counters - I made a thread about this some time last year about Winston being too much of a hard counter to Widowmaker (when she had a 12s Hook). It made the hero often unplayable; literally the description he made of ‘I switch, or I lose’. Worse, in QP when you wanted to practice your aim, someone would basically just spend the match on Winston farming you for fun because it was so easy for them.

I don’t think that degree of hard-countering can be healthy for the game.

I think Wrecking Ball has similar issues with too many heroes able to break his momentum too easily, which shuts him down. That’s not even just Sombra and Mei, it’s anyone with a boop. As with Widow, sometimes the issue though is with the hero being countered, rather than the hero doing the countering.

It isn’t new though. But it is something they have shown willing to fix.

Overall I do think Rock Paper Scissors when its hard as it is, is not really good for the game because of the reasons he gives. You’re not going to win if random stranger doesn’t get off rock when the other team have paper; that becomes their fault, regardless. Matches shouldn’t be decided in the spawn room.

It really sucks to just not see Tracer, because there’s no point in playing her because she’s in that similar Winston Vs Widowmaker position.

Only team mates can save you
Well it’s a team game, this is kind of the point. But, we need more heroes with more tools to do it.

But still, they can’t generally save you from an instagib with few exceptions - this is where we need more ‘DM Over Roadhog Hooked Player’ type stuff and not less. This is where Brig and DF are the biggest problem, their mechanics are such that there are so few defences outside of Zarya bubble.

I don’t think the barrier change is really the answer to this, because it doesn’t really address the problem. The nature of the burst combos is such that the tools literally don’t exist in the game to deal with them.

Again, the escalation has been with offence rather than defence. We actually have fewer major defensive ults in the game now than we did at launch with the loss of Mass Res.

Then, there’s stuff like BOB and Doomfist which are literally free kills and simply shouldn’t exist. Where’s the Pharah level of risk vs reward on those gone?

That said, Dragonblade isn’t exactly new either.

Some of the problems aren’t new problems, but there has been an escalation in certain bad practices. Like “we pushed our luck with this and got away with it, so let’s take it another level”; which isn’t new to Blizz, they want a new OP thing that feels cool. They talked about ‘rule of cool’ in other games. Some things certainly got carried away, and it’s obvious they did before, they just forgot or got a new team who never knew…


I’ll throw my two cents in this.

I haven’t played OW for about a month. I played the Halloween event, got bored, played literally anything else.

Bring up any issue you want, any single one, but the main problem is this: Blizzard reacts too slow for all of them.

The gaps in updates are immense. Issues that people of all skill levels will harp on about will be MAYBE touched on in a blue post, and then utter silence for months. Things that people have requested for years (Like QoL Reaper changes) only just now start to happen after it’s more or less generally decided by the community that it’s a good idea.

Feedback on things like how Symm is worse off than ever before seems to be tossed aside and they forge ahead with whatever vision they have. Meanwhile, certain heroes are flat out ignored for ages. How long has it been since the Bastion rework happened, and the only change since then is him having less Ironclad benefit?

I’m not saying that the devs aren’t hard working, quite the opposite. I can’t imagine how much blood, sweat, and tears it takes to make a game, let alone keep it going after launch. My point is, despite all this, the updates take way too long, and sometimes they fix problems that aren’t even there, or not as significant as others.

Take Black Ops 4 for example. Treyarch has been releasing balance patches for the single month it’s been released. Like, three of them, for each of their game modes. And these weren’t tiny changes, they were pretty big ones, with more to come already.

How long was Zenyatta stuck at 150 HP in Vanilla OW, rendering him near impossible to play? Months?

That’s what I feel is a major source of frustration since OW’s launch, and why people just come back to play to see the new stuff, and then go do literally anything else. It may be another year before the meta is shook up enough to warrant picking OW up again.

That’s my hot take, anyway.


All that Blizzard did was close the thread before it even started: Seagull spilling the tea 🍵 - #3 by Teslyvarr