Blizzard please start dealing with the leavers!

Nobody wants to play a game that punishes you for every little thing you do


rather than punish leavers for leaving at the end of the game, maybe it would be better to have an option to avoid backfill, so we dont have to assume that role if we dont want to

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When there used to be a payoff for playing, (getting lootboxes, and credits), I prioritised the match more. Now there’s no goal to move towards, because experience is useless. So now, my top priority is fun.

Not having fun? Leaving.
Stomp? (red or blue). Leaving.
Map I don’t like? Leaving.
Food about to burn? Leaving.
Bathroom break? Leaving.


Citation needed on this one.

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actually, ive changed my mind, i think they should remove the penalty for leavers altogether. since they cant seem to get their matchmaking fixed, if you enter a game that is either an obvious premade, or just a complete and utter stomp, you should be able to leave without any penalty.

i guess im going to have to start posting screenshots of all the end of game scores to show all the completely lopsided matches ive been in since OW2 started


Make it so each game you play gives +10 experience from the last one. Resetting when you leave. Exp like this: 100 (assumed base exp), 110,120,130. etc. That way, by NOT leaving, you can get a lot more exp. But only if you stick with it.

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Not everyone who leaves does so intentionally.

There are a myriad of reasons why someone might disconnect from a game.

Calling them “trash human” is just unnecessarily toxic.

I’ve been advocating for years for Blizzard to add backfill to Competitive.

It’s just unbelievable that the one game mode that needs it the most still doesn’t have it!

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In defense of some. I was getting kicked from games like as if my internet failed. it wasn’t Tho. wound up with a 24hr Ban after 3rd DC. i swapped internet providers over it still had it. followed the List of crap to do on bnet forums and then never had a Dc again. If they don’t get toxic or say anything and leave could be related to The hidden steps to Solid game. Don’t think anyone would throw a game knowing they are getting a hefty ban unless they are Rage quitting and know they are getting banned

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If they put in matchmaking, then maybe there’d be fewer leavers. You know that they have new players mixed in with veteran player, supposedly to let the new players see all the awesome skins the Veteran players have. I remember in OW1 other than actual smurfs, new players played almost solely with new players and it was odd to see a higher lvl player in their match. Yeah that was matchmaking working.

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Nobody cares about experience because they took every single reward pathway out of the game other than the one you have to pay for to get anything good.

Experience is 100% worthless. People are leaving because they have no incentive to stay if they aren’t having fun.


This is the right attitude to have! Too many people take this waaaaaay too seriously.


If you’re talking about QP, nah there is never gonna be a real penalty. Besides with this crossplay garbage in the PC pool, a lot of people are gonna want to drop match the moment they see that console peasant icon next to a teammates name.


And how is that the players fault when Blizzard designs the game to be more stomp-y? Also on the push-game mode. Beyond a certain threshold it’s just not worth staying in the round.


Ok but… Who would care?

Again: why? For what purpose?

Have you read about the lawsuit Blizzard is facing?

Honestly I’m one of those leavers and my reasoning is not “I can’t accept the defeat screen”. It’s I don’t want to waste time.

The amount of times that games are stomps are absolutely unbearable. What would, for me, be a reason to continue push when the enemy team is at the second checkpoint 5 minutes into the game? Do you know how slim the chances are for my team to actually manage to push the robot that much back? And even if we make it, what reason would the enemy team then have to stay in the game because it’s absolutely impossible to even the scales after?

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Happens a lot in CTF, finally get a good match going and the enemy team leaves and the match ends.

Next match is a sweat fest and my team ends up steamrolled.

I play with constant -75% exp debuff, almost permanently. Because if so called ‘matchmaker’ does not respect my time by throwing me into unwinnable steramroll scenarios then why would i respect the game in return? If they increase punishments i will just start to throw, what’s the difference? How about you ask devs to work on quality of matches instead of punishing consumers for poorly done job?


people will leave as long as matchmaker sucking

no point in staying in a match you dont enjoy

im getting matches lately where our team getting steamrolled helplessly

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Since when does someone need a citation for an assumption? Or are you giving me a ticket?

I really believe the MM needs to red flag these leavers and pop them all in the same queue so they can all play with all the other leavers on empty servers.

Perhaps then they may learn what impact they’re causing.

All these entitled selfish little zoomers citing fun as the only reason they spend any time gaming, and if their precious little princess bottom isn’t winning, they aren’t having fun, need to grow up and grow a backbone.

Multiplayer games are not there to cater for your selfish whims you horrid selfish people. You play a game, you stay and finish it until it’s done. If you can’t handle losing, don’t play PvP games.

The claim that something won’t work because you assume that chronic leavers have multiple accounts kinda needs some backing. I have high doubts that chronic leavers care that much about penalties in the first place.

Just curious what your assumptions are based on.

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There is literally no reward for putting in that extra effort to play with bad teams/mega-toxic players. You USED to get lootboxes, but now you don’t get anything but unrewarding battlepass junk.