The context of this conversation is not isolated to just comp matches but to unranked as well.
Okay here’s what they can do. Remove rounds from quickplay / arcade control maps or just remove control maps all together. Nobody wants to waste time backfilling a 0-1 game.
They have penalties in unranked. I was on an hour plus ban when I uninstalled. The penalties start by losing 75% of the experience you gain towards the battle pass from playing. Then it moves to you getting no battle pass experience from playing. Then it moves into bans. Of course, nobody cares about battle pass experience so that’s not a punishment. When I realized I was leaving more matches than I was staying in is when I uninstalled the game. There was exactly 0 reason for me to stay in matches or to even play.
Read my original post again.
People do not value battle pass experience nearly as much as they do their time. People leave to save their time and shop around for “better” ones.
The issue isn’t that punishments don’t work. It is just that punishments do not target what players value most.
I am leaving whenever I am not having fun. That’s a perfectly good reason since I play games for fun. You are being way overdramatic about a video game. For every match you lose because of a leaver there is one you win because someone left the other teams, so why be so pissed over nothing?
Leavers should get temporary bans with progressive time for leaving multiple times in short period of time.
That’s already how it works.
In qp they definitely place u into a backfill que, on the rare occasion i leave an awful game, i usually backfil the next 2 maybe 3 games
A bigger issue is the reward you get for staying is exactly the same as if you leave.
In order to deal with leavers, Blizztard devs need to fix their matchmaking. Everyone is sick of every game being a total stomp. Unfortunately Blizzard has either no capability to do so, or zero desire to do so. Or maybe both. As long as Overwatch matchmaking is total trash and loser Widow thrower trolls continue to throw games at the lower ranks, I will not feel bad about leaving games.
Not in QP. There you just get some penalty for BP exp.
I’ve gotten banned from QP before.
in OW1 probably. 20 chars
Yeah, no. If im playing qp and there’s a toxic player making the game miserable to play, im not staying in it.
Maybe it was in Overwatch 1. I thought it was 2.
I assume most chronic leavers have more than one account for this very reason. Again, punishments do nothing for the remaining 4 players on the team.
Imagine losing cosmetics for leaving matches, lol!
troll topic. i just left a game bc the healer wasnt healing and i was top dps.
I vote to just lock them out of matches for 5 minutes or till the match they left has ended. Whichever is longer.
I really only leave games when I’m lagging severely. Or when literally everyone else on my team leaves, making it a pointless match to play.
Hahaha blizzard punishing people with negative experience gain? That’s hilarious punish people for spending 10 dollars in your game if they chose to do so.
My problem with leaving is these weekly challenges require me to WIN 10 times qued as all roles (support.) Granted I only do these in quickplay if my team is trash I’m out. It’s just wasting my time to hope they pull their heads out of their rears to accomplish that win because 90% of the time they don’t and I have learned my lesson on that.
I would never leave a comp game though no matter how hard my team gets beat down I usually stick it out and try to make some plays solo or not.