I know how controversial this setting is, mostly because of pure ignorance to be honest. Since the characters in this game accelerate so fast when changing directions and it is a very fast paced game most of the time, we need a good per object motion blur option toggle like Doom 2016.
Also. Anti-aliasing on this game sucks HARD. My only hope is that I can solve this with AMD FSR if this game supports it.
For those who don’t understand what a proper motion blur implementation means, watch the Tech Focus - Motion Blur video on Digital Foundry before posting please. It’s the best straight to the point video about it, and it’s a must since there’s way to much ignorance about motion blur on the gaming community. Motion blur is NOT a bad thing if properly implemented and if you guys really don’t like, just turn off an move on. But for people like me, the gaps between frames is EXTREMELY distracting, even at stable 240Hz/240FPS freesync.
Since we already have some ignorant and lazy people on the topic, I’ll try to at least explain WHY this is important in few words for those who don’t understand what is motion blur and why it exists.
The motion on games is an illusion, caused by a bunch of discrete and static images in a sequence. Every time we have a fast motion on a screen we’ll perceive an gap between frames, just move fast the cursor on your screen to left and right and observe. You’ll see that from your perspective, it looks like that the cursor just have multiple images appearing and disappearing with very visible gaps between then. This is called Mouse Arrow/Cursor Stepping Effect.
The exact same effect happens in games. Every time you move more pixels then your refresh rate on the screen, you’ll have this gaps. If a motion is faster then 100 pixels/sec and you’re on 100Hz screen at 100FPS you’ll see a gap, 240 pixels/sec on 240Hz/240FPS screen you’ll see a gap, and so on.
This gaps can also be called Stroboscopic Effect/Artifact, and it’s also related with things like the Wagon Wheel Effect and a lot of optical illusions we see in videos messing with shutter speed and frame rate.
This effect can be VERY disorienting and INDUCE MOTION SICKNESS. I answered an topic about this a while ago Can anything be done about double vision / blur effect? - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com) and we can clearly see how most people see this artifacts but doesn’t understand what it is.
Some people don’t like motion blur? Fine. Just turn it off. But for those who can’t stand the stroboscopic effect, it not hurt to at LEAST have the option to use it.
To be honest, most people doesn’t understand the difference about per-object motion blur, camera motion blur, motion blur caused by image persistence in LCD and so on. Most people just dislike motion blur because bad implementations, bad configurations or even because they read some bull***t somewhere and start spreading the word.
No one can just “turn off” the stroboscopic effect. So it would be better to at least have an good motion blur implentation.
The fact is, motion blur is NEEDED to fix or at least minimize this artifacts. Even if we someday have 1000Hz and 1000 FPS machines it might be not enough without some sort of motion blur.
That’s why motion blur exists. That’s why a lot of games push this technology even if some people still thinks we live in the PS2 motion blur era or the X360/PS3 era.
For those who STILL don’t understand but at least have an open mind I suggest this video: Tech Focus - Motion Blur: Is It Good For Gaming Graphics? on youtube
And this article: The Stroboscopic Effect Of Finite Frame Rate Displays | on Blur Busters