Yep… And I explained WHY in my topic: Blizzard PLEASE add an Motion Blur option on the engine
There are some visual artifacts that is easier to notice on Overwatch because the fast pace nature of the game tied with instant movement acceleration and vivid colors/outline. Stroboscopic effect is one of then. You’re absolutely correct.
EVERYONE who’s not blind suffers about this in some degree. It’s just the natural effect of the persistence of vision. And honestly one of the most (if not the most) easier argument to explain why there’s no such thing as “high enough FPS value”.
Just move your mouse arrow in circles. You can see very clearly multiple arrows at the same time, instead of a “trail” of then. If it was an continuous light, you would see just a circle.
Another example… Some mouse who have RGB do strobe and others don’t. Razer mouse usually doesn’t strobe, so if you move it in circles and observe, you’ll see an trail of the image.
XTRFY on the other hand strobe, so if you do the same… It will have the SAME effect as the cursor on the screen. Another example would be those rotating LED clocks that people make with arduino.
For those who STILL don’t understand what is stroboscopic effect, it can be “simulated” quite easily with a photo with slow shutter speed.
http s://p C681S (just glue the link and see).
This photo is from my display an 240 Hz display.
This is one of the artifacts that you cannot solve entirely, even with 500 Hz displays or beyond. They just raise the handicap of where the effect happens… For 500 Hz would be an movement higher then 500pixels/sec.
Hence why I created an topic asking for motion blur in the first place. Motion blur is one of the most (if not the most) misunderstood effect on gaming. And a PROPER per object motion blur to be believable MUST have an high FPS value.
Of course, raising frequency display AND FPS is the gold standard. But it might be impossible.
There are an interesting article on Blur Busters about FRAT (Frame Rate Amplification Tech) that it might be an solution. But it will STILL need an proper display, and god knows how expensive it might get to 1000 Hz territory~.
You’re probably the type of player that focus your eyes more on the crosshair. Trying to focus on the TARGET instead might help. But the trade-off would notice the stroboscopic effect on other point.