Blizzard not listening to Community feedback

Yea, Lucio’s aura range and new ability to completely negate Rip-Tire damage with his ult and Ana’s 40% increase in magazine size, ally piercing and 300hp heal on Nanoboost are “nothing”.

Tell me another joke!


Did literally nothing, You don’t even notice it, The sound barrier was a love tap.
Really all of those were to seal the deal, but they were really small buffs.
The magazine size buff happened before mercy was nerfed and she still was bad compared to mercy, And the 300Hp nano Isn’t that important, Just a lovetap, A miniscule buff to Her ult.

Mercy needs a revert.

This is what I came here to see

You forgot to mention what the Mercy mains you are quoting said before the buff, so your story is kinda imcomplete I’m afraid.

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Is it an out of season April Fools joke?

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They do listen to the community, but the thing is. They cant fix the problem for everyone. We had the same amount of threads back in the day to tell to nerf mass rez, then they did it, and now the people wanting it back.

Next to that, they still do have their own vision of what they want their game to be, so they cant do every single thing the community wants, theyre subtly buffing her in ptr, to get her to a good state, they nerfed brig, they buffed reaper and roadhog, they reworked torb, they reworked symmetra. Theyve done so many things the community has asked them, and all those go past with no notice, but when they dont do 1 thing the community’s more… whiny… parts beg for, they apparently never listen to feedback

Also, disclaimer. i am not calling the people who stay in the megathreads, talk about actually good changes and doesnt step on everyone elses toes while giving them as people who whine, i mean the people who get on every thread about changes, beg for changes, and scream at everyone else who doesnt agree with them.

This could be a good post, but the thing is, as they add new heroes, and metas change, healers need to do more healing in general, hence the buffs to certain healers.

The mercy nerfs arent anything new, nor are the ana buffs, or lucio buffs, mercy is still viable, if used like bastion, in a comp that needs her, shes just not a must pick anymore. She isnt trashed. She is still a playable hero that you can climb with in certain scenarios.

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What if the rework was just a reaction to the “forum mercy” to begin with?


I do. It allows Lucio to heal allies on the other side of a choke point without entering the line of fire. It’s a huge buff for solo queue Lucios, whose teams are not always great about sticking together in a tight formation.

Sound barrier felt almost pointless sometimes. Now it feels as powerful as Transcendence. The change made a night and day difference for Lucio. I constantly lost teammates right through sound barrier before that patch, and since then I can’t remember the last time someone got killed through my shield.

The complete truth isn’t often funny. You’ll have to work on your material.

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Mercy is playable. She is not a throw pick. Picking her, however, is kind of like buying a lottery ticket with odds that are just slightly against you. Your chance of success with Mercy is almost entirely dependent upon the competence of the rest of your team, and yet still worse than the chance of success with any other healer.

It’s 2M, it’s bearly anything, Doesn’t do much, Sometimes in certain situations it can be of some help, But it’s nothing drastic.

It’s not as good as trans, Not even close, The biggest counter to it, EMP still destroyes it.
99% Of the time the old SB would be enough to save you from a genji ult or any ult really, Or maybe one or two Teammates would die, It’s still just a lovetap and nothing meta defining, He would still be in the dumps if mercy didn’t get nerfed.

It’s the last thing she needs, It was unhealthy for the game, And now it’s gone, and she is also balanced now, What you think about how fun she is doesn’t matter.
The devs are OK with mercy’s state, Accept that it won’t change.

But this is the thing, she right now is like junkrat, or bastion, or reaper, or the old torb, or the old symmetra, or tracer, or roadhog. All picks that are either countered by a popular pick in this meta, or overall need the entire teams cooperation to be good

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I will not. The devs should not be OK with Mercy’s state.

Mercy is countered by Tracer, Genji, and Winston who can all keep up with her when she flies away and prevent her from regenerating health for extended periods of time. The most popular team comps going around right now are full of slow moving tanks and shields. Mercy synergizes with Pharah and Junkrat who should be the answer to the current meta team comps.

It is because Mercy is weak that Pharah is not wrecking GOATs teams. She should be part of the answer to the current meta. She isn’t because her healing output is bad.

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What Mercy players don’t realize is that Blizzard won’t change a hero (that is hard to balance) because some don’t find it fun. Mercy is my 2nd most played hero, and albeit there are less satisfying plays without mass res, I find her more fun because in place of pressing Q every now and then, there is an extra ability and you do more during Q. You are also more survivable.

And to all people who want a revert, it’s not going to happen. Negating a first pick that can happen at random that usually wins team fights is better, more important, and healthier for the game than resetting a fight and purposefully not healing so you get a big res.

So, mercy is needed in a comp, that shes extremely strong in, and a must pick in
IE. Pharmercy with dive.

This is the same situation with bastion, he needs an entire comp behind him to be useful.

a decent pharah can wreck goats without a mercy, she can oneshot tracers with an orb plus damage boost, and can reliable 2 shot almost all squishies with a damage boost.

I can as pharah destroy certain goats comps, with and without a mercy, from low gold, to low diamond. to mid diamond.

So is zen, and ana, and lucio, if the tracers genjis dvas and winstons are just good enough

Unlike zen, who literally cant do anything but aimlessly lob his balls at his enemies and die.

Aimlessly lob? A Zen who can aim is one of the deadliest things in the game.

That’s not okay. They’re looking at Bastion (small buffs inc soon per recent dev interview) because that’s not okay. Mercy requiring a team built around her is even worse, because Mercy’s kit is so much more flexible than Bastion’s. Mechanically speaking, she fits into a lot more team comps. She’s just not powerful enough to perform everywhere that she fits.

So… why do pros run GOATS into Pharah like they don’t care? Why don’t pros always counter GOATS with Pharah instead of just playing GOATS into GOATS?

I picked this quote because this is what people are sick of.


working as intended…


working as intended

6 months later blizz finally fixes something while adding some other problem that will take the 6 months to fix…

That’s just how it feels tbh.

It is their game, and I hope they have fun playing it as it is. Honestly though I play Overwatch less and less all the time.
I do placements right before the end of the season so decay doesn’t get me and other than that I only play pugs and scrims.

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and a genji who knows when to dash, deflect ,and shoot is more deadly.

But before they do buff bastion, its not wrong to assume that they might just keep him that way until further notice.

Goats is far less risky, and more low risk high reward than pharah.

A lot of good pros still use pharah against goats, but if the team doesnt have an amazing pharah, theyre likely to run goats.

She was a must pick with the 60hps, that’s why they changed it. She was dominating the meta, why do you want her to be OP?

Give her back the 60hps then but nerf her mobility to compensate.