Blizzard no punishments for False Reporting (Proofs in this thread) (You must read this)

Separately, I want to warn you that most of the text went through Google Translate, so ask your questions and suggest corrections if something happens.

Before reporting this thread, click here, you may change your mind

The purpose of creating this thread is only one:

  1. Elimination of such a phenomenon as false reporting.

I don’t like this, and neither do you. I do not urge to throw false reports.

But I also know that Blizzard’s lies that they are block for this will not stop half of the false reports.

However, if you still think that I am Troll and generally terrible, then I recommend reading to the end.

Why I decided to create this thread

Many who follow what is happening in this game have probably heard about some cases of blocking for false reporting. But … how long ago it was. Since then, not a single such news, I even tried to ask on this forum, from friends, acquaintances … silence.

Suggests thoughts, doesn’t it?

I ran an experiment. From a certain point at the end of each game I sent out 11 reports. At the same time, I numbered each false report so that there was no doubt that this is a real report.

The video captures 89 false reports (9 videos), but I sent it with a numbering of about 120, later I just sent out 11 reports every next games, but without text.

I think, even if you do not read the text of the report (which they, of course, do not do), you can understand, even if you are not a human being, that this account is being abused by the ability to send an unlimited number of reports.

4 days have passed. There are no penalties associated with sending multiple false reports. And it won’t. Most likely even after this thread.

Blizzard is in no way trying to give me a hint to stop doing this. On the contrary, it encourages.
I received a notification with gratitude for one of the reports, which indicates that one of my reports led to the punishment of a person

Blizzard should explain:

  1. Why can I still send reports
  2. What are the penalties for people who deal with massive false reports?
  3. Was at least one person blocked for false reporting in 2020?

Blizzard must fix:

  1. Reports for gameplay sabotage and inactivity disabled if you have not played with this account.
    This is ALREADY in the game, but only for reports “cheating”
  2. Reports for gameplay sabotage and inactivity disabled in custom game. Also, please, WHERE MY SETTING FOR REMOVE INACTIVITY IN CUSTOM GAME, WHY I KICKED FROM MY SERVER WITH 1 PEOPLE (me).
Fix this abuse

If someone is invited, for example, to a group, then their clickable nickname is displayed in the chat. All members of the group can drop a report on this account.
This is ALREADY being abused. Either hide the nickname and account before accepting, or the option to report only after accepting the invitation.

Recommend turning off the ability to invite you to strangers, and keep the list of friends clean.

I have already been threatened with this.

  1. Remind players that leaving the game early its no reason for report gameplay sabotage or inactivty
  2. Report for abusive chat is disabled if the person has not sent messages to the text chat in this match, and he is not in the voice chat from the very beginning of the match.
  3. Remove the window where the text report is entered or start reading it. Stop Lying.
  4. Start. To consider. Damn. Appeals.
  5. Make the reporting and penalties process more OPEN.

Stop referring to the list of rules, where the text is written so abstractly that it is impossible to navigate by it. Well, or at least not run away from answering questions about whether a particular phrase / situation is a violation or not.

  1. Forbid to call to throw a report on someone. Enter the selection report “Call for false reporting”.


All PUNISHMENTS are automatic. There is no protection against abuse, moreover, there are holes, thanks to which you can not even play the game, but get punished. But Blizzard will lie that they WILL CAREFULLY INVESTIGATE.

What do you think about this?


You realize that Blizzard doesn’t care about how easy it is to abuse their report system right? They’ve been lying about it being useful for several years now.

It was so easy to exploit it that even TreeBoyDave was banned for cheating. I mean, how garbage does a system have to be to conclude that?


It’s not even sad that their system is based on:

Well, when you are thrown * number * reports for * number * games, you will receive a punishment in accordance with the report item, which people have chosen and NOBODY will help you.

Sadly different.

The fact that people BELIEVE that the system WORKS WELL does not have SIGNIFICANT PROBLEMS, thanks to which you can block anyone and for anything (well, except for cheats, they did at least minimal protection there).

It’s pretty useful, actually. For them. It saves money, and works sometimes.

Who cares about us, really.

Some people say they play Overwatch. They say you’re transacting with their company.

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I think that if Blizzard does not answer or declares that everything is fine with them, then I will continue my experiment and will post its results until Blizzard starts to act.

And no, blocking an account from video doesn’t solve the problem.

You must solve it COMPLETELY

Don’t hold your breath, they don’t care and they won’t answer you. They already know their system is pretty garbage. It’s been that way for years.

Remember when they were proud to announce that the system suspended someone who had nearly 1000 reports of throwing? Yeah, that’s how bad it is.

Honestly the sad part is how little Blizzard cares about their very loyal fans these days.

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Perhaps people will eventually notice and understand everything, there will be general outrage and Blizzard will still answer.

I would like to believe

Support from popular content creators would not hurt, of course :frowning:

I really like that people believe in this “utopia” where 100% of the reports are true and 100% of the people that is toxic/cheats gets caught but … in reality that doesnt work like that.

Mostly because when you escalate that to “millions” of players, theres nothing that can come that close.

PS: Also reporting is a private action, thats why “report reason: False report” doesnt exist, because no player can see a report happening.

Most reports if not all are covered by a system. It really doesn’t matter if you false report or not.

I’m not sure why you want to waste time doing this. It’s been like this forever on any game pretty much

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So this item is for those cases when a person calls to throw a report in the chat. Like REPORT NAMEPEOPLE FOR TOXIC IN TEAM CHAT



And not for the fact of report.

0 proofs

I’m still yet to be proved wrong by your statement

I think you know the truth. They even did a Dev AMA on reddit instead of engaging with their actual official forum. You know they don’t give a F about us anymore.

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Blizzard is simply deceitful.

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If a player AFKs out, I feel a report for inactivity is totally justified.

Big brain dude

Hey talk here please about false reports.

why you no wanna talk here? Its system problem find and fix thread. Why you wanna insult me?

So now i will invite guy in this thread.

I false reported only for show problem and how fix it. But community (and you too) no care about SYSTEM PROBLEMS and better flame namepeople

This is one of the reasons why I am convinced that internal prioritization takes place.
Not every report is equally “valuable”.
It is possible to develop a system that can monitor itself and automatically set priorities and weight false reports so low that they are practically worth nothing.
I think Valve uses something similar.

This of course requires that there are mostly legitimate reports.
It is not the first time that it could be a big mistake to rely on the community to play the game the way it was intended.

False reports will get discounted as noise by the system - and there is no reliable way to determine if a report is false or not so punishment for false reporting would be unfair. My guess is they feed it all into an algorithm and let machine learning figure out which might be legit and which probably aren’t. Once certain thresholds are met, punishments/warnings are then passed out.

Only this is all at the level of guesses without any confirmation, I have not even seen words from the developers.

but they are regularly ready to confirm that for mass mailing of complaints - PUNISHMENT. And the “fact” that they IN MANUAL MODE check, and “do not issue automatic punishments”.

So the only question is HOW BAD