Teamplay? Good joke

What you call teamplay, I call gameplay sabotage and send 5 reports.

That’s a really bad attitude to have :confused:


How else?

A lot of people talking about teamplay don’t understand it.

But you understand all .?


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sounds like you might get banned for sending false reports

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I counter reported people that reported me for onetricking Bastion on competitive (just 10 matches) saying “He reported me because I’m playing Bastion”.
I got two “Thank you for reporting”.

So… If you falsely report but don’t say on the chat that you are reporting, then you are safe.

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Decided to read to the end XD

and … what?

Are you so careful to warn false reporters so that they don’t write anything to the chat? very nice of you

If you one trick Bastion that is your problem. Bastion requires a team to protect him. So you are essentially saying; “I don’t care what you want to do. I want to play Bastion, so now you have to protect me or else we lose.” So right from the start you come off as an A-hole.

Reports don’t do anything though.

You are talking to a person who has received over 10 penalties.

Trust me I know what I’m talking about

Ah you don’t play as i’d like you to play, not living up to my ideals.


Practically what i read.


Over 10 penalties, but still able to play, post, etc.

As I said, reports don’t do anything.

Someone does not understand that all punishments lead to - the emergence of new smurfs?

And this is money for Blizzard.

Well, you keep asking to increase the effectiveness of reports

Someone does not understand that the possibility of emerging new smurfs, not banning IP/MAC addresses, etc., means…that reports don’t do anything.

Nice joke ahahhahahha

Nice reading comprehension “ahahhahahha”.

What is it about Overwatch that has attracted a playerbase of such nitwits? You can hand hold and walk the average poster here through the simplest concept, and they still end up bewildered.

have a nice day

You can cry. Report. ban. But people will still come and say what they want. UNLUCKY for you

You too. Let’s hope you don’t stay stuck as an illiterate forever, that’s no way to go through life.

All complaints about Google translate, in my own language and even in the game, I’m 10 goals ahead of you, and learning English for such a place as the overwatch forum … no thanks