Kephrii abuses the report system

I agree, but mods here don’t like you going after their streamers. I’d remove this post if you care about your account.


If you think that you have gotten banned for nothing, then I would contact the support.
Prove your points with evidence, make your point clear.

And if you really haven’t done anything wrong and they still won’t unban you, then you know the true face of a company and your post would get taken more serious from people.

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The devs obviously have granted his account special rewards and approved him for superior flagging.

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Not to sound confused but who is Kephrii?

We know. There’s just no point in doing anything about it

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Wow blizzard no bans for abuse report system! No one know… Oh no…

Oh no this community just blind :slight_smile:

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You reckon you got banned for nothing?

If so, there’s a ticket system you need to appeal with, and you will either get a yes or no depending on the review.

And also you will have received an email with the reason why.

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Someone people like to blame when he fills out a report like anyone is allowed to do.


For the last time for all threads like these, Kephrii does not ban anyone, Blizzard does. You have an issue take it up with them.


It’s basically this. We know they algorithmically whitelist streamers and content creators for good press. That means almost no elo hell - the throwers are never on their team and their hitbox reg/aimassist is dialed all the way up for epic pop-off moments and viewer engagement.

Usually after saying something like that you would put an /s there.


Kephrii doesn’t get any special report treatment, he doesn’t single handedly get you banned, if you for you to get banned you’d need to get reported by a lot of players, and only then blizzard will check if something suspicious is going on, if you think you have been falsely banned contact blizzard, if nothing is wrong you will get unbanned.

I’m not a big fan of Kephrii, I also don’t like some of the things that he does, but I can clearly see that he isn’t the main reason you are banned, to me it looks like you are trying to blame someone else just because you can’t do anything else, so at least you can ruin someone’s reputation while going down yourself…


Exactly. People report others all the time over sus behaviour (and a lot of times without sus). SO why should he get banned and others are allowed to?

When did we normalize defending pr£d@T0r$ and unfaithful men? I won’t ever understand his fanbase.

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But WHY are there so many threads like this. I am barely around anymore and I run into quite a few of these. And given he got homie banned on Twitch, I would not be surprised if there was something fishy going on.


If someone false reports someone it is very unlikely that the individual will get banned, and if one person false reports someone it doesn’t mean that others will report him, but if someone is suspicious and someone reports him, it is very likely that he will get reported by other people as well, and if he is really cheating he will probably get banned, that’s how the system works, there are some times that people get falsely banned but those are rare and can be fixed by contacting blizzard.

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That’s bc the throwers are their friends Lol

The top % of players regularly and somewhat openly “Help” eachother get/hold their ranks.

This is why they have a bunch of 'smurfs" in various ranks and why after losing game after game on stream… are right back up to where they were by the start of next stream.

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Yeah, I know. I am on your side :smiley:


Oh well I can’t read I guess, too much math homework does it sometimes…

Was anyone defending that? You monglet.
Just because he did that wrong doesn’t make everything he does and everything surrounding him ALSO wrong… and telling people they are wrong about it isn’t running defense for anything except the truth. Is the truth an unfaithful predator? Are you following how broken your logic is?

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