Blizzard is lying to us, yet again

Well that’s the first time I’ve ever seen a mod be so informal and friendly. Consider yourself lucky, Neon :laughing:

Do you think calling them liars is going to make them more sympathetic to your cause?

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I mean I was kind to them for the past 10 months since I believed they will do something. They did nothing. I can call them whatever I want now…


Mercy main crying about a 10hp healing nerf. Surprising.

What’s not surprising is you can save 15% or more by switching to Geico.

Okay. Jokes aside, cmon. It’s a 10hp nerf. She still can res, heal quite a bit, damage boost, and she still has lots of mobility. She’s still good. I don’t understand why so much people cry about it.

DPS players hate Mercy because of her res. It is an ability that by pressing one button, can take all of the skill that was involved for the DPS player to kill that person, be pretty much reversed.

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No, Im crying about ALL the nerfs. ALL of them. In fact Idc for the healing nerf. Im tiltede at the “bug” fix (the powering up ultimates thingie) and the rest of the 9 nerfs

oh if u dont know what the bug fix is, she can no longer power up half the dps/tank ults (including all the support ults, widow type ults and so on)

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I personally hate this nerf because all it does is make Mercy less engaging to play. Instead of actually changing how her rez works (the part of her kit which actually needs balancing) they decided to nerf her healing back to what it was originally (before they buffed it to 60hps).

This isn’t what Mercy mains wanted when they said they wanted a revert.


Oh, how false that statement is for those who did not exploit the SR bug, but got there on their own merit.


I kinda cant get what Str1kernaut meant, his/her/their post is a mess.
But getting to gm with mercy is hard. U depend on your team and if u get shiit dps/leaver/bad tank/ healer who dps/too much dps/people that dont protect u etc etc u have just lost. Thats what is bad with mercy she cant carry a game, her official ult (i mean valk) cant turn around the tide of a battle. Res is still broken af and it needs to either go away or get to an ult again for the character to be balanced. But nope. Blizz will throw nerf after nerf, killing the character and taking away the fun in playing her more and more. DPS people still want mercy nerfs, yet in game they just WANT us to play mercy and if we dont we get reported. How is that fair…

EDIT: Also am I the only one pissed at blizzard callign the not-being-able-to-dmg-boost-ults-anymore nerf a “bugfix”. Like what. 3 years old nerf and you fix it right now? When basically EVERYTHING about mercy was nerfed BUT her dmg boost. Now you nerfed that. good job blizzard. I lost hope in you.

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Blizzard lied to us? I’m shocked. Totally shocked. /s

They only listen to their stockholders. They’re starting to become as bad as EA. They don’t give a damn about us. Never have. Never will. At least ArenaNet does… maybe I should pick up GW2 again.


Nah EA may do pay to win games and stuff but as for my PAST expirience with them they listen to the WHOLE community. Unlike blizzard who listens only to dps mains

dps main: nerf mercy
-mercy nerfed
dps main: nerf mercy
-mercy nerfed
dps main: nerf mercy
-mercy nerfed
dps main: nerf mercy
-mercy nerfed
dps main: nerf mercy
-mercy nerfed + the “bugfix”

Next time they will just remove her from the roster.


Im a dps main. And besides Brig, I never EVER complained about the other supps. To me Mercy was fine anytime.
So please reconsider your comment.


Let me tell you this. Dont you dare using high level play as statistics. High level players are less than 3% of this entire community.

If we go with the same thing, how many times have u seen a high level play match run without a widow/hanzo/soldier or tracer.

Im in mid-high plat, have been in low-mid and high diamond (ever sicne jan 30). Mercy was rarely picked 1 motnh after the nerf. People (and thats me) usually picked moira instead of mercy cuz of the pure burst healing she provides and mercy’s resurrect needing too much team-communication to pull off. Which appearently lacks in low plat to high diamond

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we already know that they are Lying to most of the Community and it is getting out of hand

just yesedtay i made a psot thread (only For the Mercy Main and comment on and have fun)

but i guess some one over there don’t like me and Mercy for some reason or

just don’t want to hear what we have to say

and we make a forum post about (Any Thing regarding Mercy)

to them, it’s become a huge issue

just yesterday I spent a 3 hours out fully my feelings,through and etc just to express how i and maybe others have feit witch to us might be fair

but we going to leave now before we end up geting banned from the fourms and the game too

because there a lot of stuff happening now


Better? edited it

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we rite with you heading back to Guild Wars 2 and TF 2

I’m sick and tired of being ignored or having someone take something away from me just for speaking my mind forget that

They have deleted my “I hate you for what you have done blizzard” post. They just want us to be silent and just continue taking the nerfs

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doesn’t that kinda show how OP she was to begin with, sledgehammer nerfs and she is still the best healer. I donno.


Thats why we want the old mercy. She was fun. This one has been nerfed to the point where u have no fun playing her, it feels like a chore…
A chore in a GAME. Arent games made to be fun or smth, idk ?

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Don’t forget the lube.