Blizzard is lying to us, yet again

Considering how many of the posts in the mega thread just repeat the same stuff but in different ways it’s not hard to imagine someone getting through them all if they stayed on top of reading them from the start. There is a point at which you stop taking anything serious when there is no longer anything constructive outside of just bickering and reposting the same thing over and over.


No ,because blizzard decided to actually annihilate them (Mccree moreso than genji) into a balanced state immediately instead of slowly rip off the band-aid ,what’s your point ?

Blizzard: buffs all healers but Brigitte and Mercy
Forum Mercy Main ™ : DeePEeSS FaVoRItiSM!!!


Mccree just recently got buffed (his ult) and will soon get his dmg buffed, what’s your point.


Have fun with lots of battle mercys now.

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Playing Mercy means having to suck it up and letting everyone else have a say in how the game goes. Everyone wants a Mercy Main so long as they shut up.

Apparently that applies to the forums, too.


As I said DPS players really appear to hate us mercy players so I guess I shall be going out of this game

PS: Go find yourself a healthpack. Will help u in the 6 dps meta


My guess is they unpinned it to make it less likely to get mass flagged and closed again like it has been getting repeatedly. The people who care know where the thread is and can find it easily.


U wouldn’t say having your hero be a must pick for 10 seasons in a row while having an extremely low skill requirement even after nerfs be called getting the anvil.

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blizzard didnt create them…the constant nonstop spewing of suggestions that have been literally given every single day for a year now created the need for some place to put them…WE (and by we i mean the mercy cult) created the “trash bins”…

the discussion today is the same as it was 30…60…90…120 days ago…its already been said…why we need an almost hourly reminder is why there is a megathread…


I honestly can’t say I’m sorry to see the megathread get locked again even when it’s unpinned, it deserves to stay unpinned. I don’t want my discussion on Mercy to be redirected to a thread that’s never read by anyone official. The only time the thread got any official interaction was around the first wave of flagging when Tom issued a warning notice. Otherwise it’s been dead throughout that megathread and all other megathreads (you can’t count the rare post by Jeff either as they weren’t originally posted in the megathread).

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10 seasons??? what. She has been never a must pick ever since her january nerfs. She is powerful but can be replaced by a decent moira.

Also she was must pick for 20 september 2017 to 30 jan 2018
EDIT: thats not even 5 full months, ult piling meta has been here for what, 5 months and bit over that since we are the end of july


10 points for the DPS boogymen.

Do they flatter Bastion?
Do they flatter Sombra?
(As much as I hate them) Do they flatter Reaper and Phara?
Did they add Brig and Moria, to give supports more options against flankers?

I’ll tell you what. You can have deadeye and I’ll take Valk.

She is a must pick now what are you talking about lol


Thank you, would love to see mercy shooting peolle with her blaster,insta killing them thru cover.

She is strong but not a must pick. Ever since January 30 nerf, every team can run without a mercy and win. Even if there is a mercy on the enemy, she doesnt increase their chances to win as ressing is extremely difficult (and in most cases u MUST HIDE) and valkyrie CANNOT turn around a fight


Mercy is a must pick. How many times do teams run a comp with no mercy in any high level play successfully other than goats comp.

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Well that’s the first time I’ve ever seen a mod be so informal and friendly. Consider yourself lucky, Neon :laughing:

Do you think calling them liars is going to make them more sympathetic to your cause?

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I mean I was kind to them for the past 10 months since I believed they will do something. They did nothing. I can call them whatever I want now…