Blizzard is Apparently Considering Splitting Comp into Two Playlists

Sure completely agree, I don’t think the concerns people have about splitting the comp base is particularly valid. It’s pretty clear they have largely different audiences.


Big if true, i might actually play competitive again.

I only do my placements and few games to keep my rank but that’s about it.

I liked open q, it’s the competitive I enjoyed back in the day, I would like it to stay.

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I hope and pray this rumor turns out to be true, and this change is made in the game

roleless queue side by side as equals with 222…that’d be awesome

do you have any data that supports this claim of a majority?

I dont see how 222 was ever needed.

Wanted by some, yes, but never needed

the game can be played perfectly well without 222 restrictions, and was played without those restrictions for years


This shouldn’t even be a consideration.

Splitting comp playerbase into two will only make queue times twice as long and matchmaking three times as poor.

Why can’t they just abolish role queue, let people queue normally and just grey out roles when a maximum of 2 tanks, 3 dps or 2 supports have been selected by players and let people select their desirable roles themselves according to your team composition and according to your own skillset and capacity of flexing?

Goats is apparently a problem in open queue, but splitting all the players in two, especially the little tank players we got, will only create more problems than solve.

Many tanks and healers were still gutted in 2-2-2, and GOATS was already on its way out.

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This is over-complicating things. Just leave it as 2-2-2. Open queue is not something i can go back to after being spoiled by 2-2-2

The only thing wrong with 2-2-2 is the long DPS queues. I haven’t queued as DPS in months just because I don’t want to spend 10 minutes waiting for a 10 minute game. Perhaps if they made tank / support classes more engaging DPS queues wouldn’t be so long, however they continue to nerf tanks and supports.

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apologies if this is already mentioned on here…but it just hit me that they have a player icon for comp open queue with a “I” on it…as in season 1 (like all the other comp sprays/icons)…why label it season 1 if you arent planning on bringing it back?

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its rather simple to me

you queue for either role-less or any combination of tank, dps, and/or support

queue menu:

() roleless
() 222 [] tank [] dps [] support

if one doesnt like role-less queue for whatever reason, one simply chooses one or more of the 222 options as they do now

many severe problems were added to the game by 222

for example, another severe problem that 222 added to the game was the removal of flexing


Which version do the devs balance, since its impossible to balance both?

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As good as this is, they need to move QPC and Competitive open queue out of arcade and side by side in the main menu. Give people this choice upfront rather than have them go to the arcade for it. Give the modes some respect


I dont see it as impossible, personally

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It is. Changes for one mode will directly affect the other mode. You cannot change both and not expect huge, unexpected impact on the other.

Example: The recent tank shield nerfs could not have happened in QPC without sending tanks into the gutter for solo tanking, due to massive damage potential of 3+dps comps against them. Those changes were fine in 222. The 2 modes are not compatible in a lot of ways.

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I think Megadodo means that it’s possible to balance both separately.

I personally feel the balance in Competitive Open Queue is fine right now.

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I can already see pro rolequeue players being upset at this since it means longer queue times for them

I think it’s a bad idea. Open Que Comp should just be part of arcade rotation.

Overwatch has enough players to support both modes. I think it is a good idea. For me personally, I could see playing both depending on if I felt like flexing or not that day.

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Naeri I think no longer participates in the Korea MVP community, which is different from my role as a Tech Support MVP, they might have dissolved their MVP program but I am not entirely sure. (North American Overwatch forums has no Community MVP program.)

That being said Naeri is a very well-known member of our community and often gets reliable news from various sources. That being said, until something is officially stated by Blizzard, consider anything stated as rumor. She also often intreprets many of the dev posts here on the North American forums somewhat incorrectly occasionally. I think she may be talking about this post from Jeff Kaplan when Open Queue first came out:

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