Blizzard is Apparently Considering Splitting Comp into Two Playlists

Great! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: Open queue competitive needs to be a permanent mode.

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The entire issue behind goats was that they needed to make stacking tanks/supports weaker but not so weak that they become useless when played in 222 against the buffed up anti goats DPS.

Goats is meta in open queue already and if they nerfed tanks to solve the issue of goats it would screw over tanks in 222.

In reality would this simply be moving open queue from arcade menu to the competitive menu, one square over?

not really a huge change

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So basically Comp1 will have tanks and supports, while Comp2 has all the damage players who donā€™t want to wait in queue.

Yep, do you wanna play 2-2-2- or 0-5-1

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Balancing them both separately means 2 separate games.

The balance in OQ is not balanced for all classes, especially tanks and healers.

OW isnā€™t designed for competitive.

I donā€™t know chief, looks like you will have to pick between:

  • sit in queue for [insert role here] for longer queue time

  • having fast queue and contemplate every game whether you are going to play a tank or healer

Iā€™m sorry, but thereā€™s no way other than foricng people into specific roles if you want to have atleast somewhat quality match.

I disagree

Iā€™d say such balancing would be difficult but not impossible

Hereā€™s the thing, even if this is true and it happens we still have a problem:

Lack of Tank (players)

You see, yes, we have a lot of DPS players. And, more places to go for them, is good. It will thin them out per mode, which will help Q times (at least, in theory).

But, what about the Tank and Supports? Do people really think adding more permanent modes will help that? We are already struggling now, especially with the lack of tanks. Thatā€™s why we are seeing things like 6v5 matches in QP when a Tank leaves (The backfill canā€™t fill it fast enough, because thereā€™s not enough people on Tank). And why we are seeing Tanks 2 ranks above or below the average player SR in Comp (like Plat Tanks in a Master game).

Donā€™t get me wrong, I want to keep OQ. Iā€™m actually having fun again. Fun I havenā€™t had since Role Lock/Role Q/222 became a thing (outside of the 132 experiment, I really enjoyed that). But, if we do this, the players that are filling those Tank/Support slots in QP and Comp (like me), might move over to OQ, permanently. And I donā€™t see that helping the overall health of the game.

I mean, the Devs have said of themselves, how they donā€™t want to have too many active modes, at once, because itā€™s will split up the player base too much. Making OQ permanent could do that. And, as much as I want OQ to stay, I donā€™t know if the Tank and Support parts of this player base, can take being divided up even more than they already are.

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This ā€œresponseā€ has nothing to do with what I said.
Stop nitpicking half a sentence and responding to it like it means something. The fact still remains:
Open queue is a type of competitive in OW, it was for many years so it should have been there in the first place.

Open que is a part of competitive; therefore it has everything to do with it. I have no idea why youā€™re posting in here if you expect to contradict what iā€™m trying to say with crap that doesnā€™t actually make sense.

I like open queue.

I canā€™t break 2200 SR between any of the 3 roles in comp. Open Queue I placed near 2400 off the bat.

Itā€™s amazing what you can achieve when youā€™re not at the mercy of 5 strangers and can flex play to a fill a role lacking, whether itā€™s more healing, tank, or damage.

Youā€™re playing healing and constantly getting picked off by Doomfist and nobody will swap to help? Swap to Sombra, force him off, then go back to healing.

You canā€™t throw 12 random people together and then expect synergy and team work off the bat. Couple that with games needing comms? Itā€™s a recipe for hell. Open Queue at least gives people some control of their own games.


Dude ā€¦ did you actually read ANYTHING of the post you nitpicked a sentence from or from the OP ?
It is not, its on the Arcade section. The sentence from the twitter literally says:

officially considering whether to introduce Competitive Open Queue into the regular Competitive Play within the Overwatch team, and there may be two versions of Competitive Play if it passes.

Read dude. Read before throwing comments for the sake of mashing your keyboard and stop trolling. No more feeding you.

Actually, it is, from what I understand. Whatever theyā€™re doing to the engine for overwatch 2, makes that possible. They even talked about having separate balance and stuff for PVE versus PVP, when that launches.

But, youā€™re right, it was an issue for a long time. It was the same reason why you couldnā€™t have something like mass res mercy and archives, and then Valkyrie mercy in the main game. It was just too difficult at the time.

But, yeah, whatever theyā€™re doing with the new engine, they said that would be a lot easier. So, itā€™s potentially possible that they could have two different types of hero balance, for PVP. Maybe the open cue will have its own updates and versions of a hero, and then 222 will as well. Assuming they can pull that off, that would be rather interesting. Although it might be kind of a pain for anyone who wants to play both experiences. But, that could also be part of the fun

That is a fair point to make. Personally, I just worry about those of us who donā€™t really care for 222, but were the ones filling up the tank and support Qs. If enough of them migrate to the Open Q system, that might hurt the 222 side of the game.

And, while I may not like the whole 222 thing, I have no issue with people who do, in general. My only issue ever came from people who wanted the 222 system, at the price of everyone else who didnā€™t.

Donā€™t get me wrong, if we can all find a way to coexist, I would be super happy about that. I just donā€™t know if the game/playerbase can maintain both styles of play. I guess, if they implement it, weā€™ll just have to wait and see.

I mean, I have to admit, that skin was pretty awesome. His hammer even squeaks like one of those blow up toys for kids. I mean, how awesome is that?! Haha.

That is my concern, as well. While I think the DPS part of the player base, will be fine to be spread across multiple modes, Iā€™m not sure the people who are willing to play tank and support, can afford the further division. But, if this comes to the game, I guess weā€™ll just have to wait and see how it goes.

Potentially. But, as somebody who was playing tank and support in quick play and competitive, but then moved over to the open queue, when that became a thing, I donā€™t know.

I mean, how many people are going to play like me and feel like me? how many people who play tank and support, but for whatever reason donā€™t like 222, weā€™ll move over to open queue if it becomes permanent? If itā€™s enough of players, that in turn, could cause harm to the 222 side of the game. And, Itā€™s hurting now, in some ways already.

Canā€™t earn Comp points in QP :man_shrugging:

Right, but as I said, my concern is it also sponging up too many of the non-ā€œI only play DPSā€ players.

Right, but we didnā€™t necessarily know this man that they could bring it back, permanently. It could have been possible that they just made it a seasonal mode, like the competitive Elim and all that.

As I said, definitely one of your better ideas.

I do wonder if they would do separate balance. They said having multiples of one Hero was almost impossible, in the past. But theyā€™ve also talked about how whatever theyā€™re doing to the engine for Overwatch 2, makes stuff like that easier.

So, who knows? We might have two modes with two different balance sets. I have to admit, that would be rather interesting, especially if you hopped back and forth. Might make for quite an exciting game.

Well, it is possible that they did that to cover their butts, Just in case they did.

I mean, there are other things out in the world that are part ones of episodes and movies and stuff like that, and part two never actually comes to fruition.

I mean, thereā€™s a whole host of TV series that got canceled after ending on a cliffhanger, that proved that. Lol.

Agreed. And that would also free up some space in the arcade maybe we could have permanent archives, in exchange. Haha.

It could have a bigger change, than you think. And Iā€™ve gone over some of that, with some people, in this long comment of mine.

Weā€™ve been discussing things, like: whether or not they would balance separately for each mode, how this would affect Q times (Especially if some current players that are now playing tank and support, in 222, move over to open Q instead), and things like that.


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Thatā€™s because in NA no one queued for open queue after placements. I got 10 minute wait times solo queuing at times. When you only take 1/20 players away from a mode, the impact is negligible. But thereā€™s also no point in adding that mode.

What a complete fallacy claiming itā€™s only tanks and supports. Iā€™m a DPS main and strongly agree with 2-2-2. The people I play with are also strongly for 2-2-2 and mostly DPS mains as well. Iā€™ve tried open queue on a few occasions and found it to be a complete circusā€” like it used to be. 2-2-2 added much needed structure to the game for organized play.

No matter how many bandaids you put on, it cant fix interanl bleeding.


I feel like if you move it on the menus to where the experimental mode was, more people would play and take it serious.

Putting it in the Arcade menu is a bad move IMO. If experimental mode was in there Iā€™m sure it would have 1/4th the players. Hell, I didnā€™t even know Open Queue was in there until someone on these forums posted about it.

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I highly doubt that. The only reason the menu matters is people seeing it for the first time. Once itā€™s seen, someone who wants the mode will play it. Theyā€™re not going to ā€œforgetā€ itā€™s there. So anyone who does weekly arcade games, reads the patch notes, or ever plays arcade saw it. And it was taking up single digit percentage of the comp player base at the end. Players in NA just donā€™t like it. The small bump from being on the competitive menu wonā€™t change that much. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they added it because of its success in Asia though.

Iā€™d probably play it over QP classic if theyā€™d get rid of the stupid report system. But since I donā€™t want to get banned for playing 3rd or 4th DPS, Iā€™ll stick to QP classic when I want to DPS.

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