Blizzard, about mercy

Until they rework her you’re gonna keep seeing them.


I dont agree with you suggestions but Mercy needs a new rework that gets rid of valk and places rez as her ultimate again. Maybe other stuff could work as well but I am not really convinced about that.

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How about NO mercy’s fine

Coming from someone who plays in silver-gold, next time give info from someone more relevant.

why people think that Rez is the most powerfull ability, when you can just kill the target again.

also its just one target and has 30 sec cooldown

I am pretty sure you can kill more than one target in less than 30 sec

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Because it makes someone who was killed come back with full HP? It makes it so you have to kill someone twice instead of once. I don’t see how you don’t find that to be the most powerful ability.

and you have to wait 2 seconds that rez is complete

and if it fails, it gets on cooldown

and yes it rezzes target to full health, but Moira can simply heal the target to full health in 2 seconds

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2 seconds instead of 10 + travel time.

Every ability goes on cooldown regardless of if you hit something or not this is not Mercy exclusive.

Moira can’t heal a dead target.

well only other abilty which has this is Lucio´s ult

Fixed it for you honey :two_hearts:


yeah but Moira can stop death more easily

on the other hand Mercy really can´t

Has what exactly?

Okay if you can tell me how Moira is going to heal a Widow Headshot into a 200 HP character I will be amazed.

if you die while jumping it goes on cooldown

no other ability or ult goes on cooldown if you fail

I said she can stop it more easily, but she aint a miracle worker either

Any ult can be disabled before even activated through stuns or death as you use it.

What I mean by an ability going on cooldown regardless of if it hits is more in line with McCree’s flashbang. You can use it and hit nothing but it still goes on cooldown even though you failed.

Mercy has the power to reverse a one hit kill and you don’t see that as an amazing ability?

powerfull yes, most powerfull no

What is the most powerful ability in your eyes then?

Something like Zen ult heal, isntant, heals fast