Blizzard, about mercy

How could they do this to our angel? Yes I know that she got nerfed around Season 5-ish, but come one Blizzard (or more of Team 4) ! 14 - 15 STRAIGHT NERFS! She NEEDS a buff, and she relies on the team to much. Also her ult is trash. All you get to do is fly up in the air. wow. that’s cool. I think its time Team 4 listens and buffs her. She isn’t how angel anymore. And with the nerfs, her healing has been reduced! Her healing output was never a problem. Here’s what I personally think they can do to her, and possibly rework her again:
-Buff Rez in some way, maybe shorter cooldown.
-Increase her healing output to something like her old one which is 60 a sec.
-Add new ability, and replace it with guardian angel or have it for a period of time, and you can fly for 5 sec or 3 sec so you can get away. Speaking of flying…


-Have her healing output increased, to like 70 or 65.

-Either bonus Rez, or faster cast time, or both.


-Blaster Damage increase

I put this for a reason many do, she can’t stay like this, I want her to be our guardian angel once more.


I want you to know that I tried to take this post seriously with all my heart.

I’m sorry. I failed you.


Yes buff the best ability in the game as if that wasn’t the problem with her kit to begin with.


Oh look, another one


I agree that Mercy’s current state is absolutely insulting. There’s only one way to fix her now and make amends to our community:

Give Mercy ice-cream emote!


If Mercy’s ult got buffed in healing. Moira’s ult would have to be buffed in both healing and dps.

I say this because your suggestions would literally put Moira in F-Tier.

Res is the best ability in the game regardless of how gimped it is.
It takes far to many “skill points” if you would forgive the analogy that it demands the rest of her kit being neutered.
As long as res remains, the rest of her kit must be weak.

I wouldn’t mind if rez had a shorter cooldown, but teammates would be resurrected at 50% health. Valkyrie could be buffed to 60hps, but it would still be 50hps outside of Valkyrie. I disagree with everything else…

This forum
has gone
without a mercy thread


Mercy is still a great introductory hero to the game and she is balenced perfectly right now, she is freelo to diamond and you start having to extend your hero pool beyond that, or
Master her kit completely.

Mercy is balanced but not fun, but she has never been fun anyway.

I could go so far as to say that this forum can only go about 3 hours without a new Mercy thread being made. And that’s being generous…


That is adorable.


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I got inspired by a meme with similar text :wink:
The original image is a meme for software developers. :yum:

You want to heal 65/70 HP/s by holding M1? I’m sorry. Get outta here.

Her heal needs adjustments, BUT NOT some crazy number like you suggested. Back to 60 tops, or 55 to be moderate. Going beyond 60 will just make every other healer useless. WHY would someone play a mechanical heavy hero like Ana if you can just hold M1 for 70 HP/s? That’s outrageous.


TBH the community isn’t happy since Mercy 2.0 . It has literally been the longest and HOTTEST burning topic which spans to every gamer’s form and even the Deepweb of the internets. The mercy 2.0 thing has been the BIGGEST upset since Blizzard nerfed the Druid Tree form on World of Warcraft and that backlash costed them so much, that it lowered their sales of all future WoW expansion titles since that point. I think I will have to always side with the Mercy 1.0 players, that they were essentially correct.

If I had a dollar for every mercy post… Well I could pay off my college degree plus interest.

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Working as intended

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Really it’s only a vocal minority on the forums for the most part. And they are way less than 1% of the OW player-base. Almost all of the Mercy complaining happens here on the forums; it pretty much never happens anywhere else on the net.
(Even the forum community overall is less than 1% of the OW player-base).

If I had a dollar for every Mercy post, I could retire… :yum:


HA. Yeah ikr! The mercy posts are plentiful. I really dont call it a minority group though. Because I had this MASSIVE friends list on here prior to mercy 2.0. I added mercy players left and right, because I wanted pocket healers for me on widow.

After 2.0, they all left. I guess that’s just my perspective from playing this game for quite awhile :wink:


How? Well according to rumor, no one on the Dev team mains Mercy, and so no one really spoke up when they started beating her with the nerf bat like she was a kind of pinyata.

Res is good.
But not for Mercy.