Blizz listen... Mercy Players are talking to you

Of course now my post is toxic, cause its annoying that all you say is HURR DURR. I found her fun in the early stage of the game. Instead of getting something productive into the discussion you just keep hating Mercy and Mercy Players…

All this hating just for the sake of hating something is getting annoying. Neither do I like to suffer. But she is my favourite Hero I liked her, she was my first picked Hero until I tryed other stuff.

Thats why I would like if they did something good with her instead of whatever this is just now. Heck they can change her healing staff to not being a lock on. I trust that Blizzard could find something. And no one asks for an right away fix but if we atleast got a HEADs UP we are working on it I would be happy.

Please, look around at your actually good and competitive friends, and ask them where lucio currently is in the actually smart metas

yeeeeah, thats what we thought

Aura nerf him harder then alotta overreacted mercy nerfs. What’s the point to be faster, and have close range tools to kill, if you team doesn’t benefit from it…

And you still doesn’t bring something constructive about how make her fun. Simple, what do you want to have in mercy kit, or change to make fun? Edit: do you think "I want my hero be F tier " it’s normal?

Well you were right.

I stopped reading right here.

Mercy IS a pain in your butt most of the time, not in the sense that she kills you but in the sense that killing anything on the team she’s in is increasingly difficult, even if you manage to overshoot her healing, you need to set up guard on dead bodies or you run the risk of them coming back to life

So while I understand why you feel bored when playing Mercy I also think you overlook quite a bit about the character, this is just my opinion though and I do enjoy the character quite a bit myself

I’ll tell you:

Why let those team mates die, whilst Resurrecting the two dead team mates could swing the fight around and prevent the other people from dying in the first place?
Why risk being the last person standing and getting that Resurrect wiped?
If things turn out alright, you’ll be close to your next Rez, anyway, so I don’t see any reason in this specific scenario, to not go for that two-man Rez.
The pros clearly outweigh the cons.

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Another crying mercy

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I’m going to be honest here… if said character is no longer fun, and Blizzard thinks its fine (and truth be known many Mercy mains are quite happy), maybe you need to look at a different character or quit playing. It’s just gotten absurd about the posting on Mercy, I’m sorry, it’s as if life itself revolves around this damn character for some people. There are other supports for pete’s sake… flex… and criticism of your position is productive feedback for everyone concerned… and it’s really not all about YOU currently either…

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Mercy is no longer in a good place, a lot of Mercy mains were forced onto her because she was meta, but she wasn’t necessarily fun, which made a lot of us despise playing her. Quite a bit of us stopped playing comp and decided quick play would be better since we could play other heroes and have “It’s just quick play” to say.

Mercy’s healing nerf has done a lot, she can no longer consistently heal, being easily overpowered by consistent damage, and her ultimate is easily overpowered by Winston (Remember… he DOES NOT require aim…).

She is no longer in the same place as other healers, she is much weaker after all these nerfs. She is the worst solo healer to choose (forcing her to have another healer in the team) which also forces people to choose Ana and Moira. At this point they are more consistent then Mercy. I am also watching my healing average per 10 minutes, and I rarely get more then 7k healing a game. My average is around 9k, so this healing nerf is doing A LOT more then you blind dps mains think

She isn’t fun because of the fact that she isn’t important no one cares what the Mercy does anymore, she isn’t put in the spotlight at all during a game. No more “awesome heals Mercy!” and absolutely no “beautiful res Mercy.” We have nothing to give us enjoyment, sure we can get some kills, but that doesn’t make a lot of us happy, and doesn’t help us find enjoyment in a healer.

Well… resurrect isn’t the same to many of us, plus they just added a trashed ultimate to the game. Oh yeah, if you didn’t already know, Valkyrie had already been tested before the game came out, and it wasn’t necessarily kept, and for good reason too. Same with cast time resurrect! It was also trashed (also for good reason).

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Everyone’s just over reacting. It’s a nerf to her healing output. They haven’t killed her, she’s still a good healer stop being sheep and listening to Youtubers say ‘SHES DEAD’. She is not. She is still viable. She is still good.

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Resurrect is more fun because it gives the player a “super hero” moment. Feeling like they saved the day. When you use valkyrie, yes your beams are extending to more people but it’s the same healing and the same damage boost, I wish at least the beams would not target more than one player but would be freaking 3-4 times more powerful. Then at least you’d have to heal the right people at the right moment.

When you used resurrect, your team had a second chance and usually it was also the moment Mercy got her “On fire” meter full so every sound effect would play at the same time and you’d feel like a hero.

Nowadays not so much. You’re comparing hiding before an ultimate (something not everyone did) to an actual ultimate. Of course USING valkyrie is more fun than doing nothing. USING resurrect felt much better.


And who said we listened to Youtubers? If anyone is listening to them it’s you since you’re also most likely one of the many people who still thinks she’s powerful, fun, and needs to be nerfed a LOT.

Explain the Moira/Ana meta then? :thinking::thinking:

You’re one of those sheep that just listen to whatever your favourite Youtuber says the meta is? The ‘Meta’ dosen’t even effect players below Masters. No one actually plays ‘dive’ or whatever. You play whatever comp you want with no structure. Sure you can have the heroes to run dive, but 9 times out of 10 they don’t actually play dive.

Heroes recieve the smallest changes (Moira) and then everyone’s like, ‘SHE’S META OMG, MERCY IS DEAD’. No. Mercy is still a good healer.

The words ‘revert Mercy’ don’t count…

No, I actually don’t watch a lot of stuff on Youtube because of all the toxicity we get as Mercy mains.

It actually does sometimes, I’ve seen a lot of Sombra, and less Mercy and I’m low diamond. (In the few games I’ve played this season)

I also had to swap from Mercy to Moira because I was unable to output the healing needed. These nerfs are much more then you think they are. I go over a lot of this here:

Because while it may be fun for a Mercy player to try to do to get PoTG with or “big pats on the back” from the team, the others that needed healing we’re sacrificed for the sake of maybe trying to pull off the 6 man Rez without having Mercy dying and kind of is a bit risky and both selfish?

Especially when those few teammates might have been able to do some good damage meanwhile and/or push that payload. I get the whole “It was better in the end for the team as it’s a free instant respawn” but sometimes, it just sucked watching with the hopes it goes through as the whole team relies now on Mercy and that’s not really fair gameplay in my eyes.

You will see a lot of heroes that get buffed, but at the end of the day not much has actually changed. Most of it gets over hyped. When people start getting used to a heroes buff their pick rate will drop back down. Mercy’s will go back up.

Yeah and do you know why, take a good guess, I’ll even give you some extra time