Blizz listen... Mercy Players are talking to you

Because she’s still viable, and people are over reacting.

Wrong, resurrect ;D

I also go over it quite a bit on that thread, please read it if you’re going to reply to me again.

Resurect is a different topic. Fact is, people are over reacting and listening to youtubers like Stylosa too much and as we know. Whatever they say the meta is, the meta is.

As I said before, read the thread and understand a bit more, I go a lot more in detail there.

I really cba. I don’t care about Mercy as I don’t main her. I’m telling you that her pick rate will be back up in a couple weeks and nothing would have changed.

Reminder that believe it or not, there are 27 other heroes for you to play.

Except she wasn’t meta at all until her rework. And before you say something, “meta” is what the professionals play and is essentially “what is the easiest mechanic we can abuse to win as easily as possible”. Thats what a meta is. Beyblade, GravDragon, you name it, the metas revolved around finding something to abuse to maximum effect. Sadly, Resurrect as an Ultimate was not abusable (Again, not her SR problem but with the meta). It was a bad ultimate that resulted in her dying to use it and the only way to make it work was to grant invulnerability so she could stay with her team using it. Obviously, this meant there was no longer counterplay and it was too powerful (and even then, she was still picked just as often as Symmetra). Look at the statistics. Before Ana, Mercy was the only “main” healer so whether she was absolute trash or amazing she was going to be picked (not to mention Zenyatta had 150HP). Since Ana and before Mercy’s rework, Mercy was almost never used in tournaments. Most revolved around Ana or Lucio but never Mercy.

Ultimately, what we can learn from her rework is that a tempo rez is much more powerful than a Mass Rez but giving invulnerability to something so game changing is problematic while not giving it some protection makes it unreliable as even when used, you are just giving ult charge to the enemy team again. Especially now, hiding and Rezzing is only encouraged even more.

On another note, Mercy’s Resurrect right now is the only ability in the game with 2 debilitating effects imposed to grant a game-changing effect, the only other abilities to do that are ultimates.


Whos fault is that? You got baited if you used every ultimate to do that. That was its design. It was meant to undo ultimates. An ult or an ult. And if you used more, then thats on you. If you grav and barrage but dont kill the Zenyatta who uses Transcendence and he undid your combo, that was your fault. The Zenyatta did what he was supposed to.

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1 ult should’nt be able to undo 3 ults. It was way too OP. People complain about just taking Mercy’s Res away, and you want her old Ult back? Lmao

Sits patiently in the corner still waiting for Ana to get mobility and/or Self Healing

Zenyatta and Lucio say hi.

Where did you play, Bronze? Resurrect as an ultimate before invulnerability was the worst ultimate in the game. WHy do you think they had to buff it 3 times?

First: Give Mercy movement while using it (before she remained still and was easily killed, leaving her team without a main healer and in prime position to be killed again)

Second: Reduce respawn time from 3 seconds to 2.25 seconds (even with the first buff, she still couldnt get value out of rez because her team would take too long to return

Third: Invulnerability (this is where the problem was and was what made it extremely powerful but the problems remained. You’ve just brought back your team exactly where they died and have given the enemy more than 2 seconds to set up).

Her old Ultimate was bad and I dont want it back because of that. The potential it had is good on paper but doesnt quite work. Its the equivalent of communism; sounds good but really isnt.

Erm… Zen undid two? Rez isn’t really all that powerful, really. The only time when Mass Rez actually works, is when you’re fighting potatoes.

Unpopular opinion.

I am not gonna argue anymore since I cba. People overreact way too much with the slightest nerfs. Then they start listening to whatever their favourite Youtubers say.

It lead to Mercy players just hiding in rooms, not healing their team and just waiting to fly in for the 5 man res.

Not in amounts that I’d consider alarming, unlike certain other heroes, for which ulting in spawn is still a thing.

Then why is this long complaint coming now right after a nerf instead of sometime in the last year when she’s been powerful?

LOOK WHOS TALKING! You didnt even play this game until January of this year when Mercy was already reworked. You know nothing.

No, the SR exploit led to that. Plus, doing that was the worst way to use it for the reason I mentioned. It was best used to keep the momentum of a fight by resurrecting 1 or 2 people than trying to swing it around and failing more often than not. That’s what this rework showed. That’s why she is so powerful. Overall, Mercy still gets the same amount of Resurrects per game and yet now is when she became a must pick. Why? Because you have no choice but to tempo rez and that being the best use, you essentially lowered the calculation and the only part of Mercys kit that required some skill (e.g. gamesense. Something you seem to lack if you managed to let a Mercy get a 5 man rez and lose after. A 5 man rez is just free ult charge) Just like any ultimate, getting 1-2 important picks is better than trying to get everyone.

Because it required more tactical thinking than flying around like a brain dead goose and pressing the same buttons you’ve been already pressing for the last 5-10 minutes.

Two questions, pretty much.
“Do I damage boost or do I heal?”

Compared to making scenarios in your head as to what could happen if you were to res:
-Would it be successful and would your team be able to get back into the game?
-Was there anyone with an ultimate that could help?
-Should we just regroup and save the res for another teamfight?
-Should you tempo res this person or wait until the teamfight?
-What could be in the enemy team’s ult bank/What ones did they use already?
-Is it safe or a good idea to res?


This whole wall of text just to say Mercy to you was just fun when she could revive the whole team with an ult?

Before Mercy only had to do two things: Cure until you load the ult and then hide until the time to use the ult. Pure fun.

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It’s almost like they fixed that issue… :confused:

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