Big balance patch coming soon to PTR

If they don’t fix one of two things I’m just flat out gonna take a break from OW.

  1. Queue times
  2. Double Shield

One of them needs to go immediately, but both is preferable.

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I hope it’s Mercy, just to see people rage.

I’m almost sure they nerf Sombra, Bastion, Symmetra (oh she right to the ground, she’ll become a stationary turret herself), Torb, Mercy, Brigitte and maybe Rainhard. The game will be then perfectly blizzarded!


I bet they nerf Sombra

I’m wildly guessing you tunnel-vision a lot and miss the DF behind you. It’s okay. A lot of less-skill players do it.

Where was it confirmed?

OP is actually talking about this post from like a week ago.

Bastion is too oppressive, we are toning down how he makes everyones life miserable.
We are adding some slight adjustments to Hanzo and Widow, like 25% increased charge rate, this should improve the viability of these two heroes on the competitive scene.

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They need either a revert of the armor nerf or a rework of how armor works. Right now the dive tanks are worthless and Rein is mediocre, so the only tanks that are usable are Orisa, Sigma and Zarya, and two of THOSE are getting nerfed soon. The whole class is a mess because of everything they did to counter GOATS, and SHOCKINGLY, no one seems to want to play Tank right now. Need to fix that to get anywhere.

Beyond that, I’d love for them to tone down Damage a little. Doomfist is obvious, but Reaper, Hanzo and Widowmaker could all use some toning down. The focus on burst damage and one-shots is killing the game more than anything IMO, half the Damage characters are going to remain unplayable as long as there are characters that can just kill you instantly, making the others pointless.

Also, would probably like to see a Mercy rework or even a revert. All this debate about whether she’s a main or off healer just highlights how poorly functioning she is right now. Maybe make her fun again and try to bring back all those support mains that bailed after the rework disaster. Would also like a revert of Brigitte, TBH, the version before the rework would not have been oppressive in 2/2/2.

Doubt I’ll get all, or any of this, but this is what I think they need to focus on.

support 76:

primary fire damage lowered to 17 (his damage value at launch)
helix rocket damage lowered to 80 (because burst damage on a support is a taboo apparently)
health can radius increased so allies can dodge enemy fire while staying inside of it. lasts until a new one is placed. CD/HPS unchanged.
tac vizer, ult cost reduced by 25%, reloads clip with healing rounds stolen from ana. aim bot auto targets healing bullets into team mates. +30HP per bullet, lasts for 1 clip. (600 HP total)

tadaa, soldier now plays like a zen/lucio hybrid.

I speculate…

  • Sigma
  • Orisa
  • Doomfist
  • Reaper
  • Moira (hopefully not though)
  • Brigitte (she’s trash but ya know, she’s Brig, so she is not allowed to get buffs)


  • Reinhardt
  • Tracer
  • Junkrat
  • Pharah
  • McCree
  • Soldier 76

Rework: Roadhog

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If Moira were to get a nerf, I would suspect that they would increase her ult charge.

How do you think they would buff him?

Not sure but I’d imagine the devs would want to look into buffing him since he’s supposed to be able to burst down barriers easily. Maybe increase splash damage of his grenades? Not sure because I don’t play much Junkrat.

What he needs is a projectile size revert. The thing is, it’s been a full year and a half since that nerf and they haven’t done anything about it. I’m not sure if the devs will still ever revert that, but I can see them giving him some other buff.

It went from 0.3 to 0.2 or something like that right? Maybe they’ll compromise and increase it to 0.25 maybe?

That’s the most likely outcome if they looked into it.

I would prefer something like:
Initial launch: 120 dmg; 0.3 size
After 1st bounce: 100 dmg; 0.2 size
After 2nd bounce: 80 dmg; 0.15 size

I literally did what he described with the dart and I got mei.

That would be the end of this community :laughing: