Biblical accurate angel skin for Mercy?

winged victory is NOT a biblically accurate skin, angels arn’t all majestic feathers and wings, infact they actually look horrifying (others words not mine), oh wait but they are, the have a lot of wings and a lot of eyes and shis. no halo either. just search biblically accurate angels into google and you’ll see what i mean

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but i do


I know but the term is broad for something which can narrowed down with explanations. Be it a sub species, race, culture etc.

It’s why the next questions you ask someone after you got a car is what type and what color?

You can’t compare a tv show that aired on the CW and had an army of teenage girls obsessing over it to a video game meant to appeal to kids and people that generally don’t like first person shooters.

Why do you think Fortnite became such a phenomenon and has made truck loads upon truck loads of money? Hint, it’s partly because it appeals to kids and parents who won’t let them play Call of Duty. Blizzard doesn’t want to lose any business from parents that will refuse to buy Overwatch for their kids because they heard it has some offensive depiction of a biblical angel or Junkrat Jesus going around blowing people up.

I’ve always been a fan of the faceless angel concept.

Literally just remove Mercy’s face. Would be a great halloween reskin.

The whole organization is pretty sus, the guy in charge who’s supposedly omnipotent keeps changing policy.


Why not? Did the “army of teenage girls obsessing over” shielded Supernatural from being criticized/attacked by those unhappy chistians?

If an “army of teenage girls obsessing over” is enought to scare those christians, or at least, shield something against them, they must be a really powerfull treat… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

Because it is free…


I heard he hates women eating the apple of knowledge and would flood the world to kill those he didn’t like and burden a guy to building boat to hold 2 of every species on the entire plant on.


You really have no clue how much money Overwatch has made compared to a niche CW tv show that you can also watch for free, which many online games are now in days too btw.

you do know how angels are described in the bible right? they don’t look anything like a human being lol

the flood story curiously is plagurized from the epic of gilgamesh i think… and it plagurized it from an earlier account… it may be one of our oldest written down narratives… it really goes back far…

Also i think the point of the flood was to drown the nefelim… but i cant remeber if that related to the apocryphal book of enoch or not…hmm… its not part of the bible but was popular at the time and is referenced…

Supernatural lasted 15 seasons, I doubt that it didn’t make money…

Pretty sure it was because he was outraged that, even though Jesus had died for us, humans continued to sin, and he flooded the world. He then vowed to never do it again.

I have a friend that works in the industry. Supernatural made at most a few millions per season. Overwatch has made more than a billion since 2016.

not even close to the things i think op is talking about :sob:

i understand that itd be kinda weird to include a skin accurate to a religion currently worshipped (sym im looking at u) but how does it imply that-

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It doesn’t :neutral_face:.


I’m now really curious what the OP thinks a Biblically accurate angel looks like.

The only thing I’m interested in is a biblically accurate blaster. :rofl:

Wouldn’t surprise if it was plagiarized. There’s always the whole ‘Simpsons did it’ when it comes to creative works.

Then there’s Overwatch which takes themes, settings, character archetypes etc from other sources of inspiration for example. But is at least transformative enough by including all these elements it (not directly copying) gives a great sense of world building (shame we don’t significant lore to describe that) and having them interact and bounce off one another.

Things will enter the public domain after 100 to 120 years (could be mistaken, it does change) unless your Disney who extends it for their properties so it gives the artist a well of recourses to pluck from.

On the topic of this biblical accurate skin I still wouldn’t want to wear it even if they did make it.