Biblical accurate angel skin for Mercy?

Both of you are incorrect. There is no one biblically accurate depiction of an angel; there are 4 different types, each one having radically different visuals.

Mercy has striking similarities to the Messenger Angels (E. G. Gabriel), so you could already argue we have a “biblically accurate” Angel skin.

Regardless, featuring a Biblically-based skin in a game at this caliber would be incredibly ignorant and harmful. It would send the message that Christianity is the only true religion, which is both a toxic mindset AND a harmful business strategy; Blizzard wouldn’t survive the month if they seriously did that, unless it was for a charity event for a religious thing or something. But I don’t think it would be okay even in that situation.

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Isn’t Gabriel an Archangel?

That’s why I said:

Btw, Symmatra has an skin based in Hinduism godess of death, does it send the message Hinduism is the only true religion?


Actually, I have seen people criticize that skin because it treats the deity more so as an aesthetic (a sexualized one at that) instead of a legitimate religious symbol. I don’t think Blizzard should have released it, just like I don’t think that Blizzard should release any biblical Mercy skins.


Yeah because you probably have like 100k don’t you? :eyes:

people probably have paid 100 bucks or more for a pink mercy skin account

edit: o didnt see the credits part. for some reason my mind read real money :stuck_out_tongue: of course i thought it was an exageration

That’s real money tho, you can get 100k after a month of farming games on tank

Free vs Payed

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I’m as atheist as they come but I will say good on the Christians (for the most part) for not getting offended / aggressive over games / media depicting stuff / borrowing from their religion. :+1: It’s cool. I genuinely appreciate it.

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Yes, some people critcized the skin, but it wasn’t enought to make Blizzard remove or even edit it.

If Symm can have a skin base in a deity, why Mercy can’t have one based on deity’s servant?

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Of course Blizzard didn’t remove it, they care a lot more about money than the objections of people that actually practice the (in the West) minority religion in question, that doesn’t mean it still can’t be criticized. I guarantee you that if they released a Biblical Angel Mercy skin and Christian groups got up in arms about it Blizzard would remove it. Religious skins are just a bad idea for a variety of reasons.


I’m still referring to the one that’s made up of rings with dozens of eyes.

If there’s multiple types, distinctions, artistic directions and interpretations that change over time but still maintain the same name are we even still talking about the same thing?

Like take a Zombie for example. What do you think of when you hear one? Some think of voodoo magic, others will think science or nature made.

Or they make the skin so God awful it puts them in a negative light. Can’t win, can lose huge if you fail it and not worth the effort to try.

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Blizzard gets all kinds of religious weirdos coming after them just because they made vague references to “the devil” and “hell” in Diablo, absolutely not dude.

that chad biblical angel depiction looks like some sort of ufo. ancient aliens comes to mind but yea who knows :man_shrugging:

It is STILL biblically based, even if they don’t make it that way, which is why it’s problematic.

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No please not again, and before you post this please review all the similar requests.

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… looks like someone found out why most angels start their interactions with “DO NOT FEAR!”…

It’s weird that every 5-10 years people rediscover that angels were terrifying things in the most literal sense of the word.


she is only like 50% angel
the other 50% is valkyrie actually she is probably more valkyrie…

Also what type of angle… only the lowest run of angles look like humans with wings…

the higher ups may have multiple faces varying number of wings, multiple eyes eyes…

Some angelic creatures are just big wheels with lots of eyes on…

If you actually read up on this stuff it gets wierd…

the whole halo thing also is more of a left over of depicitions of some greek/roman gods mainly i think helios…


Sorry, but this is an overeaction, something that would never happen…

Where were those christian religious group when Supernatural portraited:
– Archangel Gabriel as a prankster who is borderline addicted to “adult fun”.
– Archangel Michael as a could psycopathic (same with Rafael).
– Lucifel an a chaoctic-evil character.
– Jack (son of Lucifer, a.k.a anti-christ) as a kind person.
– God himself as a bad writter with some serious mental and ego problems…

As a Religious™, too, I can imagine a skin with the halo designed in a similar way to the rings that were shown in the picture Terx2 put up; with the eyes. Perhaps her staff could have some aspect similar to the top left picture QuizzyBunny put up. I’m sure the wings and overall outfit could be designed in a very unique way that is still fitting for Mercy’s hitbox and overall design, too.

I’m sure this idea might offend some people, but it would work for a Halloween event. I can’t imagine we would ever see a skin with these inspirations and I understand why, but it’s a cool concept nonetheless.
:point_up: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I’m talking about the Bible itself. Within the Bible there are 4 different types of Angels, each with radically different descriptions. One is like the traditional one (like Mercy) while another is a three-headed amalgamation of several different animals that flies with one pair of wings and hides itself with another.

I knew angels are messed up, but more for their actions. Like the creation of Nephilim in some interpretations.