Biblical accurate angel skin for Mercy?

Can we have it? :pleading_face: :pray:.

I know that there is the religion issue, but Blizzard could avoid it by naming the skin with something like “Highter Angel” (avoiding words like “biblical”, “holy”, “heaven”, “true” etc…).

I would pay 10k+ credits for that skin, once that would be something very different and hard to make :smiley:.


I mean we kind of have that with the winged victory skin. I am not sure what you would change.


Do you wanna give the artist and animators nightmares for life?

Also how are you ment to hit her head hitbox?


I mean, if you want her “biblical accurate” this is how she would look:

Not my fetish I’ll have to admit, but to each their own…


I want a blinding mass of eyes and I won’t accept anything less


More eyes and more fire…


Oh I see that may be too much, but to each their own

Makes a great meme though


Why? We have Cthullu Zen, Cthullu is very nightmarish…

Yeah… That would be a problem, just add more eyes in the head and gg :man_shrugging: :neutral_face:.


Holy hitboxes, Batman. Can you imagine Mercy, but shaped like Ball.

(As A Religious™, I wouldn’t be personally bugged by a skin designed like this, because those are still artistic interpretations of some REALLY mind-bending descriptions where the authors are struggling to describe what they’re looking at. And also angels aren’t deities.)

(But yeah, holy hitboxes)


Cultist. Not Cthullu.

Except she’d have no head, just spinning rings with eyes.


Not sure how the hitbox would even out, the models wouldn’t be remotely similar

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wym? you’re trying to enter the eye of four rotating spheres and get rawed by ethereal power?

But is the design is based in the Cthullu…

Biblical angels have 4 heads.

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Biblical accurate angel looks like a giant metalic monster with wheels and lots of eyes. You don´t want that, trust me…

There was once a city full of people with that fetish, maybe two…

Enough eyes?

Knowing what r34 artists can do with eyes… yeahhhh

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It is not a fetish lol.

The thing is, most of Mercy’s skins have the same “beauty” mindset/design, even her “dark skins” are not trully dark…

A biblical accurate angel skin would fit Mercy’s concept (she is seen as an angel) and be different at the same time…

she has a devil skin right? i dont know if that means its biblical or anything. i never use that skin myself tho since i dont picture mercy being a devil… :thinking:

biblically accurate angels wouldnt be cutesy and pretty so all the mercy stans would go ballistic.