Biblical accurate angel skin for Mercy?

Yeah another poster told me. I am not very knowledgeable into biblical imagery.

By only representing one religion in-game. It may not be the intended message, but how do you explain to passionate believers of other faiths that their religion wasn’t represented in game in favor of a Christian-based design?

It may not be the intended message but some people will interpret it that way.

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This is also inaccurate. The decision to collect three snippets of out of three psychedelic visions (which were not necessarily meant to be taken literally), add to them a recurring type of character that appears in other stories, and aggregate them all into one class of beings is not biblical. It was done by extra-biblical interpreters, long after the books themselves were written. It’s not at all clear that contemporaries of any of these books considered these to be in the same type.

All of the descriptions that you referenced appear in the old testament which existed long before Christianity. Is Judaism a joke to you?

Joking aside, putting this in the game would be visually cool, but in bad taste.

I personally want to see her have a dark souls type skin. I want her staff to be a scythe :weary:

Ummmm Because a biblical accurate angel would be terrifying lol. That would be one heck of a skin because they would have to redo her entire model.

no thats much later and god basically promised not the food the world again after that which some religious people take as a get out of jail free card for climate change as if god is gonna stop the world flooding because humanity screws themselves over…

So there really is no connection unless you somehow point to all knowingness in which we get into some freaky fuiture cop teritory and besides then it didn’t work so why would he bother?

the nefelim thing games more sense but then again the problem there is that i think the angels known as the watches are mentioned in the book of enhoch which is basically on the level of fanfciton scriptuirewise and not part of the bible or the thora… but it was popular at around the same as the book of the bible where being decided on… popular by both early christian and jews i belive…

anyway that whole narrative seams to predate the jewish people…

Fantastic looking …

yES bonus points for it looking intimidating/bit scary like pls multiple eyes pls

Winged victory is a Hellenistic reference, not a biblical one. Wings on her feet to symbolize Hermes which fits her name “Angela”, or “ángelos” which means “messenger of God/the Gods” , her clothes in that skin are quite clearly Hellenistic as well and not at all inspired by anything in the Bible.

Aside from her wings (which are not specific to the Winged Victory skin) nothing of her looks really resembles an angel.

In regards to “what you would change”: Basically hiding every piece of her skin aside from her head, lower arms and maybe her feet. Christians don’t like that sort of thing.

Yeah I wouldn’t want a Christian Mercy skin either… I mean, just look at how boring they are:

PS: What most people here describe as “angels” are not what Christians typically refer to. Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones and others of the like look terrifying, but they are not the angels Christians talk about. They don’t interact with humans. The malakhim are the ones you see depicted in paintings together with humans because they are the ones sent to earth and whatnot. So when people, and especially Christians, talk about angels (see above, “messenger”), that is who they are talking about. And these guys look like the plain Janes in the painting above.

Well, Symmetra already has the “Devi” and “Goddess” skins and nobody gives a damn :woman_shrugging:

Though I don’t really get why anyone would want to have a “biblically accurate angel” skin, if they could give us something cool instead.

This is not a Christian game. This is just a game, and it should be perceived as a game (as in form of entertainment online). This is not the place for promoting a religion, a religious aspect, or a cult.

For religions and cults there are temples dedicated to them. If one feels like celebrating in such behavior or manner, then they are free to choose and visit whatever they like, but please do not convert a game to something religious, just because you want so. Have some respect for others and their entertainment too, just like others respect you and your belief (whatever it may be).


Fun fact, you only see an angel in their true forms if you’re a prophet.
So, to see one means you’re screwed.

Funny that angels in the bible never were discribed with wings.

Also no. We don’t need unnecessary religion in OW. Lore wise we have more than enough stuff going on with the Shimbali monks, omnics and stuff.

As far as I know there are not drawings in bibles so there is nothing like “biblical accurate angel”

would make an awesome wreckingball skin

Angel in the bible are also never described with wings. The more you know

Yes yes please blizzard abomination mercy would be her best skin :weary:

Isiah 6:2

Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

Exodus 25:20

The cherubim shall have their wings spread upward, covering the mercy seat with their wings and facing one another; the faces of the cherubim are to be turned toward the mercy seat.

Ezekiel’s whole inaugural vision is him describing angels with wings, it’s too long to quote it here.

Not that much apparently.

You clearly haven’t had a mercy on your team yet who refused to heal you for some imagined slight, then proceeds to complain you die too much and demands both your and the enemy team to report you for throwing.

Definitly a devil.

yea thats not me so i guess me not using it fits my playstyle (i heal anyone even if they spam for healing when they dont need it).

if any mercy does that to you i suggest telling them they should use the devil skin more often hehe