Bets on what the GroundBreaking PvP changes will be

My money is on some for Talents , or Hero build selection.

Where we have multiple different versions of the character, built towards different playstyles to pick from.

It would be something they have been teasing and getting good feedback on for a while now.


Hero bans. Thats it. Go home.


Adding bots to all levels of play!

:mechanical_arm: :robot:


what is SHOULD be (in addition) but won’t:

  • guilds
  • tournies the guilds (or featured workshop ppl) can host with their own rulesets and features like bans, etc. which can have their own historical tracking and ban lists, etc.
  • lootboxes
  • massive 5v5 changes that remove tanks (they will still be in 6v6 as in OW1)
  • probably more but I’ve spent too much time on something that will never happen already
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Battle Royale mode


So Lootboxes got major legal push back, the US basically threatened to regulate the MTX market if the big boys didn’t knock it off.

So ya don’t expect those coming back.

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I think it’s both hero bans and a talent system. With a talent system the number of hero combos will be so vast that there’s no reason to not do hero bans.


It’s probably going to include the discussion of bots into qp but it has to be something else that adjusts for everyone else gameplay wise

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Thanks for agreeing.

If they aren’t over selling it, then talents really need to be a part of it in some form. I can’t think of anything else that would justify that phrasing and it would definitely be the strongest move they could pull to start bringing people back from MR.


No idea, honestly. I just hope we’ll get a look at Max. Maybe an early release :eyes:

A new critical hit location on each character - right between the legs.


I´ll take those

The previous QuickPlay hacked with Role Passives was very good.
Not applicable to all heroes, but still something very interesting

And yes, please. I´ll have all of those.
Had my doubts about it, but after the garbage games I saw a couple of days ago, followed by neverending losing streaks in that trash 5v5 format, I am all in for bots

I am reborn and converted

Bring the bots

let me guess tanks don’t die?


More like Master Doomfist, Diamond team, vs Me, Timmy on Roadhog, and 3 randoms that wish one day to be as good as a bot

Lol that has nothing to do with 5v5.

it will definetly be something ground breaking like redefining a sequel lvl of ground breaking. 4v4


It won´t save the day, that´s for sure

But at least someone with half brain on another tank could break the spell of respawning every 20seconds

hero and map creation using AI

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So that was refurring to the fact you wouldn’t loose everything going into the sequel, while also adding the PVE stuff which would share progression with PVP.

Be it covid and their CEO strangling the project got in the way of such.

With half a brain you can position, or pick heroes that can defend or CC doom off ya. But hey lets put the blame on the guy that at best will add 5 extra seconds before you get splattered.