Bets on what the GroundBreaking PvP changes will be

we literally lost the whole game, we only kept the cosmeticsXD

tank and support sinergies are too strong and yet prefered role is dps, how do they fix this?1 kaiju tank, one imortal support, 2 cosmetic dps. quite predictable really

Yep, because 5 extra seconds is better than no seconds

Congratulations. You just discovered the beauty and tragedy from buffs; or no buffs at all xD

The fact they keep using the term “groundbreaking” feels like a hint…

Maybe they’re adding destructible stuff to the maps like in Rivals?

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So the issue was tank synergies, not synergies with the support line. Outside of the goats dilemma.

And their were not enough tank players to really support 6v6 matches.

Shoot the support or the other dps.

DPS are one of the most impactfull roles. However your kits / Passives / and ults, are tuned to kill squishies quickly.

Tanks will die, but they that will happen a lot faster if their team can’t support them. Or if you burn

That just sounds like you have good mechanical aim, but your positional game is trash.

I would just take a look at replays to look at where and when you are dying. And where you can be to do thigns your doing, without also being where the enemy can smack ya easily.

we talking bout ow here, not marvel rivals

Ya OW, it’s sounds like your putting waaaaaaaaaay to much time into focus firing the enemy tank while their team isn’t being pressured any, so they free reign to just pump everything into the tank.

You need to break that up, and put pressure on the squishies. Which the DPS are tooled to do that.

as if that works zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
“dude just flap ur arms real fast and u will fly”

Its a more broad concept xD

Where people won´t take what´s for in their best interest, because of ego issues

Like despising a 1% buff; or the incremented chances on result, granted by 1 additional player, in the most impactful role in the game

So what happens if the enemy support is staring at you and not their team?

What happens if they have to burn their suzu / nade to save themselves?

What happens when they need to break LOS from the fight all together or on the respawn?

They can’t heal their team, and the enemy tank is going eat 300~500+dps without their sustain or bail out tools.

And fun fact about 5v5! their isn’t alot in your way to stop you from making that happen!

It has to be a ban system. Its the easiest and most talked about way to “revolutionize” the game. Hero bans has been suggested since ow1 but how they do is still a mystery. Will they do it the way the pro scene has been experimenting with it?

If i remember right, its like:
2 bans (1 each)
1 hero per role max ( if you ban moira, you can’t ban mercy)
Hero can only be banned once per map ( if you ban widow on the temple map of Ilios, you can’t ban her again on well)

Maybe they implement a system where you can buy golden bullets in the shop. Character equipped with golden bullets deal significant more damage.


Na world of tanks already does that, nothing new.

they do similar dmg and have another healers protecting them, tank wont die so its a matter of whose supports will kill whose dps first i guess

means they didnt die when they shouldve and gotten some health back, passive proly kicked in too

is he?i aint shooting him, other dps proly isnt either

only overtuned roles

I would say talents. Somekind of thing like they did with Junkerstein Lab event. That event was a success.

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For starters no, they do like less damage then you think.

A good example of this is illari vs cassidy. Who both do 70 damage a shot.


Illari can only do 10 damage once every a second or so.

Cassidy can does that every .5 seconds. Meaning by the time she fires once, cassidy can hit her twice.

And unlike Illari that has 1.5 or (115 damage) times headshot, Cassidy does 2x !!! or (140) damage.

Lets not forget cassidy nade applies a slow and keeps people from using mobility tools. Allowing you free headshots or setup to do fan if you all close personal.

If you have both supports dealing with you, you basically won my guy.

Their not supporting the tank or the other dps, and your burning multiple sets of cooldowns in that scenario.

Just don’t die, as in don’t over extend and know when to break LOS your self.

And guess what tools keep the tank up? come on now it’s not hard to guess lol.

Or what happens with to thank when their not their bail them out.

and she doesnt hie behind cover while she cant shoot…sure, dps players are all gms and supports are all bronze in ur lobbies. i aint arguing anymore with u over the state of the game, u asked for what i thought th changes were gon be i gave them to u. not really sure why u decided to latch on to this, specially when ur wrong

You have mechanical advantage over them my guy, As long as your in range and can see them. That’s all you really need to put 100~200 dps+ into them.

As they have to be in LOS of their tank and the rest of their team to do things. And if their not ana, their usually pretty darn close to them.

Like if you can’t land shots on squishies that is 1000% a you issue.

ok buddy, supports are always alone, dont use cover, ilary doesnt heal with her pillon while duelling dps, of course, u so right dps so broken

Flanks and high ground exists, it’s not hard to get angles on them. (It’s almost like they are built into every map for a reason lol)

And their is a lack of barriers or bubbles keeping you mid brawl from just popping shots into them.

And most cover also break LOS to their team, theirs not a lot places that isn’t a 90-degree turn where they see their tank and you can’t see them.

Talent system? with these devs that cannot balance Ana, Widow, Sombra for several years now? oh boy