Are you gonna address horrific Symmetra “adjustments” and your balance team’s incompetence or you’re actually pretending to be completely oblivious?
Well yeah, that’s kinda what I meant about faster charge-up.
Guess it’s kinda confusing to have charge level and secondary fire charge up.
There are no words to describe how blatantly & unapologetically corrupt the balance devs in this game have grown. Don’t worry, I know you fooled most naive/low functioning players but rest assured a lot of us are aware you never intended to help Sym. Your punishment will not be from us players however. It is going to come when least expected & will be most irreversible. Your current behavior made sure of it. You can mind control every human on earth but I’m afraid karma just doesn’t sleep on anyone. I truly wish you the best of luck. You’ve sealed your fates (you know who you are).
i dont want to be that person but the fact so many people have come forward to make topics and share opinions on the symmetra changes and how awful they feel is so large and the fact it wasnt addressed what so ever just seems so ??? to me, i get its the first week but no mention of her being addressed in the mid cycle patch is scary to be honest
I seem to be running OK only issue i have is my ISP cant provide great broadband only 18mb where as im generally used to 100 or more in my previous address.
I use a Alienware X17, intel9, RTX3080ti and im not really having any issues apart from my ISP isnt the best. 175fps at around 35ms.

We hope everyone has been enjoying themselves playing and keeping up with the Overwatch 2 Beta!
Wish I could, but you guys didn’t send me an invitation.
can you tone down junker queen’s bleed visual affect while your at it?
I thought it’s a great map, it is very open and rushable

We hope everyone has been enjoying themselves playing and keeping up with the Overwatch 2 Beta!
It has been entertaining reading the forums and watching the IP cosplay as the last flight of the Hindenburg…

don’t you guys have wallets?
Hey, I do. I just use the contents to pay for silly things like bills, groceries, and other better entertainment products.
holds up can of paint in front of an unpainted wall

So Symmetra is an even stronger TP bot now. Great.
Can we get a rework pls?
OW3 beta signups oughta start fairly soon. Might happen then.
Moira is good rn. Calling it that they will give her compensation nerfs for the utility they give her and it’ll make her trash too.
Do something with torbjorn. his turret needs to get armor when you use overload, and he has absolutely no mobility. Maybe reduced cooldown for overload in this new 5v5
So Symmetra is an even stronger TP bot now. Great.
Can we get a rework pls?
I’m not going to bet against your claim, but I am still optimistic that something good will come of it.
wow absolutely nothing said about the barrage of nerfs that sym received other than the tp range. i know the devs are prejudiced against sym but this is just making it more obvious
Symmetra needs to be a priority. She is now the Bastion of the roster. I know you said that Sym will not get another rework, but maybe she needs one.
In my opinion, her weapon needs to deal constant damage and that should be the first change to balance around.

“Guardian Angel’s cooldown has been increased from 1.5s to 5s”
“we felt that Guardian Angel was being used too often for super jumping so to make it less problematic we increased the cooldown. hopefully this will help balance mercy”
ow balancing be like oh your hero is weak and feels bad to play🥺? here have some nerfs. and by hero we mean sym and mercy only
pls just leave superjump alone. it works perfectly in OW1 and is in no need of changing.
I hope she reverts Mercy’s change and you look for improvements in her healing and innovations, she doesn’t need to touch the superjump anymore, Mercy needs to be able to have more healing to her team!

Remove Pharah.
Yeah thats pretty much it.
They should buff Pharah just to bother people who refuse to learn how to counter her.
I wondered when the whole “oh we are all having fun in OW2, come drop $40 to join us” was going to happen.
It’s a note from Jodie, 43 posts all time.
Sorry Jodie, I am having trouble keeping up. Also, saying you are going to release updates at a much slower pace, isn’t making me sign up any quicker to be honest.