Beta Week One: Comments from the Overwatch team

Seems a bit odd to try to make changes to Moira when she is one of the supports doing better in OW2 than she did in OW1, especially her survivability. There are other supports that need something before Moira.


Is 5v5 set and stone or still up in the air?

So we can ditch the entire thing and stop changing something for the worse yes?

Ah, who am I kidding. The mission is to keep changing it so it becomes unrecognizable and clunky, for the sake of change.


I would strongly suggest that anyone maining non-OWL favorites start looking for other games to play. The silence and head in the sand behavior sends a clear message that if your hero isn’t a coveted OWL pick they will be nerfed into obscurity. Fun isn’t the end game for the devs, its only E-sports money.


Nerf the DPS hard, bring back another tank & actually balance them i mean that is all that was ever wrong with game

We dont need 5v5 or really fast paced action a little bit of balance & new game modes is what would have kept it fresh

Instead you screwed over tank players to the point we now have even more dps tank meaning more wait time us tank even though you took away a spot from us because of scumbag dps

They don’t need e-sports for money if the game goes predatory F2P.


If any devs read this, please acknowledge the sensitivity issues. I spent all morning checking it with Kovaak’s sensitivity checker and even reducing sensitivity by 0.01 compared to live it is always just slightly off. There is no way to make it 1:1 with OW1 which is absolutely ruining my and many other players’ enjoyment of precision aim heroes like Widow, Tracer, Ashe, Sojourn, Cassidy, Soldier, Sombra, etc. Please fix this with the coming patch if possible, or allow us to make the sensitvity more granular than 0.01 so we can fix it ourselves.

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Thank you for the input! But please know that Doom First was weak in the first beta and Mercy needs other help than tinkering around with the super jump. Please remove rez and give her some other kind of impact that plays well with her fluid gameplay.

Thank you that you will change things next week!

At least they acknowledged the Mercy feedback :woman_shrugging:

This is very true. I wish they were more aggressive with changes since it’s a beta.

Remove toxic people access from the beta pls

My brother was just told to end his life because he killed someone 3 times :sunglasses: that person gets to play while me and other my brother and so many thousands of others are still waiting to play, revoke access to toxic people and dish out the codes to others

Idc if they paid $40 to get in or not, and idc about getting in, I just want that type of person to lose access especially when they talk to my younger brother like that


My personal thoughts so far:

  1. The team needs to trash this entire Symm rework, because it’s terrible. She is a jack of all trades, master of none right now. None of her kit works together. I honestly don’t know how Symm keeps getting the short end of the stick with how many reworks she’s had over the years.

  2. Whatever they’re going to do with Mercy’s GA, give us the option to be able to use the old SJ. Do a toggle in options or whatever. But GA is not the problem. If you want to get rid of rez as an ability, give her a cleanse.

  3. Sojourn needs nerfs. She does not need to have a slow, or at least one this drastic, and her secondary does too much damage for how easy it is to charge up.

  4. Junker Queen’s ult should have a visual radius. Right now, its hitbox is massive, and there’s no way to know if you’ll get hit until you’re wounded and anti’d at the same time.

  5. We need options to increase UI sizes, because right now a lot of its aspects are too small and lack quick readability. The scoreboard is the worst offender. With the old tab menu, reading who’s on my team, who has ults on my team, and who’s on the enemy team are much simpler.

  6. Get rid of the screen shake effects or give us the option to turn it off. It’s god awful and headache inducing. It makes it impossible to see what’s going on when you’re getting hit by Reinhardt especially.

  7. The new lighting is makes everything harder to see and it’s extremely disorienting at times. Half of the time I can hardly see the enemies.

  8. Something is off with the sensitivity. This issue is especially apparent for me on Ana. There’s a clear difference between aiming in OW1 and aiming in OW2, but no one knows what exactly it is.

These are off the top of my head, so I’m sure some things are missing, but a lot of these are glaring issues. I want the game to be fun for everyone, and right now it’s not. It lacks the charm of OW1, but if the dev team actually listens to the feedback they’re getting then I have faith they can fix it.


If you’d be so kind and send me an actual code for the beta without forcing me to buy the dreaded watchpoint pack (which I find immensely redundant since I’ve already bought the Legendary Edition of the original game before!), I’d be playing enjoying the beta right now! (Minus the fact that my girl Symmetra got butchered with nerfs this time, as so I hear)


“We’ve seen some feedback on the Symmetra changes as well and would sincerely like to apologize to everyone.”


I look forward to seeing the mid-cycle changes to Mercy. Really hopeful we revert to pressing crouch to super jump, that felt nice compared to the current build.

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Any way to make Sym Orbs work like Ana primary fire? Where it heals teammates but damages enemies?

Not only do we need to balance que times but introducing more support characters, but she honestly can work well as a support with minimal changes. (AoE heals for ‘turrets’ along with cleanse + overhealth with TP)


If only I was a part of the testing. Guess I’ll wait for my 1 whole weekend of testing.


Thanks for the comms, Jodie. I really hope the community’s feedback (from all platforms, not just the forums) regarding Mercy’s Guardian Angel change helps push it in a better direction. Or I hope that we at least will have the option so that those of us who learned the original way…that way we don’t have to completely readjust our settings to accommodate it.

Good to know Symmetra is on your radar and we can expect a mid-cycle patch to address glaring issues like this. I’m sure it’s no easy feat for the team, so I appreciate you being the messenger.

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one of the games higher skill heroes doesnt need “forgiving game play” using excuse of “more fun to play”

Part of the skill is landing ur sticky. The confirmed kill/area dmg is the reward.

you shouldnt reward “missing” anything.

Please buff Roadhog!

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