Best way to nerf the dive?

Changes like that can help a lot and those heros will not get destroyed.

I don’t think any of the individual dive heroes need nerfs. Buff reaper to counter DVA and winston. The introduction of Brigitte should help nerf dive and make dive heroes think twice before diving a target, as well as gives rein and zarya another hero to combine with. The Sombra buffs help nerf the quick dive heroes, especially genji and DVA. Buffing/reworking Symmetra would counter Dive, particularly genji, and could add other viable strategies into the game. Buffing/reworking Torb, Bastion, and Hanzo could also shake up the meta. If mei got further buffs she could help slow down all the dive heroes and shake up the meta. Buffing Ana could bring back more triple tank/slow team comps with rein.

Overall I think the best way to nerf dive is to buff all the F tier heroes that never get picked, rather than nerfing some of the upper tier heroes that usually get picked.

I think that, but replace Genji with Zenyatta. And of course, they shouldn’t all be at once. I think starting with Dva, then Tracer, then Zenyatta and then Winston. Of course, if dive became unpopular along the way the nerfs should stop, unless the heroes are also played outside of dive, which i admitedly think all but Winston will. :slight_smile:

You were saying?
According to Geoff was Mei designed to slow and stop enemies. Doesn’t that sound like a counter to mobility?


No, not as long as that slowing and stopping is on a limited range on an immobile hero, or on a wall that vertical mobility just gets over. :slight_smile:

Make a bunch of changes out of left field and say “good luck!”

My idea for Zen was to max his volley at 4 orbs, so he can’t one clip without either discord, a follow up shot or one of them being a headshot. And then also make it so he can hold his max amount of orbs for 0,5 seconds instead of 1 second.
Is taller earthshatter really what rein needs?
Why rework Fortify?
Is Road really in need of a buff, i think he would be fine if Dva wasn’t overtuned.
WTF 30% ds on Bastion, WHY?
Ana doesn’t really need more damage though.
The dive tank and Reaper changes seem fine to me. :slight_smile:

Reaper and hanzo will have the same problem than brigitte…

They will get destroyed by the high movility burst and constantly damage of the dive.

Im talking about high ranks/owl dive.

Maybe only on owl.

Nerfing dive alone is pointless. Better to buff anti-dive heroes until a range of comps are viable. If you just nerf dive into the ground it will simply be replaced by some other all conquering comp (probably triple / quad tank, remember how much fun that was?).

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You don’t need to nerf it to the ground, just to the point where it isnt the optimal strategy on 90% of maps.
And you know, just because the strat is still called triple/quad tank, doesn’t mean it resembles the old strat with 100% healing boost Ana, 400 armor Dva and 6 sec cooldown one shot interdimensional hook Roadhog. :slight_smile:


Hook 1.0 LETS GOO!!!



This is a good post. There is no point playing whack a mole with the meta by introducing nerfs. That throws the baby out with the bathwater. But we will always have metas. We will always have new balances. Think how many players there are. Think how many heroes there are versus a lineup. Think how many abilities there are. The permutations are almost infinite for determined min maxxers.

Nerf Tracer and a bit (they are really overtuned right now). Buff Torb, Sym and Mei a bit.

Torb in his current state already stop dive by himself if the enemy don’t have a (or their is bad). All dive heroes are countered by either turret or armor (in case of Tracer, both), except Which is fine, is a good turret breaker. If you allow Torb to be in more equal footing against (or as I said, nerf her a bit), a good Torb can shut dive down even in OWL tier.

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Yeah the hook 1.0 was good vs dive… but he was a lot better vs low movement heros.

I still remember the roadhog flanker…

Yes, a meta will always exist. But a map dependant meta is what i think the OW team is going for. So it isn’t, “lets play dive, because dive is the best” but instead is, “lets play dive becuase we’re on Numbani 1st point attack.” :slight_smile:

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The problem is that also on defense the dive is the best choice on the majority of the maps…


Mccree for good Pharah maps, Reaper for bad ones.

easy, address the fact that Dva can do everything in the game. DPS, Tank, Dive, zone… yep, full kit, and takes forever to kill her if she’s being healed. And even if you kill her… oh guess what, she only de’mech’d… gotta do another 150 dmg on a tiny model… otherwise, GG, she gets her OP mech back.

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No, because she slows and stops enemies who are already slow. She can’t do anything about heroes who just run away.

That’s how Dive became meta(bubble and matrix changes) so that’s how it’s gonna die.