Best way to nerf the dive?

Some players think that a good way to.nerf the dive is nerfing the dive tanks or just nerf flankers like tracer/genji.

But i think that some nerfs or reworks can destroy for example or winston…

Also brigitte on my opinion, she will counter the dive only on low ranks. But not on OWL or high ranks. Especially on OWL.

Then maybe the best way to nerf the dive is do a SMALL nerfs to each dive hero?

Small nerf to genji + small nerf to tracer + small nerf to winston + small nerf to = a decent nerf to dive meta.

With this method we dont need any rework or something like that. Also maybe we dont need continue giving movement habilitys to all heros :confused:

Maybe im wrong… who have a diferent way to nerf or counter the dive?

(Sorry for my english :stuck_out_tongue: )

Nerf Zenyatta’s right-click to have a 0.8 cooldown post use, Revert D.Va back and give her a Minimum Range again, and give Winston’s bubble a 15 second cooldown.
Buff Reinhardt so he has 3 meter Earthshatter again. Rework Fortify to a 3 sec duration and 7 second cooldown. 6 second hook but 20% head hitbox increase(reverting a buff). Give Reaper 25% lifesteal. Give Bastion 30% Ironclad and have mas damage reduction at 60% instead of 50%. Give Ana 80 Damage. Easy

Bring old hogs hook back with the cool down


I rather see some proper buff to defense heroes who are supposed to counter mobile heroes.


One word, Brigitte. If she actually gets played, she’s a good nerf to dive.

I assume your talking about Mei. She doesn’t counter mobility. She denies areas and counters immobility with her wall and freeze. She has never countered mobility, was never supposed to, and never will.


She will get destroyed really fast by a owl dive team…

Just zen use orb on brigitte and the dive jump over her. Goodbye anti dive hero.

Also sombra can hack her… and goodbye

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Sombra is terrible versus armor, along with Winston, D.Va and Tracer. Brigitte has massive amounts of armor and cc. She counters Dive.


Tracer = Brigitte will be a great counter to her once she gets in.

Genji = Adjust deflect’s hitbox so that it’s only right in front of him, and make the hitbox more visible.

Winston = Revert his shield back to it’s previous state where the cooldown didn’t start until the shield was gone. = Make it so that no other abilities can be used while DM is up.



For the last time, Brigitte can still ohk tracer, and only tracer.


They’ll figure it out.

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…Hate to be that guy but…

Baby D.Va

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Can she? Oh I thought they took that out when they tweaked her last. My bad.

sure, add out of mech dva in the list too.

delete Genji or Tracer add JetPack Cat

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He’s been meta ever since he got his right-click and his spread buffed. He’s considered slightly broken in the pro meta. This is nerfing a part of a previous buff by half. It is a very small but necessary change.

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It’s not just about her as an individual but the type of team comp that has to build around her. If the team synergizes around her, the armor combined with hard crowed control and brawling style comp is anti-dive.

Replace Moira with Lucio so you can actually move, replace Sombra with Zenyatta so you have ample healing and replace Roadhog with Reaper so you can kill things consistently.

I with you on all those changes except maybe the Roadhog one. He does bring in additional crowd control with his hook which is nice to have against dive. Plus he has a lot of sustain.

The only problem with the comp either way is it is pretty vulnerable to something like a Pharah counter pick. Hook might mitigate that some if they can get close enough to pull her out of the sky. But maybe replace hog with a McCree instead of the Reaper?