Best way to nerf the dive?

That would make volley worse than it was before, which will just make it useless. No. Earthshatter can’t hit payloads or double jumping Genjis atm, you’d be surprised at the difference it makes. Fortify is too much of an investment at the moment, Orisa is a free kill without it. The cooldown is also a total of 14 seconds so if you block one one pin, he can just charge you in 10 sec for free. Makes the Orisa Reinhardt matchup pretty unfair. Roadhog still can’t kill anything and offers no defensive utility. Being unkillable isn’t enough. Bastion is a 0% pickrate hero atm. Pick Sombra and he dies. He won’t define a meta at 30% ironclad. Ana was fine at 80dmg, so she should have that back. It would be a nerf to Tracer too.

How come Winston’s 600hp barrier on a 13sec CD and’s 2 second matrix match an Orisa barrier of 900hp on an 8 second CD in terms of tanking potential? Simple, Dive is not a battle of attrition. Dive’s success depends on getting the most value out of your lesser damage mitigation in the shortest amount of time. Call it a “burst” of value. By the time your barrier and matrix run dry, you’ve usually already acquired a pick(hopefully a support) and are now just collapsing on the rest of the enemy team with your advantage.

Straight up nerfing barrier with a CD revert would just make Winston worse outside of Dive without nullifying him in a dive. He only needs ONE solid engagement with ONE well placed barrier to do his job during a dive, the CD nerf will do nothing but delay his NEXT engagement by a few seconds after the team fight has already been decided.

If you really wanted to hurt Winston’s dive potential without making him utterly useless outside of it, you would actually decrease his barrier HP but reduce his CD a bit more to compensate. His shield uptime would improve overall but his effectiveness in securing that one pick during a dive would be hurt by the weaker barrier.


How is that version of volley worse? Before it was an actaul dps decrease to choose to charge up your shots. The dps would be same, you just can’t get picks before the fight has started.
Fair enough on Earthshatter, he’s my favourite hero anyways. :slight_smile:
But Orisa is already strong, she doesn’t need even more help.
Yeah, Roadhog can’t kill anything, thats why he has 19 hours of playtime in OWL, and is generally seen as one of the best climbing heroes in matchmaking. :wink:
But isn’t that like, essentially just pre-nerf Bastion, that literally defined the meta?
I just think Ana needs something else, she isn’t supposed to be a damage support, but i’m all for hidden Tracer nerfs. So i guess i would be fine with it. :slight_smile:

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