Being punished for natural disconnects is unreasonable and can be worked around

If playing overwatch is considered a priority. You better be earning money from it. Otherwise your priorities are ****ed up.

Since people who love in the country who don’t have access to anything but a shoddy internet tower that breaks twice a week don’t always have that option. It goes out completely then back on.

I’ve tried comp a few times but I can’t always rejoin no matter how quick the disconnect is.

The only thing that seems harsh to me is that reconnecting still gives you a loss.

If you have a very brief internet connection hiccup but can rejoin within a couple of minutes and still contribute to the win I don’t know why that’s an auto-loss.

Feels like there could be a better threshold on that then all or nothing.


Are you seriously just assuming EVERYONE has access to multiple ISP’s?

Let me educate you please.

Nearly 90 percent of the ISP’s in the United States ALONE have exclucivity clauses with nearly 98 percent of the towns and cities they give service. And even though they’re "supposed’’ to allow other carriers onto their lines? They either spike the price so competitors can’t afford to rent the lines, or they make deals with said competitors that they won’t compete. So effectively you HAVE NO CHOICE.

So there goes THAT theory of yours.

Also, are you SERIOUSLY just saying people can up and move because they don’t like their internet? WHERE DO YOU LIVE? ESTONIA? Picking up and moving because you don’t like your internet alternatives. Yes because that is a REASONABLE expectation of a nation who’s primary group of people make UNDER middle class wages. Yep, move for your internet for a SINGLE GAME. Yep.


There is no invasion of privacy. The app doesn’t even have to SEARCH FOR THEM. 90 percent of the logs are public knowledge.

Blizzard doesn’t have to know. It doesn’t even have to transmit that data untill called for. And as long as they are transparent about it who cares?

it’s not sugar coating anything, I’m telling you facts. It’s not hard, and certainly not predatory… stop twisting my words to fit your narrative.

HOW? IF YOU UNPLUG THE MODEM YOU LOSE YOUR IP ADDRESS!! BLIZZARD ALREADY HAS THAT WHEN YOU CONNECT TO THEIR SERVERS. IT’S AN OUTWARD FACING THING. All the app has to do is transmit the fact that the router, or pc has lost an ip address. It takes literally 1 to 2 minutes to determine for a computer if the modem was accidentally unplugged, or if purposefully. Well within Blizzards means of coming to the same conclusion. Also, it’s not that hard for the game to determine if you pressed leave, or alt-F4’d. And all crashes are logged. so that is already capable of being sent. Hell, the game even gives you an event debugging thing, and asks you to send it to overwatch. Which most gamers do use.

So then you go by the reasonable percentage of people who DON’T send in logs wich you don’t need info from someone’s pc to determine, and determine how many of those are gonna be people who just unplugged their stuff. And you assume say 5 to 10 percent of those people are the culprits. So, you say automatically punish those smaller amounts. less people hit by innapropriate punishments, and easily defendable results for people to give to blizzard to defend themselves from said punishment.

Not everyone is the raging monster you assume them to be. I’d bet the numbers are alot lower than you are expecting.

I love you for this post. It’s so logical, and actually says everything i’ve been trying to say. Yet they don’t seem to get it. its perfectly doable, people just dont’ want them to either because they’re the cuplrits, or they’re computer illiterate. Or they’ve fallen for all the fear mongering about personal data they think everyone is after their data.

But why even play comp if you disconnect regularly? It’s 1) annoying for yourself, because you can’t finish games and 2) extremely egoistic regarding your teammates.

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Not consistently. You’re honestly more likely to keep it, and I meant betwen the modem and router.

It’s unplugged either way. There won’t be a difference.

It’s trivial to log into the router and kick someone off their DHCP IP or get a fresh IP for the router.

I don’t assume people are ragequitters. In fact I assume the exact opposite given the current system, the majority are people who should be kicked off comp until they fix their internet. But add a loophole and there would literally be no reason to not exploit it for free SR, and those ragequitters are gonna multiply. You’re underestimating how far someone would go to screw other people over.

It’s not hard to make a crash arbitrarily happen, through software or physical means.

The punishments are fine, striking a balance between letting first time offenders off easy and stomping out people with bad internet or ragequitters rather quickly. The only thing that needs to happen is a giant obnoxious blinking red FIX YOUR INTERNET AND ENSURE ADEQUATE TIME TO DEDICATE TO A MATCH warning for the duration of the suspension.

No one really cares if you can or not, or even what your problem really is, we just want you out of our comp games.

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And how to you propose Blizzard access this information from the client’s OS, if they pulled the plug? Yes internally you can easily see if the plug was removed or not, but we’re externally here. On the server’s side they can only see that they lost connection to the client. Whether it was an intentional pull of the plug, a disconnect due to server drop-out or for what ever reason, isn’t possible to easily find out.

The problem stays the same, it’s impossible for the server to know anything about the client if the plug is pulled. It’s impossible to make a detection program that can accurately determine if the loss was man-made or due to some other problems.

Really? People are suggesting MOVING WHERE YOU LIVE as a viable solution?

“There is software embedded in all OSs that can can be called to detect if there is a cable or valid network connected.”

How is broadcasting over the internet that a network cable is being physically unplugged not a HUGE security risk? You don’t know what you are talking about. Assuming that you are wrong. Which you are. Then the problem has NO SOLUTION.

If you cannot guarentee the time commitment, if you cannot guarentee that your wifi will hold strong, if you cannot guarentee your hardware will be able to run the game effectively for x amount of time… Dont play competetive, and if you do accept that the punishment is in fact all on you.

If your computer struggles to run the game, if your wifi isn’t stable, if for some reason you decided to play during a storm, and you DC?

You’ve just ruined a game for 11 other people.

Take the 30 minute + SR penalty.

If you keep doing this and you’re banned for the season/drop rank? Accept it, and fix the problem.

I do not want my games comprised because you want Blizzard to take it easy on you because your equipment cannot handle the game.

A 30 minute penalty and SR loss for a sudden DC out of the blue isn’t even bad. I’ve had a random blackout pull me from a comp game once before, and I decided not to play for a few days just in case (overkill I know, but something messed up with a powerline by my house and at that time I didn’t want to drop that low in SR for something genuinely out of my control)

and you completely ignored mine. I know they do. and if blizzard were to put anything into your computer that would read that, people would freak out. it borders spyware. now go away.

You’re purposefully ignoring everything we’ve said aren’t you?

The server has to wait anyway till you log back in to give you the punishment, or at least serve it to you. And obviously if said person is back within say 10 minutes, it’s easy to poll the client program to look into said logs that have been stated.

If client log polling does say the network cord was unplugged, which normally you are assigned a local IP then, and the router tells you there’s no internet, and it knows WHY (either no connection from modem e.g. unplugged cable, or there is no signal e.g. cable plugged in, but no signal from modem. Which both are logged.) It can determine: if cable was unplugged, then most likely malicious activity. Which should result in a punishment. If no signal from modem give them the benefit of the doubt.

No it doesn’t. EVERY PROGRAM you install CAN REACH ALMOST EVERY FILE on your computer at any given time. So by YOUR DESCRIPTION the game itself is spyware lol.

People only freak out, because of over active imaginations from people like you no doubt. Who is probably an over zealous privacy nut.

So lets ban all games cause they read your files on your harddrive. Because they’re files on your drive. Whether you put them there or not, it’s reading files, so it’s not allowed to read anything on my drive.

you’re right, any program can, yet many do not, because they respect boundries and recognize consumers would freak out if they didn’t. Like the examples i’ve already given.

yeah, i’m sure that’s it. Not the fact you’re literally saying let blizzard know when you’re on and offline… “for the greater good” of course. Like you realize how creepy that actually is, right?

What?? (please give me the drugs you’re smoking)

They ALREADY KNOW WHEN YOU’RE ONLINE CAUSE YOU’RE ON THEIR SERVERS! What the heck are you thinking I’m saying? probe you while you’re doing something else, NOT on their program? Are you purposefully being obtuse? Of course i’m not saying they access your machine while you’re not playing the game. THAT would be spyware. But while you’re accessing their servers anyway, they have EVERY RIGHT, to monitor everything going on in your machine for the sake of anti-cheat. Which they already scan your pc all the time without your permission…

So your whole argument is thrown out the window.

yeah, when you connect to their servers, which is completely different from reading if you’re online or not while not connected to their servers, which is your entire suggestion to begin with.


No i’m not. Read my previous posts again there buddy. I NEVER ONCE suggested that and wouldn’t. Don’t put words or even ideas in my mouth. Cause unless i said it, I AIN’T SAYING THAT. Once again, changing my words, to fit YOUR narrative.

The server isn’t waiting for punishment, it just detects that you left the game early and punishes. It’s not waiting for the client to respond before doing any action, the action is already taken, you just get the information when you’re back in that you’ve been punished for leaving.

As for the client looking into local files, that’s not possible legally. Warden got a lot of heat and still is, and that’s just a hash snapshot of the computer. If the client started sniffing into local files it would break a whole heap of laws which are in place for very good reasons. Apple, Google and Facebook have all gotten their hands smacked for sniffing into local files on people’s devices. In Europe we have GDPR as well so legally they can’t even take a whiff of what you have of local files and look into them.

And also; changing that system log on the fly is extremely easy. That’s another issue you see, anything stored locally can easily be manipulated. Rendering the entire system void to begin with.

So between the legal issues and the fact that manipulating a system log is easy, it still stands that it’s impossible for Blizzard to figure out if it was an intentional drop-out or not.

I run a custom OS on my router. Not hard to get windows to log whatever I want it to.

This is a free reset and we all know it will be used as such.

Trust me, corporate and federal auditors get very upset if something is insufficiently isolated even if nothing actually happened. VMs with GPU passthrough are also really not that hard.

it’s literally op’s forth point that you’re defending.

How would you do that exactly?

Oh yeah, looking at the same files number 3 would have to sniff out.

you’re not this daft my dude. Blizzard would need to read private files on your pc, you would need to give them that permission, and that would sketch too many people out. End of.